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Thread: someting I added

  1. #1

    someting I added

    look up in the Avalon index. Put when votes are upcoming, so all know. Cant think what promotion is

  2. #2
    Hart Kenobi

    Re: someting I added

    Wanna just scrap the promotion month and just make them specific cases?

  3. #3

    Re: someting I added

    nah, I like it this way. You dont get it where they are asked about them every month, so you limit them. Why nt just give a month? I prefer that

  4. #4

    Re: someting I added

    And once again we come to the promotion thing where some poor sucker will get stuck with 5 months of waiting...

    Personally I think it should be when someone thinks thier student is ready and esperianced enough. and others can add to the list for those to be considered.

  5. #5
    Nichos Marr

    Re: someting I added

    I agree with TUJK on this one. It wouldn't be fair to wait for promotion for an extra month or two.

  6. #6

    Re: someting I added

    1- If said person REALLY wants to be a Jedi, he shouldnt mind waiting

    2- You will then get the same unready people being mentioned every time

    3- You then get unready Jedi. Please note the better Jedi are the longer trained ones

    If you are going to say that, make a seperate council for promotions

  7. #7

    Re: someting I added

    *quirks a brow*

    Longer training equals better training?

    Better training is caused by understanding, both on the teacher, and the students part. It's a desire to understand, to learn, as well as have fun that crafts a well rounded jedi...

    The time spent means little if a student absorbs and understands everything they can.


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