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Thread: Dark Soldiers (Open)

  1. #21
    Jace Darklighter

    Clods of dirt and loose twigs clambered down the pile of vegetation as Jace's hand spurted up from the pile with an emphasized struggle. Next, his head poked through to glare back at Dyne. The Jedi's jaw dropped a few centimeters, allowing unbound mud and sand to drain from his mouth along with clumps of dried blood. Strings of saliva streamed down the corners of his mouth, blemishing the normal clear color to resemble a mixture of brown and red. His other arm pulled free from the restricting restrains off the branches. Jace slowly arose from the pile and stepped out into the clearing.

    The Jedi's clothing was soiled with dirt and blood. His expression remained calm and composed, despite the uncomfortable appearance. Slowly, he brought his hand up a few inches and opened his palm. The rattling of leaves was heard from off to the side. Like a faithful pet answered the call of his master, his lightsaber sprung from the ground and settled firmly into his grasp. The weapon blazed a greenish tint as it ignited into a brilliant dynamism of color.

    Dyne stood in a defensive position, all the while casting a smirk of contempt towards Jace. Bending down slightly, he dashed forward. His lightsaber curled into a wide arc as it looped overhead towards Dyne. The Sith Knight answered with a quick reply by adjusting his blade upward for a sudden block. The Jedi pivoted on his heel and sent his weapon in a horizontal thrust. Again, the Sith Knight stepped to the side and knocked his blade against the other saber. Sending his blade upward, Jace feinted for an attack at Dyne's shoulder. The Jedi's blade stopped in mid air, and instead, he knocked his hilt against Dyne's face.

    Seeing his opportunity to attack again, he angled his blade at a vertical slant to graze the top of Dyne's knees. He bent over, enraged by the new injury. Jace lowered his right hand and snatched up a good-sized rock from the ground. With a look of disdain, he rammed the rock up against the side of Dyne's head. The Sith toppled to the ground with a thud.

    Backing away a few steps, he suspected Dyne would wake up in just a few moments with a throbbing headache. When anger was involved with these corrupt creatures, they seemed a tough bunch to eradicate. With his added link of the Force, he wouldn't be down too long.

    Trying to control his breath, his right hand gently touched his forehead. The Jedi's mind concentrated on peaceful thoughts and caused a slow healing to take place against his past wounds.

  2. #22
    Dyne Darkforce

    Dyne grinded his teeth as the pain streaked across his forehead. It throbbed slightly before dissipating into nothing. He didn't move for a few moments, but glanced from the corner of his eyes as Jace was behind him. A cool breeze ran across the top of his body, running across Dyne's head. Dyne was facing the ground and suddenly spun around in a roundhouse. Taking the Jedi by a slight surprise, the Sith spun his foot around in perfect circumference. The foot slammed on the side of his knee cap, sending him hurling into the air. Jace went up a few feet before coming down on his back with a rather large thud. Dirt immediately lifted up into the air and into a cloud. Dyne grinned and placed the palm of his hands behind his head. He pressured it and flipped into the air, landing on his feet. The dust settled as he looked back at Jace, who was on the ground. Flipping back, Dyne looked at the gear on his knee cap, as there were abrasions on it. Some smoke still rose into the air from the strike. Running his hand across his cheek, Dyne wiped the blood off before smirking.

    As Jace got up, Dyne was already coming at him with his sabres in hand. Dyne slid to a stop and brought his foot around to impact on Jace's side. Jace stopped the foot with his lightsabre hilt, and looked back at Dyne. Dyne jumped up slightly and brought the foot straight into the Jedi's kidney section. He heard a grotesque sound given off by Jace, as the Jedi stepped back several feet, holding the impact site. Jace coughed, as the blood spewed out his mouth. Dyne landed on the ground, and quickly got to his feet again. Jumping around from foot to foot, he was in his martial arts rhythm. Bringing his lightsabres into a twirl, Dyne sprinted at Jace again. The sabres pulsated and hummed lightly into the Sith's ear. The air was left unsettled by Dyne as he sped on in Force enhanced speed.

