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Thread: LISTEN UP!!......EVERYBODY!!!!!

  1. #1

    LISTEN UP!!......EVERYBODY!!!!!

    I dont know if i schould have posted this in the EU area of forums, but i might as well do it here, since it is a FILM that i'm talking about. Since GL has decided not to make EP7, i thought WE could make the script, right HERE!
    In a week or so, when ive heard your comments and thoughts, ill post a topic here with the title "Episode 7: The rise of the massassi", since thats what i think it schould be called. In this topic, nobody's supphosed to drop comments, but to drop SCENES! I think it actually can be quite fun! But first, we need to make some stuff up together. Here. I've com up with this so far: The massassi race will reappear in some system in the far edges of the galaxy. They will be revealed and fought against in the end. Jacen and Jaina will be 25 or something like that. Lowie will be Han's new copilot. The movie will begin with Jacen & Jaina comming to Yavin 4 to pick up their first (maybe not) padawan learner. This guy will be like 15 or something. And he had this funny dreams or visions or something about the reincarnation of the massassi. Of cource, he will not know its the massassi at first. Here is the "start text" for the movie, or, this is what i think. Correct it or make it better if you want to. Here it is:

    Episode Vll

    The rise of the Massassi

    It is a time of great peace and
    prospherety (sp?). The evil empire
    is since long gone, and the galaxy
    is now governed by the New Republic.

    But on the brink of the galaxy, in
    a system not known to anybody, an
    ancient treath has suddenly come
    to life.

    Unknowing of the opposing danger, the
    JEDI twins Jacen and Jaina travels to
    Luke Skywalkers academy to take a
    mysterious young man as their padawan learner...

    So, whatcha think? Could this be something?

  2. #2
    Darth Hez

    Couple of suggestions, leave rise of the massassi until ep8, call this one something different. "Visions of the Future". Very close to Timothy Zahns I know, but refers to the visions of the massassi rising. Self explanatory no?
    Also have Jacen and Jaina take a padawan each. The visions of the massassi should be Jedi wide, they all get them, but they don't realise that they are all getting them at first, they think they are the only ones.

    Visions of the Future

    It is a time of great peace and
    prosperity in the galaxy. The evil
    empire is since long gone, and the
    galaxy is now governed by the New

    But on the brink of the galaxy, in
    a system not known to anybody, an
    ancient threat is beginning to stir.

    Unknowing of the opposing danger, the
    JEDI twins Jacen and Jaina travels to
    Luke Skywalkers academy to each take
    their first padawan learner...

    This could be fun, what'cha think?

  3. #3

    ...if they ever going to make Episode VII-IX they will make it based upon the comics!

  4. #4

    Hez, thanks for the enthusiasm. Just hopes that some more people will get involved. I saw that 23 people watch the post in the first 24 hours, but only two posted a reply.

    However, i like your thoughts. What about "Visions of danger" or something like that. Cuz its not much of a future they see, if it is their biggest enemy.

    I like the thing about all jedis having visions. I think we could be on to something.

    Hope more people will post soon....

  5. #5
    Jedi Master Kyle

    it's not that i'm not interested,

    but when it comes to creative writing, i'm about as sharp as a grape. besides, i don't think i'd feel right writing a star wars script. but eventually, this thread will go somewhere, as long as someone sets it into motion...


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