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Thread: Fallout: New Reno -- Dreamland

  1. #1

    Open Thread Fallout: New Reno -- Dreamland

    I'm having some writing problems lately: I'm hoping that doing some Fallout stuff (since I'm playing New Vegas at the moment) will shake things loose and get me posting again. Charley, Christin and I bounced some ideas, and cooked up an idea for a New Reno "DLC", the vague synopsis of which is -

    Half-way between New Vegas and New Reno lies Tonopah: an old mining town and an important stop for anyone travelling one of the most feared stretches of the I-95. The road from Tonopah to Vegas skirts around a vast region that the locals know in their bones that they should never enter, though no one is quite sure why: the vast exclusion zone that surrounds Dreamland. Some say that the region is infested with ghosts and ghouls. Some say that the radiation from Yucca Mountain has mutated the local wildlife into the most fearsome creatures the wastelands have ever seen. Some say that before the Great War the military angered beings from another world, and The Zone is the site of their revenge.

    The New California Republic doesn't care. After their triumph at Hoover Dam with their new Boomer allies, the NCR is eager to scour the wastes for more salvageable aircraft that can give them an extra edge over Caesar's Legion. Records found by the Boomers at Nellis provide tantalising hints of the weapons and technology that Area 51 might hold: and so the NCR has sent a 1st Recon team to explore the facility, and report back on what they find.
    We might have to fight hordes of aliens Aliens / Doom style. We might have to bust open an alien beachhead XCOM / Battle: Los Angeles style. We might find something that we absolutely have to share with the world at any cost a la Serenity or Starship Troopers. There may be Terminator levels of robot badness going down. We might have a hardass unit of Legion troops chasing after us. We may do all of those things, or none... Mostly we'll be making stuff up as we go.

    I'm going to be playing a 1st Recon guy; more NCR troops are welcome, but we can always NPC those if we need to. Maybe we'll have someone from the Brotherhood, or the first Boomer to leave Nellis is forever. Maybe we run across a courier who claims to know a "short cut" through the Zone, a ghoul who gives no fucks about there being radiation, or a local tribesman who knows not of these silly superstitions. Anything will probably work - there's plenty of scope for shenanigans.

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    I've got my gal worked out now, and will be making an account when I get home tonight


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