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Thread: Another Marzullo betrayal

  1. #1
    Darth Viscera

    Another Marzullo betrayal

    I have bribed Lord Dagger into betraying Itala Marzullo again. Dagger has Itala and his pitiful band stuck on a planet of his control, with defenses also under his control, much as we had on Frih'Tan V. For the small price of 3 Imperial Star Destroyers, 1 Interdictor Cruiser, 1,000,000 troops, and 2 outer rim planets, he will betray the Marzullos and attack them at the same time that we exit hyperspace with 1 SSD, 15 VSDs, and about 200 Interdiction pickets. We will then bombard the planet relentlessly and retake the Marzullos into custody, so they will be defeated in both the present and the future.

  2. #2
    Darth Phantom
    What planet? and when?

  3. #3
    Darth Viscera
    I forget, and soon.

  4. #4
    Darth Phantom
    ok, when you get the info please give it to me, I want to be prepared. The Marzullos will not escape this time.

  5. #5
    Imperial Jay
    I believe the planet is Gaea, and the thread is "A Birth of a Plague" or something like that...

  6. #6
    Emporer Hades
    I think some good NSDs with superlasers could do the job...oh...wait...(grrrrr, damn down-size rules)


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