Luke followed the trooper through the hole in the wall and began his tour of the omega facility. The first room they entered was a mass of electronics against one wall you could see monitors displaying various rooms within the complex. another wall housed many computer terminals and yet another wall appeared to hold the status of each trooper designation a kind of roll call. Luke noticed that on each wall there was a door leading into a different area of the complex. as they made their way around the room the trooper explained the operations going on. The trooper continued to refer to Luke as Master Anakin , Luke realized that this man had no idea how much time had passed, Luke knew that if he told the trooper that he was not Anakin and that the empire had fallen he would be a dead man, though powerful in the force there was no way he could fight all of the omega troopers in the facility and by the look of the status board there were thousands of them.

The trooper lead Luke through the door to the right, they traveled down a long corridore and emerged into another room.
Filled with medical tubes, the kind that Luke was emerged in on Hoth after his confrontation with the Ice Creature.

Luke looked aroundand noticed that a majority of the tubes were filled with bodies he looked at the faces, they were identical, Luke realized that the Omega troopers were all clones of one man. upon closer examination of their features Luke realized that they were clones of his father Anakin Skywalker