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Thread: Lady DeVilles Training

  1. #1
    Live Wire

    Lady DeVilles Training

    And the first official training session of tso!!!!!!!

    For the sake of ease we are doing it on msn...I am posting it here......

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *hands Lady DeVille a training ground saber and ignites her own*

    Jane-Holly says:
    *takes two steps back and ignites her saber, twirling it experimentally to get used to the weight and feel of it*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW stands ready a stern look in her eyes and says a single word* attack!

    Jane-Holly says:
    *LD fakes to the right with the saber, drawing LW attention away from the left....where she raises a fist sized rock and hurls it into LW ribs. LW notices it in time, and destroys it with her saber. LD moves in on her mistress, but each blow is parried harmlessly away. LW laughs, then catches LD's heel in her solar plexus, knocking the wind out of her*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW backhands LD in the face sending a trickle of blood down her face* Nice try with the rock as you get adept with the force you will be able to do that without your hands and it would then be an effective attact. *LW waits for LD to wipe the blood off of her face and get to her feet.* Again!

    Jane-Holly says:
    *LD rubs her hands on her tunic for a better grip on her saber* You asked for it *LD attacks LW with her saber and all her strength, viciously beating her back towards a corner. LW, about to find herself trapped, force jumps over LD's head to the other side. LD spins around, deflecting LW's saber away from her head. About to find herself in the corner, she creates a gritty dust whirlwind with the Force, and sends LW into a coughing fit*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW coughs as the dust swirls aroung her but uses the force to lift LD up into the air. LD in her confusion loses ability to control the dust. Suspened high in the air LW slams LD against the rock wall and hits her with a half power blast of force lightening. LD twitches under the jolt and drops her saber. LW calls the saber to her hand and lets LD fall to the ground but cushions the blow just enough so that LD doesnt get killed. LW walks over to her and points her saber at her chest*

    Jane-Holly says:
    I feel like my ribs have been pushed through my chest *groaning LD feels about in the Force for something....anything....and finds it. LW keeps the saber pointed at her apprentice's chest, watching to see if there's any fight left in her. LD squinches her eyes shut, gathering her anger and pain together, and slams it into a boulder on the top on the cliff. Just a nudge, and it tumbles down off the edge and straight towards both of them. LW, distracted by the danger, lets the saber move away from LD's chest. LD rolls and gains her feet just as the boulder smashes down to the ground, just missing them both on impact. LW is knocked to the ground by the impact, and LD is thrown farther away.

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW picks herself up from the ground and stares at the huge bolder and then looks to make sure her apprentice has not been permanently hurt. Both of the sabers in her hand LW throws back her head and laughs evilly* Very good! You used your anger and hatred. You could have killed us both....the anger flows through you! *LW waits for her apprentice to pick herself up off of the ground. LW spins both sabers in the air in front of her and ignites them with the force. The blades glow the two sabers spinning in tandem. She looks over at her apprentice...* can you keep the sabers moving in time with the force? You have the anger and the raw power but it lacks focus........use your mind keep the sabers still and turning together.

    Jane-Holly says:
    *LD stands with her feet spread apart for balance, and grabs her head with both hands. She Heals her splitting headache (not very well, it still hurts!) and focuses on the spinning sabers. Reaching out with the Force she grabs the sabers as LW releases them. LD keeps the spinning, with a wobble or two, and then slows down the spin, and reverses to a counter-clockwise spin. LD grins through her clenched teeth* Good enough YET?!

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW smiles as she watches her apprentice try and master the finer arts of the force.* Very good for a first try. *LW takes control of the sabers again and calls one to her hand letting LD call the other to her* That was an easy test. Now comes the harder part. Mastering a sabers movement while it is in flight. *LW had earlier set up flags along the floor, ceeling and walls of the training area LW throws her saber spinning into the air and while it rotates it flys around the room hitting the patter of red flags that LW had set up. With the last flag in shreads LW calls the saber back to her hand.* I know this is an advance maneuver but it is good for you to try. You will not always be able to control your saber with your hands. You may have to attack your enemy from afar. I dont expect perfection but you must at least try! Throw the saber keep it spinning along the path of those green flags and try and hit as many as you can. *LW stands back as LD studies the course before her*

    Jane-Holly says:
    *Hands on hips LD rotates the saber into a circular red disk, and slowly moves it through the course* Not spectacular, but I did it.

  2. #2
    Live Wire

    Re: Lady DeVilles Training

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW looks at her apprentice sternly* Good for a first try. Now do the same thing but faster. Keep your saber moving through the course you have the power in you. Now control it. Release it in a controlled manner and let the saber fly!

