"That is true; I spent over a year in training with the Jedi Order on Coruscant and during my time with them I developed skills which have since given me an advantage in some of the more heated of business deals. Aggressive negotiations, if you will."

It wasn't long after saying this that I was more than happy to indulge myself in a laugh prior to explaining my estranged relationship with the Jedi Order; the revelation here, I was almost sure, would be more help to my future with the Sector Rangers and Sasseeri than a detriment; her body language and little twinges of emotion sensed through the Force told me I was on the right track.

"However, as noble and honorable my training with the Jedi might appear on a resume, it's not entirely what it seems; I had been payed a vast sum of money to infiltrate the Jedi Temple, join their ranks and attain a certain artifact from the catacombs on Yavin IV. The item was of particular worth to my employer and on top of the credits, I managed to obtain some useful Jedi traits during my time under a mentor."