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Thread: *trains alone*

  1. #1

    *trains alone*

    *appears on the training grounds. She powers up, and fires about 7 or so ki blasts, she stops them in midair before they hit anything. She then closes her eyes, concentrating as she forms the ki into several shapes such as tigers, ppl etc...Once done, she opens her eyes and the ki objects seem to take lives of their own through Videl's mastery of living ki. The animals growl and bare their teeth and the ppl-like one's draw swords and other various weapons. Videl ignites her saber and motions for them to attack her*

    OOC: and now, I have writer's block again, so I'll write more later.....

  2. #2
    Darth Hershel

    Re: *trains alone*

    Hey there Videl, you training? You want I should kick your ass around for a while?

  3. #3

    Re: *trains alone*

    *looks up* nah, no thanks, I'm fine, I'm actually sparring with JC in another thread....


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