    Lady De'Ville says:
    *LD grits her teeth against her pounding headache, and closes her eyes. Raising her hands in front of her at chest height, palms up, she concentrates and... the saber spins wildly in a circle and races through the flags, shredding the fabric and burning her nose with the smell of ozone. After the saber reaches the end it does not stop, but continues at break-neck speed into the cliff face. Lady De'Ville opens her eyes and looks wryly at the smoking hole in the rock. She pulls the saber to her, and it lands in her palm, deactivated and warm.*
    Got a little out of control there at the end

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW smiles at her apprentice* I knew you could do it. You have the power in you! You just need to learn how to utilize it. to master the finer intricacies of the force. Remember this is an advanced thing. I didnt expect perfection and you did wonderfully. Now for something even more complex. LW uses the force to open a nearby cabinet and calls two drinking glasses to her. She hands one glass to her apprentice and floats the other above her palm.* Watch! this is a trick I learned from Jen Katrina. *LD jumps as the glass in LW's hand shatters into millions of tiny particles in her hand. but it keeps the shape of the glass. the glass looks as if it is made of dust in LW's hand. Suddenly the particles glow and the glass is fused back together.*
    I dont expect you to be able to do all of that just yet. but try shattering the glass and keeping its shape

    Lady De'Ville says:
    Well, I have had some previous training in telekinesis... but how the hell...? *LD's headache roars between her ears* All right, let me see what this baby can do. *LD cradles the glass between her two palms, just barely touching it on either side. She takes a deep breath... and... With a pop the glass shatters into tiny fragments, but the glass shards drop down towards the ground. *With a slight cry LD catches them with the force, and pulls the fragments up between her palms again* Damn! *Anger courses through her, and the bits of glass fuse into one lump in a flash of light. The lump of cooled glass jumps from LD's hand and shatters against the cliff face some ten yards away.*

  3. #3
    Live Wire

    Re: Lady DeVilles Training

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW watches the lump of glass shatter into the wall and calls the fragments to her hand. They float above her palm swirling in the air. They start to glow certain pieces taking on colors until it was like a rainbow dancing in the air. Finally the glass comes together over her hand and remelds back into the shape of the glass* One day you will be able to do that. For now try again........
    Try to shatter the glass but keep its shape in tact. Only hold the glass with your mind.

    Lady De'Ville says:
    *LD calmly holds the glass in her hand and : op:: the glass shatters into a million pieces which again fall towards the ground. This time LD is able to call them back up into place and soon holds a perfectly shaped, fragmented glass* ARGH! Better this time though.
    Mistress Live Wire says:

    *smiles at her apprentice* Very good! I want you to practice that once a day! and dont worry I'll fuse it back together until you get that part. Dont want fox to start missing glasses at the bar! lol!

    Lady De'Ville says:
    He breaks enough as it is!

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    LOL! True true

    Lady De'Ville says:
    *Laughs too hard, and winces at a bruised rib*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    You up for a little mind reading?

    Lady De'Ville says:

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    okay. *Gets out a a data screen with randomly flashing pictures on them* Now as I look at the pictures try and read my mind and tell me what I am looking at.
    *thumbs the screen on and the first picture flashes on it*

    Lady De'Ville says:
    *studys the back of the data screen, as if she could se through it with sheer will power* Its a blue square

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW nodds and and the picture changes.* what type of ship am I looking at?

    Lady De'Ville says:
    *eyes closed* A TIE, a TIE bomber

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW smiles* Very good. *the picture changes again* now what am I looking at?

    Lady De'Ville says:
    *grins* Its a fish

    NO! Its a shark of some kind

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *smiles* found on what planet??

    Lady De'Ville says:
    Is this mind reading or geography?! On Chad

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    No this isnt geography! *LW calls up another picture* what am I looking at?

    Lady De'Ville says:
    Its a Super Star Destroyer *frowns* but its red...?

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    lol!!! maroon, red same thing!

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    lol!! *LW turns the screen off and looks at her apprentice* You have done very well. I think its time for you to construct your own lightsaber. Once you have done so we will spar one last time and then I will take you to the gungan battleground for your first battle. *hands LD a box with saber parts*

    Lady De'Ville says:
    *gingerly takes the box in her hands, and looks up at her mistress* Thank you very much. *to herself* doesn't look like I'll be getting much sleep tonight! *Excitedly tucks the box under her arm, and bows to her mistress* Until next time....*heads for the Palace and her rooms*

    Mistress Live Wire says:
    *LW watches her apprentice leave the battle ground and LW diisappears*

  4. #4
    Lady DeVille

    Re: Lady DeVilles Training

    ((OOC: Check my "moving in!" thread in the Palace for lightsaber construction! hahaha I'm having fun))


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