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Thread: Count Down (RPG-Semi-Open)

  1. #61

    Abolisher Cruiser
    length: 60 meters
    Crew: 2799
    15 Quad Laser Cannons
    20 Turbolaser Cannons
    5 Hyperspace pulsemass generators
    10 Tractor Beam Projectors
    Complement: 24 TIE interceptors and 12 TIE Bombers
    Bayonet Cruiser
    Length: 200 Meters
    Crew: 150
    8 Heavy Turbolasers
    6 Laser Cannons
    2 Tractor beam Projectors
    Carrack Cruiser
    Length: 350 Meters
    Crew: 1,007
    10 Heavy Turbolasers
    20 Laser Cannons
    5 Tractor Beam Projectors
    Complement: 4 Recon Fighters
    Also Thrawn I need a list of the ships you have around the planet.......


    *All fighters are deployed to try and draw the cover fire. They move in and ut of the debris from the battle before with great skill with the occasional fighter slamming into pieces of a hull and exploding. Four Abolisher cruisers pull in wide and try to flank the ISDs that are providing cover. As they move inward fireing on the ISDs a group of 20 fighters moves around outside of the Abolisher cruiser and heads for the ASDs. They move in fast and scatter in and out between ASDs resticting the usage of Turbolasers. Three fighters move in and fire upon an already damaged ASD and the shielding drops to 45%. The fighters make another pass and fire concussion missles as well as laser cannons dropping shielding to 39%. on their third pass one is picked off by a turbolasers, but heavy fire from a Drednaught drops shields to 19%.*

  2. #62
    Tdahn Kreael

    OOC: Are ship infiltrations allowed?

    GET ME THOSE SHIELDS! *The flashing red lights were like looking down on Coronet city at night, but had no beauty. Each one told of a system failure.*

    [Mallchi] Weapons back online.

    [Altrie] Well rookie, here's your action... Do you like it yet? >.<

    STOW THE GAB! Give me a holo. *The 3-d map appears, and the swarm of fighters and smaller capitol ships appears, and I desperatly look at the situation. The fighters are slightly even, in numbers, but that has never been a big factor. As my martial teacher once said, "Numbers are only there to let the true ability of the commanders known." Finaly, I sense a sort of rytham, in the flow of the fight, in the way the imperial fighters move.* OF COURSE! Why didn't I see it before!?! Comm: Tell the fighters that I want them to target the area that is... bearing 287, mark 69 from this ship. Talon, Raptor and Hammer squad are to fly full throttle through that and the rest are to follow 15 seconds after and vape everything that they can.

  3. #63
    Droid Malay

    Re: OOC: Are ship infiltrations allowed?

    I think we are pulling out of this thread

  4. #64

    *In the all out battle two ISDs were destroyed by the combined forces. 3 interdictor cruisers move in between the ISDs after clearing two, and Admiral Gabins forces swing from behind the planet blocking in the ASDs. They fire all weapons and the shelding on the Damaged ASD reaches a critical level after taking on the bombardment. 5 more fighters move in under heavy fire and fire concussion missles droping the shields completely. Those same five swing around for a second pass and fire on the superlaser damaging it slightly. in an attempt for a third pass the Fighters are picked off one by one by turbolaser fire and enemy fighter fire. One Fighter crashes into the Hull othe ASD taking out a turbolaser battery with it. The three nebulo B frigates bombard the ASDs hull with laser cannons and turbolasers damaging the drive system and dropping power to 50%. With that the ten abolisher cruisers move in fast and fire in the middle of the ASD group to drive them apart. in that agttept 4 Abolisher cruisers are lost and 5 Bayonet cruisers through the gap headed for the flagships. The fighters regruop and follow them from the middle of the ASDs after recieving cover from the Abolisher cruisers that seperated the Capital ships.*

  5. #65

    * all of a sudden for no reason the Caracan ships stop in motion turn and begin to exit the area. Group by group they begin jumping into hyperspace headed for a destination known only to them. As the fleets leave the ships recieve heavy fire and many of them are destroyed, but all that is needed scape into hyperspace. *

  6. #66
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    Coruscant stays ready for battle as the damaged ships are repaired

  7. #67
    Tdahn Kreael


    You know, I'm starting to think that every time I concieve a brilliant plan, the baddies pull out.

  8. #68
    Grand Adm Thrawn

    Re: OOC

    OOC: lol i know

    i didnt even get to excute my plan this time either.. and when gue was fighting i barly finished part one of my plan

    but im gonna make a few more RP posts before i let this thread go off to the archives.

  9. #69
    Tdahn Kreael

    Okay, back to IC...

    *The fleet leaves, and we are left with only us and our allies. The comm starts to relay Squadron casualty reports, and they are good, if any loss can be considered good. Saber squad was hit hardest, loosing only three fighters, but one man.*

    [Mallchi] Weapons are online, sheilds are at %73 and climbing, hyperdrive is offline, but we know what the problem is, and it's going to be easy to fix...

    [Altrie] *groan* Like that thing is EVER easy to fix... So what'd you think of your first battle, Kid?

    [Mallchi] It was... invigorating.

    Belay that talk, get us back going. I want to regain as many pilots as we can get to. Sublights are at???

    [Mallchi] Um... %87. Good enough to get us about.

    Good. Get going. Home in on the closest signal and haul it in.

    [Comm] It's an Imp signal, sir.


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