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Thread: A Bridge To...?(Adelaide)

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    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    So, why does everyone keep calling me Mr. Blonde?

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    Aurelias Kazaar's Avatar
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    A Bridge To...?(Adelaide)

    continued from here

    Brentaal IV- The Foppa Kesler Cemetery- Two Miles Outside Of 'Mandy-town'

    Hardly ever rained on Brentaal, but when it did it was like buckets poured outta th'sky. It drenched th'land, washin' it clean from all th'industry, pollution, smugglin', and all th'other fine stuff which made Brentaal th'planet it was. Wasn't a bad place t'live; helluva lot nicer than Nar Shaddaa or Tatooine but left 'nough t'be desired. Except f'when it rained. When th'water poured outta th'sky, soaking his skin, drenchin' his hair, helpin' him think. Kazaar loved th'rain. Especially now.

    He hadn't touched alcohol f'almost two weeks, which was th'longest he'd gone without a drink inna while. Normally he'd grab a beer with dinner, then a shot or two later on at night (just t'take th'edge off), but he hadn't felt like drinking. It'd been tough, especially after Del's letter. Kazaar ended up spending four hours just kinda starin' at it, reading it over and over 'gain. Tryin' t'understand how he'd missed seeing his kid even once. Estelle'd spent most of th'time with him, just there in support. Th'odd thing 'bout it was, he'd asked her t'be there...just show her support. She didn't have t'say anything, just be there. Kept him from going off into the abyss...which when ya think 'bout it...wasn't a good idea.

    But when th'time came for Kazaar t'head for Brentaal, he asked t'do it alone. "Gotta handle this myself, Kid." He'd told her as he strode up the ramp to The Flying Dutchman. "Much as I appreciate ya help, I need t'do this alone. I gotta see my son's grave."

    So here he was. Starin' at the grave Jason Russard had paid for with his own creds. Wasn't too fancy (neither Kazaar or his ex-ex-wife were), but it made its point. A small holographic portrait was at th'top of the gravestone, ever shinging. The boy's face was his own, just with more happiness and Adelaide's eyes. He had a podracer in his hands and looked up into Kazaar's eyes and smiled. "Brentaal 'Ace' Kazaar." The insciption read. "A racer kept off the track. Taken before his time." Kazaar closed his eyes as he read the heartfelt words, his left hand brushing the water offa his face. It was a futile gesture, given the drenching rain, but a gesture none the less.

    Plus, it kept the tears from stinging his eyes.
    Last edited by Aurelias Kazaar; Jun 14th, 2008 at 11:31:04 PM. Reason: spelling


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