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Thread: Bad Voodoo (Aria)

  1. #21
    Aria Sihin
    Nostrils flared at his incredulous assumption as she straightened her cloak, "I'm neither. Who is your contact?"

    Her mind was already racing with two possibilities. Lucid and Jason - They were the only two beings in the sector of space interested in her presence. However, if they weren't being careful and were causing too much noise about her, other parties might have become interested in her, simply for the reason that knowledge was power, which could be held over her head.

    Abilus hated being powerless. She would have to rectify this immediately.

  2. #22
    Blade Bacquin
    Lucid still at his table in the bar was growing ever more impatient. The bottle of JD was now half gone and despite the comfort it use to give Blade it had none for him this day. Blade was now impatiently tapping the credit chip against the table. He eyed the waitress every once and awhile with a near death stare.

    He wanted to strangle her and the bastard that had told him that she was the one to ask for information. Heck his other hand was itching to grab for his light saber and slay every last customer in this establishment. Blade had to wonder how many of them he might cut down before getting blaster bolt to the head.

  3. #23
    "I'm neither. Who is your contact?"
    "Dat's no' important," he said, the smile slipped away and he was suddenly straight-faced. It was business time.

    "Thing is dis: der's someone lookin' for yeh, an' I'm talkin' really lookin' for yeh, an' I know where teh find dis person. Me contact was approached by dis person, an' playin' a double blind, sent me after yeh instead, figurin' yeh might be more... grateful for our services. Yeh know wha' I mean, girl?"

    Illustrating his point, he raised his hand and rubbed his thumb and forefinger together , eyebrows a-waggling.

  4. #24
    Aria Sihin
    The boy had a really raunchy way of expressing his employers motivations. Abilus would play along with this for now. "And who is looking for me? Without knowing that I have no answer for a possible counter offer."

  5. #25
    "De question isn't 'oo, it's where," he snapped, "Yeh must know 'ow dis works, love, so don' mess me 'round, 'kay?"

    His eyes rolled idly around the small interior of the storage closet. He tucked his thumbs into his trousers and sighed, regarding the woman at last.

    "Make a decision, 'oney, we 'aven't go' all day. Yeh wanna go der or no'? An' if no',"

    His eyes gave their surroundings one last once over before settling back on her, he smirked, "Wanna frack?"

  6. #26
    Aria Sihin
    Abilus' patience had worn thin and reached the edge of her patience.


    Her hand stung from the backhanded slap across Kallum's face, but the momentary pleasure of nerves shooting across her skin, tingling with pain was worth it.

    She left without another word, already plucking the information she had asked from his weak mind with only a simple mental glimpse of her Apprentice having a heated discussion with a raven haired waitress.

    Cloud 9 was her destination and finally she would be reunited with Lucid ...

  7. #27

    Sprawled out in the corner of the closet amongst the dumped load of a collapsed shelf, Kallum winced and touched his face gingerly. This woman had a thing for messing up his face. He opened his mouth to announce that technically she hadn't declined his offer when he heard a thick steady glugging, he looked down and saw an upturned tin of engine lubricant emptying its slick golden contents into his lap. He cursed furiously and hurled the tin out the door, and promptly followed it, hot on the woman's heels.

    "Oi! Just a minute der, love, where d'yeh reckon yer goin, eh? Don' yeh wanna know where teh find yeh stalker? 'ey, yeh list'nin' teh me!? 'ang on! Yeh supposed teh pay me fer dis!"

  8. #28
    Aria Sihin
    She ignored him and his rant until Abilus entered the lift. As Kallum tried to enter, the palm of her hand cracked against his face, forcing the street urchin out of the lift.

    For the briefest of moments, Kallum thought he could see a faint smirk through the haze of pain as the doors closed.

  9. #29
    Blade Bacquin
    He felt something dark coming this way as he grabbed the bottle and took the last swig from it. His eye's flashed orange as he stood up from his chair and let a twisted little smile cross his face. He walked slowly over to the woman who was supposed to tell him where Aria was. He grabbed her by the arm and spun her around as she was helping a customer.

    "Times up lady!"

