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Thread: Silent Bob and Jay Ship Training

  1. #1
    Darth Viscera

    Silent Bob and Jay Ship Training

    This mission for you is a further test of your abilities as a future Fleet Commander.

    Ensign Silent Bob and Jay, you will be commanding a medium Taskforce with the following ships under your flag:

    Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Mk.II Subjugator
    Victory-Class Star Destroyer Mk.II Adamant
    Victory-Class Star Destroyer Mk.I Hammer
    Interdictor Cruiser Constrainer
    Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser Corusca Fire
    Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser Balmorra's Wrath
    Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser Mantooine Terror
    Carrack Light Cruiser Dominant
    Carrack Light Cruiser Predominator
    Carrack Light Cruiser Subdominator
    Carrack Light Cruiser Dominator
    Imperial Assault Transport Undaunted
    Imperial Assault Transport Dauntless

    You are currently blockading an Imperial World that is in the process of uprising against Imperial Rule.
    The World is called Ghorman.

    Before your Assault Transports and Star Cruisers can launch their troops which will bring peace back to the world, and supplement the Imperial Garrison which is already in place, a Rebel Taskforce arrives at the edge of the system. Your sensors indicate that the following Rebel ships have arrived:

    Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC80-mod. Home One
    Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC80 Independance
    Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC40 Maria
    Alliance Fire-Class Cruiser-Carrier Freedom
    Alliance Fire-Class Cruiser-Carrier Flurry
    Nebulon-B Frigate Redemption
    Nebulon-B Frigate Rebel Star
    Corellian Corvette Sparrow
    Corellian Corvette Shadow
    Modified Corvette Victorious
    Corellian Gunship Spear
    Gallofree Yards Medium Transport Success
    Gallofree Yards Medium Transport Paradigm
    Rebel Bulk Transport Lucrative

    The previous ships have full Starfighter Complements, and begin launching their fighters to challenge your blockade.
    Their main objective in this battle may be to deliver Rebel Troops to Ghorman, and secure the planet for themselves.
    Since the Rebel ship Home One appears to have arrived, it is believed that the rebel Admiral Ackbar himself is leading the taskforce, as it is his flagship.

    You are now in charge of the battle, Ensign Silent Bob and Jay. You may choose your flagship, and attempt to win the battle.

  2. #2
    Silent Bob and Jay
    As Jay looks at the flagship Home one, he decides to launch 2 squadrons of TIE Interceptors at the ship. He orders the TIE pilots to disable the ships defenses and offenses. He orders all the other SD's and Dreadnuaghts to launch 1/3 of their fighters. Jay commands that the forces to attack the Rebel forces. As the rebels busy themselves with the battle, Jay decides to attempt the real mission at hand. He sends Assault Transports and Star Cruisers to Ghorman. As the TIE interceptors race upon the fabric of space, they are followed closly by many X-wing and A-wing fighters. The X-Wings cannot compare to the Interceptors in speed, but the A-wings seem to dominate them. Jay releases 1 more Squadron from the Subjugator to help the imperials on the assualt. The TIE's manage to hold their own against the imperial forces. A smile forms on Jay's face as he sees the anarchy and chaos before him. He waits silently for the right moment to unleash the full power of his task force. He receives a message from the Hammer. He discovers the task force did not make it to Ghorman. He does not get angry, knowing that another shall be sent. He receives a meesage from Ghorman. The inhabitants of Ghorman are getting restless. Jay knows he must act decicive and quick.

    OOC: I've decided to make this one into an actual rp, due to the lacking of my *ahem* starfighter training

  3. #3
    Silent Bob and Jay
    Jay picks up his beepin commlink

    Jay: Yes?

    ???: THis is Admiral Ackbar. I demand you leave this world at once!

    Jay: Oh so I finally get to talk to you. It's an honor to converse with the great Ackbar.

    Ackbar: Cut the bull-DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-! I demand you rid Ghorman of this blockade immediately!

    Jay: Let me be frank with you. I will not remove the blockade. The empire strives for order in the galaxy, and I will help achieve it! I will let you live if you leave now.

    Ackbar: Ha! Who do you think I am?

    Jay: Very well, Have it your way.

    Jay clicks his commlinkoff and turns to the Captain

    Jay: Captain order all ships to release 1/2 of their star fighters. Order a quarter of those ships to disable the shields on the Mon Calamarian ship Home One.

    Captain: Yes sir!

    Jay: One more thing captain. The captain turns around. Order all Imperial Starships that are part of my task force to begin attack formation. We are not going to sit and wait anymore. Tell the other Starships to take as many prisoners as possible!

