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Thread: Vice attacks open

  1. #1

    Vice attacks open

    Vice had the feeling to fight someone he couldnt stand nought
    to attack the next person he saw. So he went to a bar looking for
    trouble and he knew he was going to get trouble.When he walked in the bar he saw someone trying steel a womens money
    so he grab the mans shoulder and throws the man against the
    wall the man makes a quick whistle and then three other men
    rush in the door leaving Vice four to one. Vice quickly drew his
    sword slicing one of the men before any of the other men knew what happend. Then the men drew their swords out swinging
    in all derictions,Vice tryed to block best as he could but that
    was,nt gould enough one of the men grazed Vices arm. Then
    suddenly a man rushed threw the door of the bar toward the
    men Vice thought that the man was coming to help the three
    other men trying to kill him but when the man got there he helped Vice by cuting one of the men then the other man
    leaving one man not wounded. The last man tryed to run but
    Vice stoped him by throwing a dagger pinning the man to the
    wall. The man who helped Vice left quickly left the bar. Vice left
    bar also,wandering if coming ther was a mistake.

  2. #2
    Oolana Taine
    Seated in the bar was a fair skinned woman dressed in black, who found the situation the just occured to be very amusing.

    Oh to be young again

    Vice reminded Oolana of days past when she too loved to wrecklessly cause trouble where ever she went. Not to say she still didn't, she just usually had a plan first.

    She followed Vice out of the bar, but leaving some distance between them. What starts out as fun usually gets worse, so she decided to keep an eye on him, just in case the thieves and any friends decided to appear.

  3. #3
    imported_Raven Vain

    Vice attacks open

    Raven Vain was silently and patiently waiting out side of the pub for the troublesome young man to come out so he could accompany him for a short distance of wherever he may go. So far from what Raven had saw this certain young man could not handle himself for if he would have showed up any second later the young man would have been sliced and diced, all over being young and reckless.
    When Raven saw him walk out of the pub he was not alone for a short distance behind him was a women wearing black clothing, but that was not it, there was something in her eyes that looked familiar to Raven something he could not specifically make out, maybe she was an enemy in the past maybe she was a friend in the past or maybe there was nothing and his mind was just playing tricks on him. Whatever it was Raven wanted to find out so he swiftly walked up to the both of them and asked the young man what his name was and he replied, " My name is Vice, and thank you for all the help that you gave me in the bar." Raven then looked Vice straight in the eyes and strictly told him,” if you are going to go around causing problems then have a plan, or else consider your self a dead man these men around her mean business and they care for no one but themselves." Then Raven looked towards the women’s direction and asked her who she was and what she was doing at pub in the middle of the slums.

  4. #4
    Vice went on walking ignoring the women beside him.Vice thought
    that it wouldnt hurt to talk to her for a bit but he wasnt in any mood for talking after what had happen to him.

  5. #5
    Oolana Taine
    Oolana turned to Raven, "I am Oolana, and as for what I'm doing here, I was trying to enjoy a relaxing drink before this guy tried to tear the place apart." she replied pointing to Vice.

  6. #6
    imported_Raven Vain

    Vice attacks open

    Well nice to meet you Oolana I am Raven. As you can see I am going to accompany Vice for as long as I can. I have certain business to get done around here. I can not say what I have to do, but I can tell you one thing. It is not safe to travel alone around here. I think you should come with us, so what do you say? "Vice wait just a minute"

  7. #7
    Vice turned around and stoped not being able to belive that he was being asked to go whith a random person he didnt know but
    for some reason he scenced know harm so he said yes I will go whith you.


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