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Thread: Do Not Pass Go. Do Not Collect 200 Credits.

  1. #21
    Denton Jax
    "Try to save your energy for later, sweetheart" Denton teased, rolling off the bed and swaggering over to the door, where his wrists were bound together. "You know what happens in these places. Might as well be with someone you know, eh?"

    His laugh was drowned out as the door slammed shut, the guard guiding him roughly across the hall and shoving Jax into a new room. The redhead grinned at the small Duro, plopping down on the seat lightly.

    "So, you're the lawyer?" he asked, tilting his head to one side slightly. "Where's Tegan?"

  2. #22
    O.W. Outcast
    The small Duro just stared at the smug redhead for a moment. His Bug eye's piercing right threw the young man. OW had the best stern look he could muster on his face. With that the small Duro reached into his open brief case not taking his gaze off the young man. OW pulled out thick form that had a ton of words just on its cover sheet.

    "This is your release form Mr. Jax."

    OW rolled back the pages to the last three pages of the thick form. He then pulled a pen from the brief case and clicked it. OW signed his own name in three spots. Then slide the paper and pen to Denton.

    "My client has confessed to the crimes and that you where bystander in the events. Since you don't have a lawyer yourself they asked that I sign papers for your release as your temporary lawyer. Now all you need to do is sign."

    With that OW gave a sigh and then a slight smile to the young man across the table. He was playing the part of a Lawyer that had lost now.

    "I don't know this Teagan you speak of."

    He was lying but it was best to not let Mr. Jax know that he was not a lawyer but in fact a crime lord. Something needed to stay in the family and Denton was not a part of that family.

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