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Thread: I am Darth Tormentius.

  1. #1
    Darth Tormentius

    I am Darth Tormentius.

    I am a human from the planet Caleidi in the Outer Rim. As a child, I was different from other kids (due to my latent Force abilities), and was made fun of and bullied. I swore that one day, the tables would be turned and I would be the one tormenting others. My chance came when I was snatched from my home by a Sith Master, who used my hatred to turn me to the Dark Side- not a difficult task, as you can imagine. Now, after years of training, I am a vessel of pure hatred who is not content to simply destroy my enemies-- I must make them SUFFER!

  2. #2
    Dark Lord Dyzm

    Re: I am Darth Tormentius.

    Greetings! We have had a recent rush of New People, so training might not start for a day or two. But Make yourself at home. Just read the captions under each link and have a Evilly Good Time.

    Here Are Somethings You Might Need to Know:

  3. #3
    Lord Dagger

    Re: I am Darth Tormentius.

    I will be your master Darkth Tormentius, please post in the training ground


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