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Thread: So..Do we kill the Duro?

  1. #1
    Bambi Maddox

    So..Do we kill the Duro?

    Imperial Center - Residential High Rise building (Sorsha Kasajian)

    "I dont give a womprats-ass that you weren't expecting me, call the turbolift"

    The soldier stood firm, despite the fact that Maddox bested him by three inches and could quail a man with one eye, better than most men could with two.

    "Press the little button and I wont take yer head off yer shoulders"

    She saw his eyes flick up to the sword strapped across her back. To his credit he kept his wits and making a compromise, tilted his head to speak into his comm, "Visitor for the Empress's Hand, permission to admit?"

  2. #2
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Sorsha's voice rasped in annoyance back over the comm ::

    "Let her in ... imbecile. She's family."

  3. #3
    Bambi Maddox
    Bambi's smile was smug as she stepped inside the lift, the soldier watching her with a sullen expression as the doors closed after her.

    They opened once again into the top floor apartments of the building, where there were more guards on either side of the lift as she exited. "Hey, boys" Maddox greeted them amiably. No more delays.

    Another soldier marched towards her briskly and gesturing Bambi to follow, led her into a fabulously decorated living room.

    "Wait here please" he said levelly.

  4. #4
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: A brief moment passed before Sorsha appeared to greet her. Her appearance had radically changed since last they met. Her hair was close cropped and wild, and all she wore was a simple white shift ::

    "Hello, Bambi."

  5. #5
    Bambi Maddox
    Maddox was taken aback at Sorsha's appearance and made no attempt to conceal it.

    "What the frell have they done to you?"

    She glared murder at the soldier standing stiff at attention across the room.

  6. #6
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Sorsha's eyes trailed to the soldier Bambi was glaring at. ::

    "Leave us." she hissed, then waved for Bambi to enter the bedroom.

    "I've missed you." she sighed. "I've missed you alot."

  7. #7
    Bambi Maddox
    She strode into the bedroom, taking in the shambles of it at a glance.

    Maddox was incensed. She'd thought the 'promotion' to Empress's Hand would have elevated the Black Nebula Vigo to a station of near untouchableness. Obviously, that was not true. She'd never seen Kasajian look so undone, vunerable. It infuriated Maddox.

    "I'll kill 'em for you Sorsha, all of them. Gimme some names, I'll make them pay"

  8. #8
    Sorsha Kasajian
    "No." she sighed.

    :: Sorsha sat, waving for Bambi to join her ::

    "I'm glad you came. We need to talk."

  9. #9
    Bambi Maddox
    Bambi sat beside Sorsha with her good eye-side toward her and supressed the angry feelings.

    "Alright, its true Ive something to discuss with you" she said, her gaze continuing to take in the state of the room with a more detailed attention, "But it can wait...What is on your mind?"

  10. #10
    Sorsha Kasajian
    "I'm officially under House Arrest by order of the Empress."

    :: She ran her fingers through her cropped hair, wearily.

    "Long story ... " she groaned. "... you go first."

  11. #11
    Bambi Maddox
    Ohhh, so it was an issue of a more personal nature. Maddox knew Sorsha and the new Empress were good friends -- or had been, atleast. She'd seen them together at dinner one time at Sorsha's restaurant and had assumed the trust between them absolute, evidenced by Sorsha's appointment as Hand. Perhaps they'd had a falling out over a man...? Bambi shrugged, that kind of thing rarely ever got fixed. Women never made friends when a lover was to be the difference.

    "Im sure it wont be for long" she encouraged, lying kindly.

    "My problem is much easier to fix" She turned a candid gaze to her boss, "Do you know OW has taken over the Nebula? And that your cousin has backed him?" Sorsha took her time responding and Bambi took it for shock at the news. "Shall I kill them for it?" she offered, eager to ease the woman's sense of betrayal.

  12. #12
    Sorsha Kasajian
    "No." she sighed. "I've turned things over to them out of neccessity. I'm sorry I didn't contact you sooner, but as you can see, my life has become complicated."

  13. #13
    Bambi Maddox
    Maddox sucked on her lower lip - not an attractive habit, but one she fell into whenever she paused in thought.

    Disappointed that Sorsha had not seen it necessary to keep her in the loop, and disappointed that she would not get to make the little Duro squeak, Bambi decided there were bigger things that needed discussing.

    "What do you plan to do?" she asked, referring to Kasajian's current predicament.

  14. #14
    Sorsha Kasajian
    "Nothing." she replied. "I serve the Empress til death, and my life is hers to do with however she sees fit. Everything between us has changed, but my love for her is eternal."

  15. #15
    Bambi Maddox
    Sorsha's answer left Maddox feeling dissatisfied. Bambi was a woman of action and not happy with the thought of doing nothing.

    Kasajian spoke of love, and love was not passive. Or atleast, it shouldn't be. Bambi fidgeted.

    "How can you just sit here?" she demanded.

  16. #16
    Sorsha Kasajian
    "What would you have me do? Kill all the guards and walk out of here?"

    :: She looked deep into Maddox' eye ::

    "Don't damn me for what I've chosen. Who have you ever been in love with?"

  17. #17
    Bambi Maddox
    Boy, was that a loaded question. There was no way Maddox could freely answer and not add to the sting of Sorsha's betrayal. The closest thing Bambi had been to love was with Grym, her friend and mentor AND an employee of Sorsha's rival in the Black Sun, Sasseeri Reeouurra.

    "Love's no good if it destroys who you are Sorsha" she answered instead.

  18. #18
    Sorsha Kasajian
    "I've had plenty of time to discover who I really am. Shall I show you?"

  19. #19
    Bambi Maddox
    Maddox wasn't quite sure what Sorsha meant and felt a little nervous all a sudden.

    "Sure" she said, more boldly than she felt. In the back of her mind, Bambi wondered if she'd need to pull her knife.

  20. #20
    Sorsha Kasajian
    :: Sorsha hopped up to retrieve a marble from the table top, and set it in the center of the floor before walking back over to Maddox ::

    "Look." she grinned, sitting down on the floor.

    :: She'd spent 12 hours of every day focusing her will upon the tiny marble. It became the sole activity of her waking moments other than stopping for meals. Nothing else mattered.

    Slowly, right before Bambi's eyes, the marble rolled to Sorsha in a straight line of it's own accord, and into her waiting hand. She beamed up at her friend in child-like glee, noting the reaction on her face ::

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