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Thread: 9.114 Rage Against the Dying of the Light

  1. #41
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    He has taken a supreme vow of celibacy, like his father, and his father before him...

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    Abarai Loki's Avatar
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    "Undoubtedly," he agreed, eyeing the hologram with grim recognition.

    Ilum. How many times had he pulled this file from the Whaladon's databanks? How long had he spent staring greedily into that pale blue orb searching for an answer? Too long. There was no perfect solution. Six days Halajiin Rabeak had been amongst the Jedi, six days, and he'd already secured an authorised plan to move on the frozen world and reclaim what rightfully belonged to him, and his kin. The risks were high, but the rewards were great, and the price of failure, greater. The Jedi needed this, desperately. His eyes narrowed, as the projection cycled through Ilum's considerable defenses.

    "We can expect it to be even more heavily guarded, in light of recent- after Coruscant," he concluded, there was nothing to be gained pussy-footing around the issue any longer, "There can be no denying the inherent risk of this undertaking. Cirr, can you get us in there?"

  2. #42
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Sssmoke me a kjipperrr, jI'll be back forrr brrreakfassst!

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    Cirrsseeto Quez's Avatar
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    On the Alliance Frigate Novgorod
    Cirr's blue eyes looked back to Loki as if he'd insulted his pride. He scoffed as he turned, ears flicking as he rebuked the Jedi.

    "Can jI get you jin therre? Arr'uuhai, that's ljike me askjing you jif you can swjing a ljightsaberr."

    He crossed his arms, eyes narrowing.

    "My shjip jis fasterr and qujieterr than any you'll everr have the prrjivjilege to set foot on. Pojint fjive fjive hyperrdrrjive, electrronjic warrfarre sujite, thrreaderrs, jammerrs, emmjissjion sjinks. jIf you'rre everr gojing to jIlum...everr...then jit's gojing to be me who gets you therre."

  3. #43
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    He has taken a supreme vow of celibacy, like his father, and his father before him...

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    Abarai Loki's Avatar
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    "That's not-" he faltered, his face set in a stony lock of confusion as he wrestled with his words, "I meant you no offense, my friend. For one moment do I not doubt you, your ship, or your crew. My words were poorly chosen. I was merely-"

    There it was again. Sentiment. And there was Cirrsseeto, standing tall and unquestionably proud, a man of integrity and honour. He was Captain Raurrssatta now. He was duty-bound, and to question that, to hesitate, it was both a disservice to his skills and an insult to his pride. Ashamed, Loki bowed his head.

    "Forgive me."

  4. #44
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Sssmoke me a kjipperrr, jI'll be back forrr brrreakfassst!

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    Cirrsseeto Quez's Avatar
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    On the Alliance Frigate Novgorod
    Cirr's eyes went wide at those two little words, and he stammered.


    Ears flicking, he looked at his severe young friend in a strange light. Wow, things were getting deep. Apologies, huh?


    Still in a bit of shock, he exhaled. Quick, before it got awkward...

    "Now, of courrse, thjis bejing a Jedji mjissjion, you know that's not an Alljiance mandate..."

    Before this observation could trouble the Jedi, the Captain acted nonchalant, even checking the claws on one hand as he spoke.

    "...of courrse, wjith my shjip bejing tasked wjith actjive sorrtjie rrajids, as long as we'rre fjightjing the Empjirre, everrythjing else jis...jincjidental."

    Cirr made sure that Loki shared his understanding.

    "So, we'd betterr fjind some jImperrjials to fjight. jI'd hate to go off mjissjion, you see."

  5. #45
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    He has taken a supreme vow of celibacy, like his father, and his father before him...

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    Abarai Loki's Avatar
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    The cloud of concern evaporated, haunted features hardened with fresh confidence, and there was a familiar glint in the young Jedi's eyes.

    "You will have your Imperials, Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta. That, I promise you."

    He recalled Halajiin's words:

    "You must tell him that this is a classified mission, and even he is not allowed to breathe a word of it to anyone in this convoy..."

    No. There was no need to patronise his friend with such needless instruction, he was a complete professional, and to raise the issue would only serve to cheapen his trust. Then, just as Loki was about to leave, he remembered the last crucial detail of the mission plan.

    "There is one more thing: we leave tonight."

  6. #46
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Sssmoke me a kjipperrr, jI'll be back forrr brrreakfassst!

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Cirrsseeto Quez's Avatar
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    On the Alliance Frigate Novgorod

    Cirr finished buttoning up his jacket, and checked himself in the mirror.

    "We pack ljight, and we'rre rready to go at a moment's notjice."

    The Captain looked back to the Jedi, and nodded.

    "You get yourr team. We'll be wajitjing."

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