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Thread: Dead Man Walking

  1. #21
    Ishmel Rykov
    Ishmel sneered that he had to look away from what was left of the rodian. His arms were covered to the elbow in blood, but not anything like that had bothered him before. Just another grey liquid among the many thousands he would never be able to differentiate.

    His eyes widened at the sight of De'Ville herself heading towards them. Not that she was angry, but that he could practically seeing the strength trembling from her like an aura, an aura of hate, glorious in so many ways. He blinked and it was gone. Must have been the drink.

    His eyes narrowed as he looked to Salvestro, cursing his name beneath his breath. What a moron.

    But she was here now and he would hopefully not have to deal with this man again. Ishmel stood on the mutilated body and faced her as she approached. He didn't really know what to say now that she was here since she had told him to come. He'd wait and get his answer soon enough.

  2. #22
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Salvestro was laughing, apparently secure in her good graces. De'Ville felt a tremble in the Force, and ducked, a bar chair flying over her head and towards the Apprentice. Straightening up, she glared at the two men, and pointed towards the door. "You two - out. Now."

    She ignited her lightsaber, and twirled around, slashing off the arm of a miscreant, and stopping just short of another's neck. Raising her voice through the Force, De'Ville ordered, "Stop this fighting! I will have peace in this bar in five minutes, or you will all bear the consequences!"

  3. #23
    I can't help but smile at Lilaena's display of power. Her voices echoes through the room and it sends a chill down my spine.

    "Honestly mommy it was all his fault." I shake my head and hold my hands up above my hand, "Don't hurt me! I'll go outside."

    I take a final swig of the beer before turning to the other patrons of the bar.

    "Goodnight gentleman, lovely time really, but I must be going now." I bow deep before jogging out into the chilled night.

  4. #24
    Ishmel Rykov
    Rykov watched the flamboyant scum ball flourish a bow and quickly leave. No one really seemed to pay attention to him, they were all watching the dangerous woman before them. De'Ville was definitely described as intimidating. Other words to place were those as dangerous and deadly. He didn't feel like seeing anything closely related to those happen to him so he quietly followed Salvestro outside, the blood still dripping from his hands.

    He stepped out and looked around at the authorities waiting outside. Held off for a reason? De'Ville's orders or simply a trap? They didn't seem all too ready to spring on him or Salvestro but he gripped the unused vibroblade cautiously.

    "Wonderful exit Scum ball. Why didn't you just stick your head in the rancor's mouth back there in front of De'Ville?"

  5. #25
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Gamertag: Lilaena Steam ID: jainhollie
    There was a sudden quiet in the bar as the two apprentices slipped out the front door. The man who's arm she'd removed was squirming on the floor, and the one who could almost feel the lightsaber on his neck was being...very...very...still...

    "She's just a woman!" Someone in the back was still feeling his oats, and a scuffle broke out around him once more, people pushing and shoving, some of the smarter ones trying to get to the exits. De'Ville took her blade away from the exposed neck, and then twirled around, her robes flowing outward as she sliced through a chair that was flying towards her back.

    Another swift turn and a man's head rolled to the ground. She almost casually cut her way through the press of people and out of the doors. "All right, Sergeant, you may arrest anyone still causing a disturbance. I will take my men out of here." She clipped her saber to her belt as the officers stared at the bloodied people emerging from the bar, and then moved to begin the job of cleaning up the ones who still had a bit of fight left in them.

    "I see the speeder is still here, Salvestro. At least you will not have to walk back to the palace." The two men found themselves getting into the long black speeder, and she closed the door behind her as she joined them. "Welcome to Onderon, Rykov. Had enough local flavor for the evening, I trust?"

  6. #26
    Ishmel Rykov
    "Quite enough."

    Ishmel examined the grey splotches of what really was dark red blood all along his arms for a moment before clenching his fists and cracking his knuckles. Exhilirating nonetheless though.

    "Thank you for the wonderful welcome party but I'm not sure I needed a dog to guide me back. A speeder with a quiet driver would've been fine, I'm sure."

    His grey eyes drifted from De'Ville to Salvestro with a slight sneer in his lip. He really did hate Scumball but he was sure he would unfortunately have to see him again after this night.

  7. #27
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    "Oh, Salvestro is a dog, that is for certain. But remember, Rykov, we all start somewhere. And that is exactly where you are starting as well. Think of him as your...classmate. Confidante. The closest thing you will have to a friend." She winked at the silent Salvestro, and then centered her attention on the vain Ishmel.

    "You will be staying in a room in the servant's quarters in the palace. You will have duties to fulfill, which include doing whatever I ask you to do without questions. In return you will receive training in the opportunity to become more than what you are. You can either accept this, or not. If you do not, the speeder will take us to the spaceport, and you may buy yourself passage off of the planet."

    Lilaena sat back, draping an arm on the top of the seat, her fingers nearly tickling Salvestro's neck as she looked across at the potential apprentice. "Or, if you accept, we will continue on to the palace and your training will begin in the morning."

  8. #28
    I grin at Lilaena's words as I stare down my "classmate".

    "Oh this will be absolutely wonderful. Me and Ishmel. Ishmel and me. Buddies. I can see it all now." I clap my hands in mock enthusiasm, "I truly hope you stay...."

  9. #29
    Ishmel Rykov
    Ishmel's lip quivered in a snarl towards Salvestro. He might be Rykov's classmate but so far she hadn't mentioned anything about not killing him. And De'Ville's tickling the scumball only increased the disgusting feeling he held for him. Like someone patting a dog's head.

    He debated the proposal. This was the first time she had mentioned the catch he had been expecting and living in the servant's quarters made him sound like some butler than anything else. Rykov had lived in the slums but never as someone's servant. But he knew he hadn't been contacted to clean up after people's dinners. And the temptation of the Force training? Rykov didn't even know that he had it in him. He only knew his hatred for nearly everything that existed and then some.

    "Accepted. Continue onwards then."

  10. #30
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Gamertag: Lilaena Steam ID: jainhollie
    "Wonderful." She made no moves to talk to the driver, having instructed him to drive to the palace in the first place. Her hand was resting on the back of the seat, away from Salvestro's neck. Although it might have appeared she had touched him, she had not.

    "We will be there shortly."

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