Legal Name: Darth Roul (Rule)

Homeworld: Corillia

Actual Age: 40 Age of new body: 21 (reserected in a new body after his death)

Family: None

Friends: Fox_609, Darth Dark Cloak

Height: 6'1"

Goals: Death of his enemies

Weight: 170

Hair/Eyes: Brown/Blue

Occupation: TSO senior member, head of Dark Assasins

Past occupations: head of trade corporation while in old body

Apperiance: tall, muscular/Spiked mowhawk/tatoos on arms and neck/left eyebrow peirced

Clothing: Dark Blue military coat with gold buttons/black tutle neck underneath/steel toed black military boots/dark black pants

Ships: 4 medium class cruisers, 6 light cruisers/named Red Star Fleet

Force Abilities: can only throw and lift items of any size

Training: None

Weapons: Black saber, four hand guns, long range rifle

Favorite Food/Drink: Brandy