    Captain: Yes Sir! Right away SIR!

  4. #4
    Silent Bob and Jay
    As the Imperial forces fight against the Rebel scum, Jay sits staring out at the beauty of space. The Judacator and all other starships attacked the Rebel forces, along with the Imperial starfighters. The turbolasers of the Hammer pounded the Home One's hull. The shields on the Home One would not hold for long. Jay hoped they could rid of the Rebel's before anymore Imperial lives were lost. Starships from the planet Ghorman approached the battle. Jay had called in for backup some time ago. Half the ships seemed to be focused on the Home One. Jay knew if he captured Ackbar the Rebel forces would have no command. The Home One's shield was gone. Jay ordered that it be captured. Many Ion Cannons were fired to stabalize the once magnificent ship. Most of the Home One's offensive was gone. Suddenly Jay got word from Ghorman. A war had broken out on the planet

  5. #5
    Darth Viscera
    Please report to Strategic Command, Silent Bob and Jay.

  6. #6
    Silent Bob and Jay
    OOC-I posted there.


    Jay: Mother-DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-er! Stupid -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-ing civilians! Captain do we have the Home One in our tractor beam?

    Captain: Yes sir, the ship has just boarded.

    Jay: Good, how are our fighters doing?

    Captain: Since the reinforcements have come from GhormanWe seem to be holding our own.

    Jay: Snootch, ok tell the starships to release 1 squadron of TIE interceptors. Turn this ship around, we're heading for Ghorman.

    Captain: Ye-yes sir...

    Jay rises from his chair and takes the turbolift to the main docking bay. Imperial troops followed by many prisoners head to the detention area. Jay looks at the Home and smiles[/i]

    Jay: Crew Leader! Get me Ackbar! NOW!

    C.L: Yes SIR!

    Ackbar is brought before Jay. Jay looks at the Rebel commander and smailes.

    Jay: Ackbar care to join me in a drink?

    OOC 2-This ain't over yet.

  7. #7
    Silent Bob and Jay
    Jay sits at a table with Ackbar, who is restrained to the other chair. Jay puts down his beer and looks at Ackbar

    Jay: Admiral Ackbar, I finally get to meet you in person!

    Ackbar: What are you going to do with me?

    Jay: Snootch I came up with this plan all along. I call it Operation-Fishsticks

    Ackbar: Answer my questi-- Jay punches him in the face

    Jay: No, I will not kill you. You will become a prisoner of war. I still need you for something.

    Ackbar: And what might that b-- The Judacator's captain runs inside the room

    Captain: Sir we've landed on Ghorman.

    Jay: Excellent tell all space fighters to retreat back to the planet. I need about 10 stormtroopers to escort both me and Ackbar.

    Captain: Yes SIR!

    Jay exits the ISD with ten stormtroopers and Ackbar (in chains). Jay is confronted by many people and Imperial officers. Many lay dead on the spaceport grounds. Jay grabs the citywide commlink and clicks it on.

    Jay: People of Ghorman This is taskforce leader Jay. I have captured Admiral Ackbar, and scared off the rebels. I ask you to stop, as you have just seen the Imperials beat the Rebels, you know how strong we are. For the sake of this planet STOP! The Empire strives to bring Order to the galaxy. Those of you who do not stop will be placed under arrest. Have a nice day. And don't forget, SNOOGANS!

    Jay turns the commlink off and turns to the side

    Captain: Sir, most of the civilians have calmed down.

    Jay: Nootch, okay, just goes to show you captain thayt if you want something done right, do it yourself.

    Captain: Yes sir...

    Jay: Jay orders a stormtrooper to grab Ackbar. Jay kicks Ackbar. He walks back to his ship. His mission is completed

    Jay's Last Words: Snootch to the Mother-DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-in Nootch.

    OOC-It's over. I would've liked to make it bigger, but I didn't...

  8. #8
    Darth Viscera
    The Good: You are a good writer, and have a creative way of putting things.

    The Bad: You need to study up on your ships' strong points and weak points a bit more. It should have been difficult for your force to defeat the opposing force, and you should have described the space battles a bit more.

    Also, the cussing is more for use as OOC. For IC, normally Star Wars characters only say hell and damn.

    All in all, you did well. There is proof of that in that I gave you acting command of 3rd fleet.

  9. #9
    Silent Bob and Jay
    Thank you.

    *runs to the store and buys the Rogue Squadron series and starts to read*

  10. #10
    Darth Viscera
    Go here for ship info and starfighter info.


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