He never pulled away. She supposed she'd have to give him credit for that, if nothing else.

"You're welcome," she replied with a hint of softness to her tone.

Slow, measured steps took her around the front side of Psion's desk and to one of the chairs there. Syn sat in a smooth motion, crossing her long legs and folding her hands almost demurely in her lap. Dark eyes remained fixed on him, however, coursing over him slowly with each deep breath. The empathy she'd taken from him had settled into a wriggling heap at the back of her mind, waiting to be let out and used.

That was part of her curse, she mused...she could taste all the powers in the world, rip them out of their worthless vessels and cradle them in her own mind. She could drain the life energy out of someone without a second though. But it was always everyone else who benefited - Psion mostly, to whom she was a mere puppet. Her stepfather, to whom she was only valuable as a commodity. Even her mother...no, that didn't bear thinking about.

This maudlin shit was beginning to wear on Syn's mind. The empath she'd stolen the powers from had lashed out with his power out of reflex, and she was still feeling the effects of the mental hit.

She shook her head and smoothed back her platinum curls before her dark gaze settled on Psion's. "Is there anything else on the agenda for today? Uncooperative underlings to suck dry? Mutants to torture?" Syn asked, a hint of sadistic glee flickering in her gaze at the thought.