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Thread: Suffer the Little Children...

  1. #21
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    The morning's meditations were ended, and Anbira drew his hair back into a ponytail as he slung on a tunic over his coveralls, looking as unassuming as the rest of Cloud City's throng. His thoughts turned to concern of a thing he could not quite grasp. The spirits of the force that visited him, the masters of years passed, were speaking of trouble in near unison. It had made him restless for nearly a month, and even now, his meditations could barely clear his mind of lingering unease.

    He paused at the bedside of his one-room apartment, pulling a familar cyllinder from the drawer before tucking it under the flowing tunic fabric, safe from sight. In the corner, a well-traveled set of plastoid armor sat neglected. With his stay at Bespin, it had become costly to be conspicuous. With signs of what could only be the Dark Side flickering on the horizon, he could ill afford a mistake.

    It was only the chime of his chronometer that brought his thoughts from this unhappy place, and he reset the device, knowing he had an appointment to keep. Knowing Lok s'Ilancy, she would be waiting at the nearest eating venue. The woman seemed to function best on close proximity to either food or drink, and it seemed sensible enough to meet people under those auspices.

    He left the apartment quickly, and was soon strolling through the nearest promenade to his residential district. It was easier to detect the young, raw force talent accompanying s'Ilancy than the Jedi Master herself.

  2. #22
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Watching Saricia over her tea, s'Il allowed her eye to occasionally flit to and fro, watching the strangers that passed and those that chose to spend their time in the relative 'peace' offered by the cafe. It was nothing more than a simple stop, that much she could tell, but at least it provided a shelter from the hustling masses on their way to... wherever. None of that mattered to the elder Lupine. It never did. People came and went as they pleased, and she was of no desire to possess any sort of knowledge beyond the happenings of herself and those close to her.

    She wondered idly what this 'Wyl' was like, and how he and Teagan had met, though if he was a padawan it seemed fairly easy to guess. She thought of Teagan, and of how Dan seemed so sure that their daughter was force-sensitive. s'Il herself had never detected any hint of it in the girl, and as the years had passed she'd begun to suspect that Teagan would never have any hold over the Force in any way. The notion caused her a strange sense of elation that she found unable to explain.

    Lifting her mug to her lips, she smiled at Sar.

    "Enjoy your drink for our friend will be along shortly now."

  3. #23
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Anbira let himself disappear into the throng, and he was only noticeable when he at last broke off from the crowd, practically adjacent to the table with the waiting Jedi.

    "s'Ilancy, this is an unusual visit to Bespin. Welcome."

    He tilted his head slightly in greeting to the Master and the other young adept.

    "Forgive my curt nature. Our presence here requires discretion."

    He glanced casually over his shoulder.

    "No doubt even now we're under Imperial surveillance."

  4. #24
    SW-Fans.Net Poster
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    She set down her mug of tea and tried to not panic visibly. Though the frown of concern could not be helped, and the younger Lupine looked towards her superior for guidance. The last thing Saricia wanted to do was make a spectacle so remained seated, fighting the nervousness in her legs and forcing them to stay still.

  5. #25
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    The only indication that he'd in any way startled her was a minor uplifted brow, and with smooth, deliberate motions, s'Il took a sip of her tea.

    "Sit," she quietly ordered, "... and stop being such a fatalist. You are worrying my friend."

    Setting down the mug, the Lupine reached over, a strong hand grasping the back of a chair and pulling it out so that he would be able to join them. She knew the dangers involved in coming to Cloud City, but there was certainly something to be said of acting without care. She was in no way about to discuss the particulars of their visit while out in the open, but it wasn't harmful in allowing oneself the chance to observe and speak in generalities.

    Perhaps it was an extension of her normal behavior, but either way the Lupine smiled gently to Saricia, hoping the expression would help to soothe the girl's unease.

  6. #26
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "Fatalism is not to explain the facts at hand. It has been some time since you were last on Bespin."

    Anbira spoke in even tones as a waitron droid approached. He ordered a glass of water.

    "It has evolved into an, understanding, shall we say."

  7. #27
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    It was quite evident that these two had a history, but Saricia was not privy to the details. Once they secured the boy and were safely away from here, she would have to inquire about their past. She also held a curiosity as to why this Jedi was not with the rest of the fleet. No Jedi was forced to come to the Wheel, but she would like to learn the man's reasoning.

  8. #28
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    "Is that so?"

    s'Il watched Anbira with a muted gaze; he looked so far different than the last she'd seen him. When had that been? Her brow knit as the memory returned... after the fight on Dantooine, aboard the Rebel frigate she'd been taken to.

    His hair was longer, pulled back with a tie to keep it from his face, and for the briefest of moments it reminded her of Zem. The thought amused her.

    "It seems then that the best thing to do would've been to stay with your group when they pushed onward."

  9. #29
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "My feelings bade me to wait. After all, your intuition has led you to retain your services to General Dan. The danger for us is real, but we cannot expect to always be cloistered away from it. There exists a responsibility to serve."

  10. #30
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    The young Lupine sat silent still, most captivated by the conversation that the two were having. Bits and pieces were illuminating if one astute enough to pay attention. She kept an opened mind and sipped her tea, eyes whisking between the two of them.

  11. #31
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    s'Il smiled gently, giving a nod in agreement to what he spoke of.

    "Where would we be if we misplaced our trust and faith... " she sipped at her tea, and eye flitting up to the young woman sitting across from her, the Lupine set her cup back on the table.

    "But where are my manners?"

    She gestured to Saricia.

    "A... distant relative; Saricia."

  12. #32
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Anbira's expression betrayed his intrigue.

    "A relative, you say? Then you have found other lupines?"

    He looked to the younger woman, nodding his head.

    "A pleasure to meet you Saricia. I am Anbira Hicchoru."

  13. #33
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    To the ease in which Anbira spoke about her race, sent Saricia into panic mode. Forgoing any returned pleasantries, the younger Lupine leaned forward and whispered, hissing her displeasure, "For a man worried about surveillance, such terms should not be used lightly in public!"

  14. #34
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    The younger Lupine's reaction caused a bit of a smile to tug at the corners of her mouth, and s'Il leaned back in her seat, her eye going from Anbira to Saricia, then back again. If she was not so concerned with finding young Wyl Staedtler, she might've allowed the man to respond, but as it was their time was running short.

    She placed a calming hand over Saricia's, gaze turned to Anbira.

    "We're here for Wyl," she started in a tone that, while gentle, certainly held the undertones of firm control.

  15. #35
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "The young learner? I'm happy to help, but it is a curious request."

    Unable to find any clue of the request on s'Il's face, Anbira looked to the younger Lupine.

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