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Thread: Treadstone Industries Press Conference

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Poster
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    X-Men Treadstone Industries Press Conference

    The thread: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press


    As part of the X-Force idea that was floated around for LA a year or so ago, Jenny and Dee cooked up a company called Treadstone Industries. Now that we're all posting and what-not again, we're starting to rekindle that idea again; and part of that is called (for totally non plaguristic reasons) Applied Sciences.

    The thread linked at the top gives you the gist. The basic idea is that Tom Harriman (and his team of researchers, if there are other scientists at a loose end) will be trying to discover how mutant powers work using science. If they can work out how to conjure lightning out of thin air, create protective force fields, 'magically' make it rain, there would be a whole slew of world wide problems that could be solved overnight. Hell, we might even end up with flying cars.

    The main purpose of the thread is to establish the idea in-character, in case there are any people in Los Angeles who might want to volunteer and show off their powers. It is also a potential "in" with Treadstone for some characters who might end up doing X-Force stuff, which some people are already planning to make use of.

    Having said that... though we don't have a ton of news reporters, if there's a question you think needs asking you can always post as your person watching the press conference on the news / in the crowd, and have them hear the question get asked, or whatever.

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Poster
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    What an excellent idea. I'm sure Jim will be first in line, he'll happily volunteer his services in the name of science, he has always been aware of just how significant it would be if his particular mutation was somehow harnessed and replicated by technology: goodbye world energy problems. So yeah, he'll be there for testing and will probably want to have a good poke around, him being the young science genius that he is and all.

    Edit: Chronologically speaking, roughly when does this take place relative to all the other stuff going on in LA?
    Last edited by Droo; Mar 21st, 2012 at 10:49:46 AM.

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Nice idea

  4. #4
    TheHolo.Net Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by Droo View Post
    Chronologically speaking, roughly when does this take place relative to all the other stuff going on in LA?
    Since Tom and Treadstone haven't been involved in much of the other stuff, I hadn't really thought about it extensively; and I'm not sure how much of the other stuff that was planned actually got around to getting done.

    My gut says after the protest/riot/thing, if only because our timeline has been stuck in June 2009 for the last two years.

  5. #5
    We had planned for a Los Santos arc occupying the summer of 2009. June starts with "No Timeouts Left" and hits a climax with the rally thread. Then we had planned for a pair of 4th of July bashes for both Redencion House and the Brotherhood. That hasn't happened yet, but it's safe to say we're in the month of July now.

  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    The Unfixing takes place on July 5th. So there!

    oh what a tangled web I weave


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