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Thread: Feral's next target.

  1. #1

    X-Men Feral's next target.

    So, The Unfixing is complete, but Feral's reign of terror over the House residents has only just begun!

    The list of residents that is high on Feral's hit-list so to speak are:

    Jacob Foley
    Tycho Auriville
    Jamie Morrigan
    Aiden Fox

    Anna is close to all the Redencion Residents to some degree, but these four are the ones Feral perceives she is closest to, and therefore he will do something to them to get to her.

    These threads can all run concurrently, since there is no determined order for the list. Also, since Feral's not trying to live an honest life anymore, he has plenty of time on his hands.

    I have ideas for all of these characters, and will be in touch with their respective writers very soon.

    But if you want your own time of terror for one of your House Residents, please let me know here, or by PM and we will see what we can do to make your character's life a living hell for a day.

  2. #2
    Tycho Auriville
    Man, you gotta get laid or something. Work out this aggression in a healthy manner. =/

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Does breaking Jamie's arm count? He already did that.

  4. #4
    Colonel Godfrey
    Quote Originally Posted by Tycho Auriville View Post
    Man, you gotta get laid or something. Work out this aggression in a healthy manner. =/
    Be careful what you wish for, my dear boy.

    I believe that young Feral here asked for suggestions on how to cause you pain and discomfort. Combined with that efeminate hair style of yours, you may just have volunteered yourself for a good rogering.

  5. #5
    Tycho Auriville
    You're one to talk about style, what with that pornstache you got going on there.

  6. #6
    This thread is a goldmine of funny, which is terrible considering its purpose.

  7. #7
    Colonel Godfrey
    Quote Originally Posted by Tycho Auriville View Post
    You're one to talk about style, what with that pornstache you got going on there.
    I'm afraid I'm not quite as familiar with the facial hair of male pornographic actors as you appear to be.

    It shouldn't surprise me; you certainly seem like a smarmy little wanker.

    That said, perhaps we should act like gentlemen and take this discussion outside? There are ladies present, and I would not want to say something in front of them that might offend.
    Last edited by Colonel Godfrey; Apr 7th, 2012 at 06:51:27 PM.

  8. #8
    TheHolo.Net Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by feral
    Jamie Morrigan
    Bring it, ugly. I'm taking you to school, and you'd better bring your Pretty Pretty Princess lunchbox so you have something to cry into after I'm done turning your brain into a scrambled egg. When I'm through with you, you'll have more psychological disorders than the DSM-IV. You break my arm, I break your will to live. So let me ask you, punk: do you think you're ballsier than a fifth-grader?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie Morrigan View Post

    Bring it, ugly. I'm taking you to school, and you'd better bring your Pretty Pretty Princess lunchbox so you have something to cry into after I'm done turning your brain into a scrambled egg. When I'm through with you, you'll have more psychological disorders than the DSM-IV. You break my arm, I break your will to live. So let me ask you, punk: do you think you're ballsier than a fifth-grader?
    Much ballsier than a fifth-grader.

  10. #10
    Riley Grace
    My money's on Jaime.


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