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Thread: What do you think a John Woo SW film would be like

  1. #1
    Grendel 666

    What do you think a John Woo SW film would be like

    Just an odd, random thought. Obviously, this is NOT going to happen, and I'm not saying I would even WANT it to happen... but just for fun, what do you think it would be like? I'm not even that familiar with his work, apart from his rep and the recurring images of pigeons in flight. :

  2. #2

    Well, taking some clues from MI2, which is a perfect stereotypical Jon Woo movie, there would be a lot of strafing gunfire. At several points during the movie, Anakin would be in a firefight and fire two blasters at his enemies while sliding sideways on his @$$ over debris and rubble. A lightsabre fight that would normally take two minutes would take fifteen minues, once the slo-motion was added.

  3. #3


  4. #4
    Jedi Master Kyle

    exactly, it would be a 4 1/2 movie!

  5. #5

    one word- DROOL

    perfect filming. awesome action. Doves. Wow.


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