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Thread: Base Intel Report!

  1. #1
    Jason Mcgraves

    Information Base Intel Report!

    That's right us non-Inquisitoriate punks I'm just wondering how many of us there are.

    Why you ask because Special Agent Jason Mcgraves is coming out of his deep cover. He was attempting to expose the secret leader of Black Nebula only known as Dalethria.

    However his mission reached a dead end in the fact that he suspected Miranda Tarkin of being Dalethria but couldn't get the proof and she became nearly untouchable as achieved status of empress.

    So now the deep cover agents motives are about to change. He is going to take on the Inquisitoriate and attempt to expose there dark dirty little secrets. Basically he is going to try and put the power back in the hands of those that do not corrupt like the Inquisitoriate.

    I just want to see if there are any other Base Intel people besides myself and if you want to go down the road of attempting to take down the Inquisitoriate and put them back in there place.

  2. #2
    Ana'Sera Beliq
    I'm in.


  3. #3
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Ooooo. I like this, if you need help from my end, just drop a line.

    Sounds like it'll be fun.

  4. #4
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    I am not Intel but I like the Idea. It will be a tough nut to crack. The Inquisitors have the advantage in just about every way, except in space. Even then their ships are tough. I like the idea of their pretty command cruiser blowing up. I'm not sure anyone can touch them on the ground, bar a jedi strike force. As far as Intel they would always be two steps ahead of you and behind you at the same time. sounds like fun.

  5. #5
    Ana'Sera Beliq
    Awesome! Thanks for the offer, Karl - I'm looking forward to it

    *claps with delight*

    Couldn't have said it better myself, Reshmar

    (awesome pic in your CT, btw)

  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    As we have already discussed, Sanya Tagge is on board

  7. #7
    Ana'Sera Beliq


    (still keep thinking Sophie, Das...can't help it)

  8. #8
    Jason Mcgraves
    I'm in.

    Good I have one at least.

    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Valten View Post
    Ooooo. I like this, if you need help from my end, just drop a line.

    Sounds like it'll be fun.
    Oh I will eventually Mr. Valten but first I'm going to make some allies to help me in my fight to bring you down.

    I am not Intel but I like the Idea. It will be a tough nut to crack. The Inquisitors have the advantage in just about every way, except in space. Even then their ships are tough. I like the idea of their pretty command cruiser blowing up. I'm not sure anyone can touch them on the ground, bar a jedi strike force. As far as Intel they would always be two steps ahead of you and behind you at the same time. sounds like fun.
    Nothing ever comes easy but I like the odds stacked against plus even if the goal isn't accomplished Intel becomes a thorn in the Inq's side. Something they will have to constantly deal with and always have to be wary of.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dasquian Belargic View Post
    As we have already discussed, Sanya Tagge is on board
    Yes Intel's ally.

  9. #9
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    I will need to get with the Inquisitors but I think fleet can help out by being a bit of a distraction so to keep a bit of the attention off intel. I have a few ideas but will need to clear them up.

  10. #10
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    If you'd be so kind as to bomb their little headquarters off the face of Coruscant, Mr. Reshmar, that would be marvellous

  11. #11
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    I like how the Inquisitors are the ones that are getting accused of being corrupt.

    Question: What about the whole of Intel? Valten and Esalis are on fairly decent terms with each other. I mean INQ and Intel never completely get along, but they operate somewhat similarly. Is McGraves acting on his own?

    And my dear Sanya, you are already under review for that fiasco trial. Why throw treason on top of that? Though if you insist it would be my pleasure watching you hang from the gallows.

  12. #12
    Ana'Sera Beliq
    *smiles innocently & shifts into an identical copy of Sanya* But Mr. can you be certain where the esteemed lady is at any point?

  13. #13

    ...I'll show you something much worse than corruption.

  14. #14
    Jason Mcgraves
    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Valten View Post
    Question: What about the whole of Intel? Valten and Esalis are on fairly decent terms with each other. I mean INQ and Intel never completely get along, but they operate somewhat similarly. Is McGraves acting on his own?
    The whole of Intel there aren't very many of us to begin with. lol

    As for Esalis and Valten being on good terms. Mcgraves since he has been a member of Intel since Day one of reset him and R. S. Esalis have had absolutely no interaction. So she maybe head but Jason works under someone else who probably reports to R. S. Esalis. As for if he has own agenda of course Jason has his own agenda.

    I'm going with he works under someone else who is working against R. S. Esalis unless she decided she wants in then this is subject to change. I won't exclude her in anyway but I can't speak for what her position is on this idea.

  15. #15
    Ana'Sera Beliq
    Quote Originally Posted by Inkara Liet View Post

    ...I'll show you something much worse than corruption.
    *snorts delicately*

    You can -try- my dear.

  16. #16
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Mcgraves View Post
    The whole of Intel there aren't very many of us to begin with. lol

    As for Esalis and Valten being on good terms. Mcgraves since he has been a member of Intel since Day one of reset him and R. S. Esalis have had absolutely no interaction. So she maybe head but Jason works under someone else who probably reports to R. S. Esalis. As for if he has own agenda of course Jason has his own agenda.

    I'm going with he works under someone else who is working against R. S. Esalis unless she decided she wants in then this is subject to change. I won't exclude her in anyway but I can't speak for what her position is on this idea.
    Sounds good to me

  17. #17
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    I'm totally chill with however you want to structure McGraves' working relationship and proximity with Esalis

    I've also got Bartleby Orem, who accidentally defected to the Rebels (yes ACCIDENTALLY ), so if you want me to bring him into things somehow I can do that; like maybe McGraves and Orem used to know each other in the Academy or somesuch

  18. #18
    Jason Mcgraves
    Quote Originally Posted by Loklorien s'Ilancy View Post
    I'm totally chill with however you want to structure McGraves' working relationship and proximity with Esalis

    I've also got Bartleby Orem, who accidentally defected to the Rebels (yes ACCIDENTALLY ), so if you want me to bring him into things somehow I can do that; like maybe McGraves and Orem used to know each other in the Academy or somesuch
    How does one accidentally defect? lol

    But sure I will find someway to work Mr. Orm into things.

    As for Esalis I will go with Jason works under someone else who is working against Esalis in someway probably trying to get her job. Since Valten assumes Esalis and him are on good terms I will let him continue to believe that. We all need are little delusions. lol

  19. #19

  20. #20
    TheHolo.Net Moderator

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    If you'd be so kind as to bomb their little headquarters off the face of Coruscant, Mr. Reshmar, that would be marvellous
    No need for that. Just convince me that the INQ is working with the Rebellion, and the Dominion will see to it that INQ HQ shares the same fate as Xizor's Skyhook.

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