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Thread: Toxicity and a Big Dish

  1. #1

    Toxicity and a Big Dish

    Two Days Later: The Nebulon B-Frigate: Mothma's Dream In Hyperpace

    "It was confirmed five minutes ago." 'The Black Man' told Estelle, Milivikal, and Kazaar while they each sat in an office adjacent to the main briefing room. "The transmission are headed to a relay station near Rhen Var. We're conducting a raid on a lightly guarded supply depot nearby. Your orders are simple: break into the relay station and steal the recent communication logs. We need to know where they're getting transmissions from and their contents."

    'Cowboy' smirked. "Ya told us th'last mission would be frackin' 'simple'. What ya run outta other terms t'describe things?"

    Othniel/Rohan's dark eyes narrowed, but he didn't bite back. Instead, he pressed a button on a holo-display, showing video footage of the supply depot and the relay station. "This is a live feed, from a probe droid sent into the sector two days ago."

    The images showed a container platform with six turbolasers on each landing pad, with two modified frigates and a Carrack Cruiser guarding the platform. Off to the right was the relay station itself, another Carrack Cruiser guarding it.

    "Lightly guarded my ass." Kazaar smirked again lighting a cigar. "What ya consiering anything smaller than o'frackin' Death Star lightly guarded?" He got an elbow from Estelle, ever the one to try to keep Kazaar in line.

    "Not quite." Othniel didn't answer. "But you don't have to worry about what happens to the team itself, this time. Worry about getting the data and getting out of there. You'll have a JV-7 escort shuttle and use that to escape."

    "Nice t'know we got an actual escape plan."

    The Black Man again didn't bite. "You'll have two squadrons of Imperial stormtroopers to worry about, but your main foe are the computer techs. Miss k'Vik, I have a brief audio recording of the chief tech officer, a Captain Wayne Spindler. He has all of the codes to destroy the communications logs. Knowing your skills, the recording will come in handy.

    "This program." He handed Estelle a datachit. "Will download all the specific files needed.

    "Any questions?"
    Last edited by The Black Man; Mar 14th, 2009 at 12:23:16 AM.

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    Kazaar snorted'n pushed off from his position 'gainst the wall of th'small office. "Yeah. This is too frackin' easy. What's th'catch?"

    Othniel shook 'is head'n sighed (always did that when Kazaar'd hit a nerve). "We aren't completely sure where the information is being housed."

    "Oh that's just frackin' great, Othy." Kazaar's arms went up, cigar smoke trailin' one o'em. "Ya don't know where they're stored...What, ya Imperial contacts not come through f'ya on this? Or ya just decide ya enjoyed watchin' up scurry 'round in engineerin' uniforms ya wanted us t'frackin' do that 'gain."

    "Enough Kazaar." Th'Black Man growled, bringin' up th'schematic on th'relay station again. "I said we weren't sure, not that we didn't know."

    Othy zoomed in onna part o'the facility just below where it's four satellite dishes came t'gether. "Your entry point will be here, mainly because we believe the hard data storage is at the bottom of the facility." He then zoomed in on th'bottom tip o'the station. "It's the only way to erase all the data from the facility's computers."

    "And Spindler is the only one who can do it, sir?" Th'Kid's sharp mind was always good at puttin' together puzzles pretty quickly.

    "Correct, Agent. You'll intercept him while he heads from the bridge to the hard drives. You should have about ten minutes to stop him from erasing the logs."

    'Nother smirk from Kazaar, he was startin' t'get it. "Lemme guess. Imp ingenuity makes it even frackin' harder f'them t'erase th'stuff. Even if they ain't so keen 'bout it fallin' into th'wrong hands, they sure as hell don't want jus' any officer gettin' their grubby paws on it." He shook his black-haired head. "Force dammit those guys' paranoia's off th'frackin' charts."

    "Paranoia isn't always a bad thing, Kazaar. If channeled right." Othniel rebuked 'im again. "As I said, there should be two squads of stormtroopers inside, but it's imperative you stop Spindler from erasing the files.

    "Any other questions?"

  3. #3
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    If I have to clean up Kazaar after a drunken night of binge drinking one more time there will be HELL to pay!
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    Estelle had been content to sit quietly allowing the briefing and its discussion to go on without much input from herself, her attention firmly engaged to Othniel's briefing - the exception of an elbow to Kazaar's ribs being her only drift from focus, and that had been an action born from habit, done without thinking. She was even more attentive than was her usual - the reason for that being her two companion's in the room with her, Kazaar and k'Vik. Russard was doing her best to avoid eye contact with them. And had been for the past 24 hours....