    His eyes blazed with fury as he stared deep into the dark haired woman's eyes. The twisted grin still hanging on his face as his squeeze around her arm tightened.

  10. #30
    Malick Raine
    Malick stood on a landing platform staring at an YT-1300 called Simple Fate. He looked around to make sure the guards he had paid to slack off and look the other way for an hour where not around. After a few moments he made his way for the under belly of the ship.

    It was crazy idea but Malick had it stuck in his head he could succeed at whatever it was he was going to attempt. His plan really wasn't that well planned out in the scheme of things. All kinds of thoughts jumbled in his head about how he could take the bounty from this guy or how he could use this to jump start his way back into the empire. All and all his plans where naive idea's of playing some sort of hero to the damsel in distress even if she was a force user.

    He stopped at a hack on at the under belly of the ship. Malick knew his ships and knew it lead up into the ventilation system. Yet there was one small obstacle that stood in his way. The code key needed to open the hatch, only a minor problem Malick thought. He punched in a five digit code as a red bar appeared showing him that he failed.

    "Okay so you changed it from the standard default I see. Oh well I guess I will have to use the Imperial bypass code."

    He hoped they hadn't figure out a way to reconfigure it. Yet most bounty hunters where smart so it more then likely wouldn't work. So he typed in the code and the light flashed green which brought a smile to Malick's face.


    He pulled the Hatch open and lifted himself up into the shaft. He closed the hatch behind him and began to crawl through the under belly of the ship. He was looking for the perfect spot to stop and wait.

  11. #31
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Molly Black's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Cloud City, Bespin
    "Times up lady!"
    Of course, she'd known he was coming from the sudden panic in the eyes of the couple in front of her. They had just been discussing the eye watering temperature of their Extreme hot wings. Molly, having had the wings before had taken pity on the couple and had been refilling their obviously depleted tumblers with some ice water from her trusty pitcher when 'The client from Hell' returned to start tossing around his demands on her time...

    Right in the dining room again! The man had no tact and no idea whatsoever how this sort of game was played. He was not only getting on her last nerve, he was seriously endangering her waitress cover by drawing this much attention to them and Molly had had enough.

    As he spun her around, she winced at the pain in her arm as his fingerprints managed to find the exact shadows he had already left behind from his earlier pawing. He was not rewarded with a look of fright in her blue eyes, however. She looked seriously pissed off and ready to say the hell with helping him at all. Besides, she had not heard back from Kallum yet and she had nothing to report anyways.

    If he had been watching her, he should know that she had been clearing dishes from empty tables, not intercepting top secret correspondence on the woman he sought. The man was a meathead and Molly suddenly pitied the poor woman, whoever she was.

    In her trips to and from the kitchen with trays of dirtied dishes, Molly had managed to acquire the attention of some of less savory types that Mu kept around, insisting they came in handy on occasion.

    This was that day, baby..

    Despite the mess it would cause, there were three of them who were ready to blast the guy's kneecaps out at her signal, and one waitress at the bar with her thumb resting on the button which would summon not only a security detail, but doubtless the local Imperial garrison as well. None of them needed Imperials involved, but Molly was not above playing that card if forced.

    "Listen, buddy. I don't know what kind of maximum security mental facility you managed to crawl out of, but this is not how we do this.", her eyes alluded to their exchange of information.

    "What you want is not ready yet and I already told you...", she smiled sweetly.

    "Keep your damn hands off me!"

    There was a moment where she dounted the wisdom of such an action, but as the contents of the pitcher poured over his head, Molly was reminded that she was known for her great legs, and not her wisdom...

  12. #32
    Aria Sihin
    Abilus found herself in a crowd of people milling about this level of the Cloud City. Fortunately they were slowly making their way in the general direction fo Cloud 9. It was slow and tedious at times, but it would help govern her a low profile in case that uncouth brigand came looking for her.

    After several blocks, the bright lights of Cloud 9 drew nearer and she stepped through the doorway just in time to see some woman dump a pitcher of liquid over Lucid's head.

    Surprised eyes narrowed in humor as even the often stoic Sith Master could not hide the mirth bubbling from her belly that escaped as quiet laughter.

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