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Thread: an indepth discussion of slash fanfiction, sponsored by Mark

  1. #21
    Cat X
    Quote Originally Posted by Dasquian Belargic View Post
    Maybe you wrote a lot of absolutely filthy smut, but unless it was male/male it is not classified by the rest of the internet as slash. You can call it whatever you want of course, but you just have to click absolutely any of the links I posted already to see that you're using the term differently to everyone else. It's been used that way since it first came about in 1974.

    As for Twitter, it has more uses than just blogging every minute detail of a persons life.
    a) Wrong. Slash IS slash, it is not, has not, and will not be just male/male and only the n00bs who arrived with or after the Endless September think different. That's how it started and I will pull INTERNET RANK!!!! on you right now. I'm a greyhair, I'm approaching greybeard and I've written and read slash that would curl even the worst you have seen. Eowyn / Arwen plus Glorifeld's horse was.... ummm..... bad in all new ways.

    I think I might have a copy somewhere. Why, dont ask me. I did it as a bet.

    I was there man. I saw it awwwwwwwwwllllllllll. And you cant say that unless you know about rotary dial and kermit. GG, Kermit. That's going back waaaaay to far.

    b) Reaaaaaly? Funny, that's pretty much an accurate description of what it is - another turd in the floating unflushed pool of the Internet of useless crap

  2. #22
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    Threads like this make me laugh (because you guys are arguing... about slash) and weep (because you guys are arguing... about slash) at the same time.

    This is the kind of thing I'd expect to find on SA, not here.

  3. #23
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    Its all Mark's fault.

  4. #24
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    I love writing slash. I'm working on a fanfiction story crossover between Slayers and Inuyasha that has Inuyasha and Zelgoddess going at it.

    *Brownie points to those who know the characters and why they would make a good slash without looking them up.

  5. #25
    Cat X
    Quote Originally Posted by Lilaena De'Ville View Post
    Its all Mark's fault.
    When it comes to slash.... actually it probably is. Or sad pathetic geeks just like me. And as we invented it, we'll name it and define it!

  6. #26
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat X View Post
    a) Wrong. Slash IS slash, it is not, has not, and will not be just male/male and only the n00bs who arrived with or after the Endless September think different. That's how it started and I will pull INTERNET RANK!!!! on you right now. I'm a greyhair, I'm approaching greybeard and I've written and read slash that would curl even the worst you have seen. Eowyn / Arwen plus Glorifeld's horse was.... ummm..... bad in all new ways.
    Eowyn/Arwen is slash yes... because it's gay. femmeslash

    Like I said, google slash. Look up the definition, look at the hundreds of hundreds of pages about it. The Endless September came after Kirk/Spock started slash in the 70s. So no, however grey you may be, you didn't invent it unless you were writing slash when you were still a child.

  7. #27
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    The Usenet point is really invalid here. I mean, it's a bit like saying roleplay means only turn-based posting just because we've done it at our community for years. It wouldn't make us the be all and end all of roleplaying and neither does it change the origin of roleplaying or the world's definition(s) of it. Same applies to what is being argued about slash fiction here.

    Secondly, it might be sad but the fact of the matter is this isn't really about slash fiction, it's about principle in that here you have one person being told repeatedly they're wrong about something and backing it up with facts and the other saying "No, I'm older and experienced, I'm right." I would be arguing the toss about this until I was blue in the face as well if my itelligence was being pissed on like that.

  8. #28
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    You know, if Mark was writing slash as a child it might explain a lot....

    oh what a tangled web I weave

  9. #29
    Cat X
    Quote Originally Posted by Dasquian Belargic View Post

    Eowyn/Arwen is slash yes... because it's gay. femmeslash

    Like I said, google slash. Look up the definition, look at the hundreds of hundreds of pages about it. The Endless September came after Kirk/Spock started slash in the 70s. So no, however grey you may be, you didn't invent it unless you were writing slash when you were still a child.
    I'm not wrong. It's like how the real definition of hacker is NOT what popular culture, news agencies or any number of Internet dweebs think it is. A hacker is not a person who breaks into computer systems. That is a cracker. It alays has been and always will be, desipte the collective insistance of the multitude that dont know but just say it anyway. Slash had one definition when it was invented and it has not changed, despite the collective delusion of the Interwebs and those who came after the Endless September.

    As a matter of reference I was in fact using mainframes and building my own electronic experiments in the 70's. I was in fact studying for Amateur radio 10 years before you were born. I DID build machine code games before you were concieved. I did spend hours late at night on BBS's and god knows what else before any of you even knew what a computer was and thence as I keep pointing out, I dont need to google. I was actually there! I know what slash is. I know that what you think as the start of slash wasnt it. It was actually Frodo and Sam and that bit of ugly was the 60's. And I dare say slash will go back a lot further with some investigation.

    Thankfully, I prefer cars to computers these days to wate my time. At least with cars you get an idea what the outside is like.

    I was blue in the face as well if my itelligence was being pissed on like that.
    She's mistaken, you are mistaken - yes actually the collective Internet can indeed be completely and utterly wrong. And get the fuck off my lawn!

  10. #30
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    My granddad was gay. He loved to read that shit all the time. I believe he was a well respected, albeit anonymous, author of slash fiction right up until his death in 1986. I will pull internet rank using the memory of my dead gay grandfather, and I would tell you to get the fuck off his lawn but it's public property.

  11. #31
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    Ok that's enough.

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