    ....."Who's for beer?" Kazaar had grinned.

    It had been a great idea at the time, and the three Rebel spies were due a little de-stress time. Estelle, especially, felt the desire to off-load responsibility and shed the weight of the action they had just been a part of during Man Overboard. A little social downtime sounded like just the ticket and so, after a shower and much needed change of clothing, she, Milivikal and Aurelias had meandered their way down to the officers lounge on board the frigate they'd recently arrived on and found themselves a quiet table at which to sit.

    Their drinks arrived and Estelle was reminded of the night in the safehouse when Mili and Kazaar found an easy rapport with one another, while she (alone and boring) was receiving mission intel from Othniel. This time, Estelle determined she would get to join in the fun and she would even keep up.

    When the second round came, Estelle gulped what was remaining in her glass and started in on number two with a will. Drinks three and four came and went in quick succession and her two partners fell into a conversation regarding weapons and tactics and the advantages of the E-Web and ooh what a nice gun the E-11 was and didyaknow if you hit a guy right in the nape of his neck..there, no to the left, yeah there...with a crip-knife he'd die standing up with his eyes open, really? yeah, no kiddin' and I should tell ya'bout th'time on Sarapin when--

    Russard was having trouble feeling her feet by that time and had shredded a paper napkin into a pyramid of nano-pieces on the table, decided a change of topic was a good idea. "I used to have a crush on Aurelias" She announced to Mili, unexpectedly. Kazaar shot beer through his nose. "Mmhm" Estelle continued non-plussed as Mili gave her a slow, cryptic smile, "Even before he saved me on Mastala, and waaaaay before ......"

    Russard squeezed her eyes shut at the memory and realised The Black Man was saying something about destroying the computer logs. Estelle didn't dare look at Kazaar, though he seemed himself to be fully involved in the brief, if not a little pricklier than usual. But that would just be because of the proximity to Othniel, the top-brass always seemed to bring out Kazaar's more onery nature.

    Kazaar had raised a contentious point on Alliance Intel accuracy, the medusa problem that had no perfect answer, but Othniel pulled the discussion back to what was needed to be done, and Russard drifted back to the officers lounge...

    ....."A crush?" Mili had queried, "Do you mean to say you had romantic feelings for him?" k'Vik sought clarification and Estelle had sat taller in her seat, "Exactly! Or something like that anyway. At first he was all bad and scary guy, but really he's a big ol' marshmallow-only, with guns" k'Vik looked mildly amused as Aurelias squirmed in his chair at this description.

    "Kid" Kazaar drew her glass away from her, squinting his eyes in that way that always made him look like he was deciding in just which fashion to kill ya, but Estelle ploughed on unphased,
    "Even my father began to think there was something--"

    "Jason what?!" Aurelias sputtered, Th'frack was th'kid talkin'bout? He shot out of his seat and hooked a hand under Estelle's arm. "Time t'go, Kid, enough confessing for one day" and hoisted Russard out of her seat.

    Estelle hung back, looking for a place to pat Mili affectionately, but the Jedi had turned in her seat slinging a slender arm over its back to better watch the pair, so that her chest and upper thigh were the first things to present as possibilities. After some time waving her hand around in awkwardness, Estelle opted to lean forward and tap Mili's hand resting on the table beside her glass, "You did great back there, on the Gargoyle, Birdie" she praised, "Rreeally great"....Estelle's knees swayed beneath her.

    "We all did great, Kid" Kazaar humored her, looking to Mili to lend a bit'a help. "You comin' Birdie? Could use a hand gettin' this one to'er room on the q-t."

    "Yus!" Estelle seized on the idea, "All three of us!" She wobbled into Kazaar, flumping her chin against his chest and using her jaw to walk her face upwards so she could see him again to whisper, not as softly as she'd imagined, "Ive never done that, y'know."

    .....Russard's face bloomed pink again, mortified at herself, especially here in the very serious and sensible environment of the briefing room. However she forced herself to stop timetripping and focus on what mattered. Neither of her companions seemed to be dwelling on it, apart from Aurelias's occassional mocking smirk tossed her way. Looking over the schematic she examined the access point.

    "And Spindler is the only one who can do it, sir?" she asked and Othniel confirmed it so.

    Kazaar had plenty of input into the discussion and was raising points that were valid. Russard was content to let he and The Black Man establish the lay of the operation.

    "Any other questions?" Othniel asked.

    "No sir, I think its all pretty clear" Estelle said.

    "Are you alright, Agent?" Othniel asked, frowning, peering closer at her.

    "Perfectly, Sir. Just a little too much time off" she answered.

