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Thread: Eragon Dushall

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  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    What then would you say are Eragon's weaknesses and faults? Do you think he is walking the line between the Light and Dark Side of the Force?

  2. #2
    Oh yeah he difinately is... One thing that i want to touch on in RP is that he was born different from other children. Not like Anakin what so ever but that he was born with a evilness. Note his attempted murder of his nusery maiden when he was but a toddler. If it wasn't for Jeht he would have been a Inquisitor and a agent for the Empire.

    His weakness with the force would actually be his ability to use force powers. Although he does use the force on many occasions his true strength is with the lightsaber and various weapons. As far as his faults on a personal level he is very easy to anger although his Master was around to help him check this during his training and he has gained more control over it since Darrus took him under his arm. Also his eagerness to jump into a situation without thinking first has gotten him in plenty of situations where if Darrus wasn't there would have surely killed him.

  3. #3
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Interesting character concept Eragon. The struggle with a child simply being born 'bad' but tutored to reinforce the light looks like a good place to begin some rich story telling.

    I do have some questions though, regarding some of your characters trained abilities and the reasoning behind them.

    I see your basis for wanting to use Vaapad as Eragons favored style. A way for him to channel his inner demons. It's also somewhat unlikely. In the EU every Vaapad user, except for Windu, fell to the darkside from it's use. It was also extremely hard to master, Mace Windu and possibly one other, being the only ones to master it. So while it is reasonable that the Jedi who taught your character might have known some of the moves from the form, it would be a hard sell to have us believe that he could teach the form in a sense where your character could resist it's dark side urges.

    It would also be good to note that the form would be nearly extinct in our timeline. All of users having been killed off.

    EU does dictate there was a holocron that held the forms secrets. I'll come back to this in a moment though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eragon_Dushall View Post
    He is powerful... but so is every Jedi or Sith that let themselves dip fully into the force. The only way he was able to best the Inquisitors was to use the Vaapad form, which when used properly is unbeatable.
    That is a dangerous line of reasoning. Nothing is unbeatable. If something becomes unbeatable it quickly goes against our primary rule on these boards, which is to use common sense.

    Everyone here wishes to write their character as heroes, or if not heroes, someone with impact, someone special. But bearing that in mind, we also try to infuse as much realism and grit into our characters as possible. Your characters bio is certainly heroic and worthy of story but certain aspects can be turned down a notch, so as to not out weight the general rule of thumb, be sensible.

    For example: Instead of using the form of Vaapad. Simply have your character enjoy being aggressive in a fight. It's not very Jedi like, and treads the line of the dark side but is more believable.

    Was there a specific reason you wished to start out as a Knight vs a Padawan? What if the Inquisitors attacked before your character reached Knight hood. Then, in the ensuing battle the master was killed forcing your character to flee for his life. This would emphasis the inner turmoil your character struggles with, maybe feeling ashamed for having to run from a fight, or that he couldn't save his master.

    Perhaps then, the Jedi of the wheel could stumble across your character and pick up where your old master left off. Tempering the anger. Maybe down the line your knighthood could revolve around recovering the holocron that explains the form of Vaapad. That is certainly more note worthy of knighthood then fighting off pirates on a freighter.

    Don't be afraid to have your characters bio be somewhat simple to start. It's the growth into something more complex later on that makes it fun.


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