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Thread: *an uncertain future*

  1. #1

    *an uncertain future*

    *Kahn tosses and turns as he sleeps. Ever since he had been to TGC's diner and had talked with Amnde, he had felt....different. Like part of him had faded away, or changed. Now, as he slept he had a dream....
    <dream sequence>
    *a woman appeared in front of Kahn.*
    Kahn: Mom?!?!
    *the woman remains silent. She walks over to Kahn, still not saying anything. She takes the ring that she had given to Kahn and showed him it. He glanced at it, and noticed that it had changed. It showed two circles connecting, interlocked. But now one was black...blacker than a starless night. The other was white. It almost glowed. A red lightsaber went through the middle of both. Then Kahn heard his mother's voice...
    They are connected, dark and light. Dark becomes light at dawn, while light becomes dark at dusk. Each cannot exist without the other. Dark and light interlocked......
    <end of dream sequence>
    *Kahn woke up suddenly. The images were already fading from his mind. He tried to hold onto the picture of his mother, tried to stop it too, from fading. However, soon he could not remember what she looked like. Kahn noticed a strange feeling inside himself. It was as if a battle were being waged, although one side was definately stronger. In one fleeting moment, he felt calm, at peace, and emptied of hate. That moment passed in a micro-second. Now he felt as he always had, like a Sith. Hate, fear, and anger were his primary emotions. This time though, a tiny part of that hate seemed to have disappeared. Kahn tried to shrug it off as spending too much time with strange people, but he was unable to get back to sleep. Shivering in the cold night air, Kahn sat in his bed staring into the darkness......

  2. #2
    Live Wire

    Re: *an uncertain future*

    *LW walks into Kahns room wrapped up in her robe*

    Is everything alright? I sensed you were disturbed and I though I should check on you.

  3. #3

    Re: *an uncertain future*

    *Kahn jumps slightly when LW speaks. He had been so busy thinking he hadn't heard her enter.*
    I-i had a dream about my mom. She showed me the ring and said that dark and light were connected, interlocked. Then I woke up and I felt like part of the hate in me was gone. It felt like there was a battle going on inside me. *Kahn looks up at LW, and his eyes betray his fear.*
    What's happening to me?

  4. #4

    Re: *an uncertain future*

    Gengar also enters his room feeling the disturdance from him.

    *Kahn i am so sorry. it's my fault you feel this way. if i had never brought you to TGC then you would still be like a normal sith. they manipulated you right under my nose*

    Gengar sits down on the floor.

    *Master LW i understand if you want to punish me for this cause i believe i should be punished. so go ahead do your worst*

    A single tear escapes his eye.

    *Ohh and you don't have to worry about Amnde ever interupting me again, causes we broke up and decided to go separet ways*

  5. #5
    Lord Psychic

    Re: *an uncertain future*

    *Having sensed the dream, Psy ran down to Kahn's room and heard his story before entering, solemnly.*

    No Gengar, it is not you're fault. I should of been keeping a closer eye on him. But I do not believe that there is any connection here.

    *Psy looks down at Kahn.*

    Rough times. You're young, it's not a surprise some of you is falling toward the light side.

    I have calmed down enough from @#%$ to restart your training, perhaps that will help.

    As for you're mom and the ring... keep my up to date on this, it could mean something.

  6. #6

    Re: *an uncertain future*

    *Kahn shivers, not all of it from the cold.*
    A-alright Master. I will inform you if anything changes. I just hope that whatever is happening stops.
    *In his mind Kahn adds*
    And it's scaring me half outa my mind.
    *Kahn doesn't realize that the others can hear his thoughts. Right now he feels only fear.*

  7. #7

    Re: *an uncertain future*

    Gengar looks at Psychic.

    *Well i still feel like it's my fault so from now on if i see Kahn at TGC i will send him home unless eh tells me that you said it's ok. i must go now*

    Gengar bows to Psychic and walks out feling really depressed.

  8. #8
    Live Wire

    Re: *an uncertain future*

    Kahn fear is your ally. Embrace it. Fear can become your greatest strength. Let it empower you.

    *turns and walks after gengar*

    I'm sorry to hear about you and Amnde. I feared something like this would happen. You are both so new that I felt it would be hard for you to handle each others differences. But I felt it would be best if you found that out on your own. I didn't think you would believe me if I had pointed it out. I understand the hurt you feel. But like I was telling kahn, fear and pain can serve you if you let it.

    Get some rest and later we will do some training.

  9. #9

    Re: *an uncertain future*

    I will try to do that LW. Sorry about Amnde, Gengar, but maybe you just weren't meant to be. I will try harder than ever in training Master, I'll get rid of the Light in me. And I certainly won't be going to TGC anymore. I'm really sorry aobut all this. *Kahn works to change the fear into anger, anger at the Jedi.* I'm ready to continue my training when you are Master.
    OOC: Is it ok if I do this Village of the Magi thread in TGC? I'm kinda already in it and I wanted to know if u want me to quit it.

  10. #10
    Lord Psychic

    Re: *an uncertain future*

    OOC: Another thread? Can you post the address?

  11. #11

    Re: *an uncertain future*

    OOC: Sure can. Here it is"


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