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Thread: Another Drink, another day, another death

  1. #1
    Khendon Sevon

    Another Drink, another day, another death

    Khendon walks in and takes a seat. He then orders his usual, a unusual blue substance, and looks around.

  2. #2
    Darth Viscera

    Re: Another Drink, another day, another death

    *tosses him a bacta shake*

    That'll be 10 credits.

  3. #3
    Khendon Sevon

    Re: Another Drink, another day, another death

    Khendon looks at Viscera and covers his mouth to keep from lauhing, "Maybe this'll get ridda' my hang over." Khendon makes a cheers motion and swalls down the unusual, and scary, drink.

  4. #4
    Darth Viscera

    Re: Another Drink, another day, another death


  5. #5
    Khendon Sevon

    Re: Another Drink, another day, another death

    Khendon chucks 100 credits at Viscera and manages to nod... the strong beverage overtaking his stomach, trying to hold it down.

  6. #6
    Darth Viscera

    Re: Another Drink, another day, another death

    *looks at the credits*

    Do you want all 10 now, or one at a time?

  7. #7
    Khendon Sevon

    Re: Another Drink, another day, another death

    Khendon manages to say, "All at once, a big mug."

  8. #8
    Darth Viscera

    Re: Another Drink, another day, another death

    *places a big pitcher on the bar, then runs like hell*

  9. #9
    Khendon Sevon

    Re: Another Drink, another day, another death

    Khendon half smiles then starts downing the strong tasting liquid. "Blah" he manages out inbetween gulps. (bad hang over)

  10. #10
    Darth Viscera

    Re: Another Drink, another day, another death

    this could be good for business

  11. #11

    Re: Another Drink, another day, another death

    Yo Khendon, go buy something at a real store. Itll make ya feel better.


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