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Thread: *Sitting in the trees*(Challenge to a Sith)

  1. #21
    Anakis Moreven

    OOC: fine, you wanna turn this little battle into a RP? I'm game. and I don't wan't to lose my character, so you can't take me if i don't want to.

    IC: *Anakis can sense something wrong. Leaving the 2 sith on the ground, he gets into his X-wing and cloaks it.*

  2. #22
    Boba Fett

    OOC: You cannot cloak an X-wing.

  3. #23
    Ruben Drail Jr

    OOC: Also, try not to forget the Sith Warrior and Disciple who you left behind so quickly. I'm sure they would have had something to say about you running off suddenly.. eh?

  4. #24

    Shreth looks to his freind Skroth

    "Thanks man."

    Shreth then looks to Anakis just has he mentions the GMA and runs off, Shreth then looks to Skroth.

    "Umm.... What'd I miss?"

  5. #25
    Skroth da Ripper

    *Skroth looks at Shreth, surprised a bit*

    "You mean that you DIDN'T hear about the bounty on the jedi?"

    *Shreth shakes his head*

    Shreth: How much is it?

    Skroth: 100,000,000 creds

    Shreth: Issued by whom?

    Skroth: The GMA.

    *Shreth changes the power cell in his blaster*

    Shreth: Lets go catch us a jedi

    *Skroth nods in approval, and the two give chase to the jedi. They use the force to enhance their speed. Anakis does the same as he senses the 2 Sith coming up behind him. Anakis then jumps into his X-wing, and closes the hatch. Skroth is the first Sith there, and leaps up onto the frame. He stabs his sabers through the transperasteel view-port, and tears it off its hinges. Shreth finally gets there, and shoots the droid co-pilot. It beeps and whirrs before going completely silent and shutting down. Skroth meanwhile has Anakis around the neck. He throws him out of the mutilated cockpit. The jedi knight hits the hard ground with a thud. Skroth looks at the jedi and laughs*

    "It doesn't look like your going anywhere for a while, whelp."

  6. #26
    Anakis Moreven

    *Anakis lay on the ground, injured. he force pushes Skroth of of him, and kicks Shreth in the face, knocking him to the ground. He then runs into the bushes, and turns on a comlink*

    "Okay, remember what you said about being in a bad situation with Sith or Bounty hunters? It's one of those times..."

  7. #27

    OOC: Nice to see Sith still fight fairly

    And unless Anakis agrees, you cant capture him

  8. #28
    Jashiva Darkstorm

    starts to walk through the woods, swings round his oxide pack and boosts the injection, there hes some commotion and hears a man talking in the bushes about bounty hunters, well as i was one myself, he goes over to where the voice was, Jash looks down to the man Anakis.

    " Are you looking for some help Anakis?" he says in calm voice swinging his rifle around

    Looks at him waiting for an answer...

  9. #29

    Shreth gets up from the ground Pistol drawn, a little blood trickeling from his busted lip. Then pauses, reaching out with the force before he speaks to Skroth.

    "Damnit, he ran off..."

    Shreth brings up his blaster and fires at a bush, the blast hits Anakis in the shin and a scream can be heard moments after.

    "Found him." Says Shreth with a grin

  10. #30
    Jashiva Darkstorm

    walks out from the bush limping..."no that was me sheth"

    fires his rifle hitting shreth in the chest knocking back into a tree, Jash limping falls to the ground hurt and bleeding looking up at the man he just fired at, laying on the floor, he looks around knowing he just saved ankis and possinle his escape but also exposing himself to the others....he gets up and raises his hands in surrender

    "i just got here on a shuttel today....guys i dont want any trouble"

    Looks at sheth getting back up.....

  11. #31
    Anakis Moreven

    *Anakis gets up, grabs Shreth, and throws him into Skroth*

    "Oh crap...when is Sage gonna get here???"

    *He ignites his saber and turns to Jashiva*

    "Thanks. Saving a jedi's life is a great thing..."

    *Anakis looks around for a nearby ship.*

    "If we take yours, i'm driving"

  12. #32
    Jashiva Darkstorm

    "oh crap..were gonna have siths all over our ass....."

    Looks at anakis....

    "ok ship ius called the the mist hunter, its in the docking bay at the nearby can drive"

    *thows him the docking clamp key*

    "lets go"

    Runs off into the mist closely followed by Anakis

    the seths start to get up...

  13. #33
    Anakis Moreven

    *Anakis gets into the Mist Hunter and starts it up*

    "Ok..let's go..."

    *Anakis flies off the planet, shooting at the sith and heading towards GJO.*

    meanwhile, Skroth sees they have already gotten away..


    Back at the Mist Hunter

    *Anakis headed towards GJO HQ, and landed in the landing pad*

    OOC: Meet me in Yog's. Do you have AIM, ICQ or Yahoo?

  14. #34

    Shreth remains on the ground wounded as he sees Anakis get away.

    "Awww god damnit!"

    He then tries getting up, but cannot...

  15. #35
    Jashiva Darkstorm

    opens the hatch to the mist hunter and jumps out, takes a look about.

    "whoa anakis nice place"

    "shakes his head*

    Least its better than my pad...

    OOC: ICQ: 97835944

  16. #36
    Skroth da Ripper

    *Skroth gets up to his feet, and kicks the X-wing; it puts a dent in the frame, the R2 unit beeped in protest. The Protoss looked up at it, and shook its head. The damn annoying thing survived. Skroth looks at Shreth who is just now getting up to his feet*

    Shreth: Gah, lets go, we'll never catch the jedi now.

    Skroth: I might as well take his ship and sell it for scrap, I need the creds

    *An ISD II dropped out of hyperspace and picked up the jedi's ship with an Assault transport. Troops from the transport removed the droid from its chamber and attached a restraining bolt too it. They then captured the ship and transported it into the star destroyer. Skroth and Shreth weren't far behind in the Massacre. The ISD entered hyperspace to rendezvous with the rest of Skroth's fleet. Once receiving its command ship back, the fleet headed home *

  17. #37
    Anakis Moreven

    Oh well..I bought like 12 of them, so nyah.

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