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Thread: Spar...Anyone?

  1. #1
    Big Bad Naga


    Anyone up for a good ol' fashioned spar?

  2. #2

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    I will spar with you, my fellow Sith

  3. #3
    Emporer Hades

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    Hahah, my good friend Naga is looking for a spar...I will just...spectate as Omnisoc tests his abilities...

  4. #4
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    OOC: Okay Omisoc...Basic Rules...We are sparring in a fighting arena...

    IC: Naga watches Omisoc and listens to the words. He smiles and extends his hand. Omisoc does the same. The Sith grabs Omisoc by the arm and throws him to the floor.

    "This spar will teach you many things Omisoc."

    Naga's body becomes rigid. Suddenly he jumps high and kicks the rising Omisoc back to the floor.

    "Prove yourself. Release your anger against me."

  5. #5

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    *gets to his feet, very angry then jump kicks BBN in his stomach making him bend, then knees Naga hard in the face. Then grabs him by the throat and choke slams him into the ground and stomps twice on his stomach extremly hard, then backs away in defensive stance*

  6. #6
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    Naga gets up and laughs. He had felt the pain from some attacks, but his reptilian scales had shielded him from most of the damage it would've done.

    He jumps at Omisoc and swings his tail in an attack. The tail hits Omisoc and knocks him aside. Naga grabs Omisoc with the Force and drags the brute toward himself. Naga enhances his strengths and kicks Omisoc into a wall.

    "You have much to learn. Give in to your anger!"

    He cooly walks over until Omisoc is only three feet away. Naga extends his hand in a choking motion. Omisoc grabs at his neck. Naga was using Force Choke...

  7. #7

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    *as Naga chokes him, Omisoc's eyes turn blood red in anger and he gets off his knees and to his feet slowly, and a kicks Naga in the gut making him let go of the hold, he lean against the wall to to catch his breath, the run at Naga with rage and cloths lines him to the ground jumps on him and rapidly punches him then back off still ragging and goes into defensive stance*

  8. #8
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    Naga rolls back and stands up. He suppresed his newfound pains with his anger.

    "I see you have given into your anger. Much hate I see in you."

    He extends a hand and throws Omisoc off balance. Before Omisoc can react, Naga rus to him and finishes the job by sweeping him off of his feet. Omisoc hit the ground with a large thud. The reptilian Sith used his tail and started to beat Omisoc with powerful lashes. Naga jumps back and relieves a lightsaber from his cloak. He ignites it with a snap-hiss.

    "Now attack me!"

  9. #9

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    *as he gets up from his knees he takes a dagger from his pant and throws it hard at Naga stabbing him in the stomach, barley breaking the skin but enough to cause pain. Omisoc the gets up and run at Naga and kicks the Dagger more in to him, then pulls it out and throws it away. He then takes Naga and DDT's him into the ground, then gets up and stomps extremly hard on Nagas stomach where the stab wound was making Naga cough up blood*

  10. #10
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    BBN grabs Omisoc's tail and swings him around. He throws him into a wall. When the rubble and dust clear, Naga stands above Omisoc. He stomps down hard on his face.

    "Kiss my Grits."

    Naga flahses his saber and misses Omisoc's head by an inch. He jumps back and Force Throws Omisoc onto a sharp rock. Naga feels down toard his stab wound. He closes it with the Force to stop the blood, but does not heal it. He embraces the pain and applies it to his anger.

    In a flash, BBN uses Force Speed and grabs, the now standing Omisoc. He headbutts him and sinks his teeth into his shoulders. Naga's saber contacted with Omisoc's skin. This was just enough to burn the skin layer. Naga finished off his attack with a roundhouse kick that sent Omisoc flying...

  11. #11

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    *Gets to his feet feeling like he was going to die and looked at Naga*

    You son of a b****, I ain't gonna give until I cannot fight any more, the only way I can't fight is if I am dead even if this is just a spar.

    *rips off his shirt and pulls out his Axe and then looks at his shoulder and enraged becomes Omisoc. He force pulls Naga toward him and smacked him in the stomach where the cut was make it bleed again, then smacked him in the head sending him fling *

  12. #12
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    Naga stops himself from flying. He jumps up high, and flips over Omisoc. Naga kicks him in the face.

    "Omisoc you never knew my mother. You have no right to call her that. You will pay in blood."

    Naga punches Omisoc in the face.

    "You do not deserve to fight me. You have never even used the Force against me. That is why you fail!"

    A strong Force Wind was summoned behind
    Omisoc. It knocked him into the air. BBN used an uppercut attack on Omisoc before he hit the ground.

    "Nothing is stronger then the Dark Side."

    Naga was a Master Illusionist. He placed a picture of Naga charging at Omisoc in his head.

    Meanwhile, BBN had flipped over Omisoc. He grabbed the hilt of his saber and hit Omisoc in the head. Omisoc fell down.

    Naga stepped back and began to tend to his somewhat minor wounds.

  13. #13

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    *As he staggered to his feet grabbing his head and looks around for something to use and sees nothing but his axe but it was behind Naga, so he decided to uses his brute strength*


    *He went head first into Nagas Stomach opening up the wound extremly badly and knocking the wind out of Naga. Then Omisoc layed on his face as he turned over his entire face was covered red with blood. Omisoc then crawled over to his axe and then came back to Naga and stood up as he was just about to take a finally blow with his axe, Omisoc disappeared into the shadows*

  14. #14
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    Naga closed tore off a peice of his clothing and wrapped it around his stomach. He closed his eyes and felt Omisoc's presenece. Naga jumpped at a shadow and knocked Omisoc into the open with his tail.

    "Come at me with all you got!"

  15. #15

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    *He stands up and walks over to BBN. Omisoc's face completly covered in Red blood he looked down on the face of BBN*

    You are extremly hard fighter to defeat, but no so hard that I cannot defeat you.

  16. #16
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    Naga's hand whips out and bats Omisoc to the side.

    "Let me show just how hard!"

    He proceeds to summon a few rocks from the wall rubble. BBN throws them at Omisoc with the Force. Eack rock pelts his skin, while one goes right through his gut. Naga grabs a dagger and runs at Omisoc with Force Speed. He slashes at his leg and scores a hit. Naga rolls back into a defencive stance.

  17. #17

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    *Walks over near were Hades is watching* Remind me never to spar BBN ok? *Sits down to watch*

  18. #18
    Big Bad Naga

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    Naga turns for a split second.

    Why is that?

  19. #19

    Re: Spar...Anyone?

    You just look good.


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