    "Enthusiasm" Othniel misunderstood her remark, "Good job, Ophelia"

    Kazaar and Mili exchanged lazy smiles between themselves.
    Last edited by Estelle Russard; Feb 5th, 2009 at 08:52:50 PM.

  4. #4
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    That voice whispering in your ear
    Milivikal had determined that Kazaar was partially fueled by alcohol. The man's body was perfectly capable of being sauced. Cells and organs had adapted. They'd see the stuff flow through, and shrug. For them, it was just Tuesday. Estelle, however, was not fueled by the common liquid depressant. Estelle's cells were confused and overwhelmed, and ran into each other like sugared two-year olds in hamster balls. She had been smashed. Her orderly mental state had been submerged. What had floated up had been largely random, but fascinating.

    Her revelation had not been so surprising. It was clear that Kazaar was an attractive man. He wasn't the finest example of of skin or body composition. He did have a stout, powerful frame, and a strong jaw. His eyes, predatory. His hands were strong. His grin was a friendly bar-brawl. Most importantly, he exuded confidence. He didn't see himself as blaster-proof or invincible, but very close to it. He wasn't a marshmallow with blasters. Estelle had categorized him as such partly as a defense mechanism, and partly because that was how their relationship had evolved.

    The conversation had started, as many off-hours do, about work. Kazaar expounded upon his fondness for heavy firepower, and k'Vik explained hers for blade weapons. She paid close attention to his hands and scenarios. Milivikal was good in combat largely because she had an edge very few did, and because no one expected to be standing face to face in the days of blasters. Kazaar's knowledge was useful, and only a fool ignores such expertise. Estelle, the meanwhile, was loading herself, plowing through the filters. On the fourth drink, her mind took an uncharted course. Kazaar was keeping pace, but the combination of his mass and adaptation meant he had a buzz. Milivikal only had a light buzz. She drank a golden ale, interspersed with water.

    Milivikal had been entertained by the play between the two. Kazaar had become comfortable until Estelle's revelation, and knew, right then, that she was trashed. He'd been right, too. Estelle was scarcely able to stand. When he dropped them off at Estelle's temporary quarters (nearly everything was temporary in their line of work), she muttered the messy words.

    “I dun feeeelso gud.”

    “Aye, I know.” k'Vik had replied, taking her partner to the fresher. Estelle, on her knees, her hair gently wrapped around Mili's hand. She waited until the heaves subsided and flushed. She shoved mouthwash into the young woman, promptly dabbed her face with a hand towel after she gargled and spat.

    “Better?” She asked. Estelle nodded slowly, her head began to rest between her legs.

    “Chin up, chin up, so you breathe better.” Estelle obeyed, eyes rolled back.

    “Wouldn'tve happnd to Arruelias.” Estelle muttered.

    “Aurelias drinks Gammoreans beneath tables.” Mili smiled.

    Estelle giggled. “Hehee he does.”

    “Up, to bed with you.” She reached down and gripped the young woman under her shoulders, who obediently stood. They end up face to face. Milivikal bit her lip. Estelle's curvier frame, high cheekbones... her head flopped against Mili's collar and neck.

    Ping. Estelle lifted her head at the sound.
    “We need you out of these clothes.” Her blouse was a victim of splatter. Mili concentrated on the task of removing the blouse, and not on Estelle. She removed the dirtied garment, and looped her arm beneath Estelle. She carefully guided the young woman through the narrow space and onto the bed. She flopped down, face first, and fell asleep almost instantly. Milivikal stared. She leaned over, gave Estelle a kiss on the cheek.

    “Good night, Estelle.”


    The poor woman had come into the briefing after taking headache meds. They only helped so much. She could only remember vague moments, but they were uncertain. She'd been so drunk! She remembered throwing up, and, ugh. Gods. She wanted to hide her head in her hands, and hide in her room. This headache.

    Milivikal was expertly dividing her attention between her comrade and the briefing. After all, the Black Man had provided a recording of their primary target, and to her, that was invaluable. Like all plans, it was simple. The execution would not be. They needed to handle Spindler, run the program, and leave... from a heavily fortified installation. They did not know exactly where the data was.

    The Black Man left the trio in the briefing room. Kazaar grinned his Kazaar grin as he stood. Mili offered Estelle a soft, forgiving smile.

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    "Ya know Kid." Kazaar was eyeballin' Estelle once Othy took off. "Ya keep hittin' th'booze ya gonna end up makin' some bad decisions." He smirked. "Like gettin' ya dad's logo tattooed somewhere. Hell, ya could have 'Daddy's little girl' on it're somethin'. Bet Russard'd love that."