    The Dark Side flowed freely within him as he came a few feet away from Jace. Holding his hand to the side, it was saturated with Force power. The fist glowed a black, as the Dark Side took over. The Sith sent the fist forward in a thrust, slamming it into his gut yet again. A black spark was let off of Gravija concentrated energy. Jace bent inwards slightly and closed his eyes for a split second. As the Jedi opened his eyes, Dyne jumped perpendicular to Jace, in a barrel spin. His hair fluttered around, as Dyne brought both feet into a 360 arc. The boots landed hard upside Jace's head. The first foot, sending his head downwards as the connection wasn't hard. The second boot slammed into his head and sent him face first to the floor. Jace landed right on his nose when making impact to the ground. Dyne came down on the ground with his palms, his simply thrusted himself back to the air and onto his feet.

    Dyne went back to a distance from Jace, spirals of blood flowed down his cheek and neck. The pain was used simply to anger him more. He brought the anger and rage into to make him unify to the Dark Side ever more. A smirk appeared over his face as he slightly started to walk around Jace. He spit to the ground, retaining the yellow and orange sabres firmly in the palm of his hands. Jumping around Jace, he began to get back into his martial arts rythmn again. He narrowed his eyes upon Jace, who was now covered in dust clouds and idle. Dyne's hair fluttered slightly in the wind as he moved around. The adrenaline and Dark Side began to surge yet again. He awaited for the Jedi to get up to his feet. Dyne began to plan his next array of maneuvers on Jace. Keeping his defensive stance up, he called upon the Dark Side to empower him.

  3. #23
    Jace Darklighter

    Good met evil in a violent clash of blood, flaring the constant competitions to new levels. The clash of the two forces raged on as the Jedi Knight battled with Sith Knight, Dyne. Cursed with anger, hate, and selfishness, the powers of darkness flooded Dyne's heart. The rivals fought valiantly, each to his own code and belief. Sabers clashed and blood engulfed the soils of life with death. The weather roared in defiance to the planet's loss of life. Lightening echoed from the skies and stung the ground with burning flares that swallowed up the forest with fire. Branches, trees, and vegetation swarmed up into nothingness as it polluted the night sky with ash.

    The Jedi's saber angled in distinct slashes, rhythm following through each action by his own link with the Force. Hand to hand, weapon against weapon, it made no difference. Each was determined to stand victorious over the other. The heat around them propelled to enormous magnitudes, causing them to perspire and soak their tunics. Jace followed through with multiple attacks against Dyne, each move causing Jace to grunt painfully from Dyne's previous retaliations against the Jedi. Blood soaked from both combatants into everything they touched. The end seemed near. Only Force users could have survived this long without literally falling apart. Finally, after their strengths began to relinquish the fire swarmed and separated them both. Each was forced to back away, but the two kept their gazes fixed on each other's eyes.

    "This is not the end, Dyne. You and I will meet again."

    Jace directed his lightsaber at the Sith Knight's distant form as he spoke.

  4. #24
    Dyne Darkforce

    Dyne returned his gaze and pointed the lightsabre in his hand back at Jace. The sabre pulsated slowly amongst the ash filled air. Lightning streaked across the sky all around them as thunder claps followed. The lightning bolts lit up the sky every so often, as rain was too come soon, but still was far. Their fight was one of good proportions and it was ended from natural occurrences. The fire was blazing across everywhere as ashes and flames made the visibility very low. Even as Force users, sometimes nature made it ever harder. Dyne coughed a bit, as did Jace, the two men quickly left the battlefield into the shadows. They would meet again in the future, he shall battle Jace again someday. For now, they must retreat for their own well-being. Dyne decided to head back to the HQ, to see his Master about the fight. He had to report to Master Dara on what happened between him and Jace. She would decide on what he did was good or not. Dyne made his way through the ground quickly, with his Force enhanced speed. He jumped over fallen branches and trees as well as large rocks. Crackling noises can be heard, as the orange blaze swept across the ground. The place was swallowed as Lord Phantom and Warren had exited earlier. Dyne's wounds were temporarily put to the side, as the Dark Side still prevailed within him. Blood still managed to flow from wounds on his body. The pain only fueled him and his adrenaline, to move faster. Before soon, he faded away and into the darkness from the battleground....

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