"Y'gotta be frackin' kidding me!" Kazaar punched th'nearest window. The reinforced glass spider-webbed and Kazaar swore as pain shot into his hand and up his arm.

"You're paying for that," Osqui admonished him from his seat before taking a sip of tea.

"Yeh. Yeh. Send the bill t'Gorgja, Squidface." Kazaar puffed on his cigar, letting the smoke swirl 'round his face. To both Estelle and th'hangar bay operator, the smoke made Kazaar look even more like some kinda ancient warrior, rather than the bodyguard he was.

"I thought ya said you could fight off any kinda attack that might come your way. It's why I park The Dutchman here."

The Quarren's eyes flashed and shook his robes, in an attempt t'bring some kinda dignity back to his bruised frame, "It's tough to ward off Trandoshans who carry rail detonators Kazaar. You of all people should know that."

The Rebel spy waved his hand dismissively and 'The Kid' stepped in, "You said you were approached by some Trandoshans. What else happened"

Osqui took another sip of tea, before he spoke in his fishbowl voice, "They said they were from Gorgja, here for your ship. I told them they couldn't without proper identification, specifically from you, Kazaar. But they said it wasn't a problem."

The Quarren's tentacles wiggled as he continued, "It was then I shut the heavy doors and went for my blaster. A moment later, everything was on fire and I was nursing a head and stomach ache.

"You look like you had an interesting night yourself, Kazaar. How did you run afoul of the Eclipse? I thought you avoided slavers?"

Kazaar's smirk was tired and his black eyes hooded. "Don't ask Osq. They say where they were goin'?"

"No. And I wasn't in any position to ask," Osqui took one more sip of tea, before setting it down on the panel near him. "Now if you don't mind, you'll have to leave. I need to talk to the insurance company about the damage. When you get your ship back, we'll talk about your rent too."

The Brentaal-raised Alderaanian glowered at the Quarren, "Thanks, Osq, you're a real frackin' pal.

"Let's go, kid. I don't wanna tread on squidhead's tentacles. What're left of 'em."

The duo strode towards their speeder, Estelle trying t'keep up with the angry Kazaar's long strides.

"Frackin' lizadheads're trying t'box me in, kid," Kazaar slammed th'speeder door with a loud thud. "Make me play their own game."

He set his jaw and it almost looked like he was gonna bite off the end of his lit cigar. When he spoke, Kazaar's voice was dangerous.

"I'm gonna kill 'em, kid. Every single of of 'em. And if it means Gorgja dies too..." his voice trailed off.

Then he gave a weary half-smirk, "Guess we'll cross that bridge when we get t'it."