    "Har har Kazaar very funny." Kid'd lowered her head into her hands and was tryin' t'figure out if she was gonna ever drink alcohol 'gain. She wasn't her partner that was f'sure.

    "I ain't a big fan o'the plan." Th'former bounty hunter strode over t'the holo display 'n turned it back on. It showed th'ship all gathered 'round th'container platform, like th'relay station didn't matter. "Othy's bettin' Spindler ain't gonna turn tail'n wipe th'files once we come outta hyperspace. Gotta be somethin' he ain't tellin' us."

    "Mayhaps he has a false transponder code for the frigate." Birdie offered.

    Kazaar puffed smoke outta his mouth. "Maybe. But I'm bettin' this is gonna be a straight up assault. Stations like those have 'least one lift t'get 'em from place t'place." 'nother puff. "I frackin' know what Othy's gonna do. Hell, I'd do it.

    "Bet he's gonna drop outta hyperspace long 'nough f'us to launch th'shuttle and get close 'nough t'where that Carrack Cruiser can't fire on us. Once we're in th'relay station, he'n his frackin' fleet come in t'take the platform."

    Kid was tryin' t'get her head on straight. "But won't that leave us at a disadvantage? What if Othniel doesn't time it right."

    Kazaar snorted. "Othy's got plans f'everythin' Kid. Guy's got so many frackin' false IDs. 'Member how Forlon greeted 'im? " Kazaar's voice switched to a pretty damn good impersonation of th'rescued Rebel general's voice. 'Good to see you, Rohan'...frack's sake...that guy's either one helluva spook or he's some kinda FU. Or both, hell, I dunno."

    Estelle put 'er head back in 'er hands. "Hey, Kid." She lifted her head just in time t'catch th'small canteen which her partner's thrown t'er. "Drink that. It'll help."

    "I'm not drinking anymore alcohol, Aurelias."

    "Cool ya jets, Kid. Just water." His face had a dopey-lookin' smile (t'Estelle 'least) on it. "What? Ya think I just drink booze'n nothin' else? Heh. How long ya known me? Drink up. Ain't in th'mood t'carry ya back to ya bunk again."

    Kazaar chuckled at th'rude salute Estelle gave 'im. There was silence forra bit while everyone stared at th'probe droid feed o'the installation. "Could be worse...could hafta go in as engineers..."

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    If I have to clean up Kazaar after a drunken night of binge drinking one more time there will be HELL to pay!
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    "We play the cards we're dealt" Estelle spoke after long moments of reviewing the schematics quietly, doing her best to ignore the raging roar inside her head.

    Aurelias was right, it was a simple plan but not simply done.

    "About our only saving grace is that we have a fast shuttle to use. Othniel went about in classic handler-speak to describe what was basically going to be a smash-n-grab."

    The frigate would drop out of hyper-space and that would be their cue to speed directly to the relay tower at its lowest point and assail the communications hub. The hope lay in that a direct assault by Othniel's forces would be distraction enough for the SpecOps to aquire their target.

    "We'll need to land heavy" Estelle stated, which was no news to anybody. Kazaar had already mentally checked out the hardware he'd be bringing.

    "I'll pilot the shuttle in and once we're finished here, will go and give her a preflight check." She continued, "Kazaar, you and Mili go to the armoury on level 18 and pick up what we need and I will meet you in the hangar bay. Bring some Sentinals for our exit route."

    Estelle had managed to say all that and still avoid making direct eye contact with Mili. She knew she owed her an apology, but the hard part was broaching the subject in the first place. Although, Kazaar had referred to the event enough times in the past five minutes as to leave no doubt how amused he'd been by the whole thing, and that made her feel a little better.

    "Anything else?" she asked the two of them, "Have we forgotten anything?"

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    Somehow, Milivikal had stole enough time to make a proper dagger. Estelle noticed this as the pale woman stood. The slender blade was sharpened on both sides, and shaped into a fine point at the end. She had it threaded through her belt, the silver contrasted sharply against the dark gray she wore. She licked her lips for a moment, in thought. She fetched the recording chit from the pile of intelligence, and slipped it into the holoprojector. A static, flat image of Spindler came up. She pressed play. Milivikal's eyes closed. She pursed her lips together.

    The sound was compressed. Imperial hyperspace relays only had so much bandwidth. The clip was only thirty seconds long, but it was enough for her to hear the nuances of Spindler's voice. The sound looped again. She decreased the volume controls.

    "Such a selfish bastard." She said with a mirthful grin. "Sunk knives in backs to climb ranks." She paused.

    "Tremendous job on that report, Ensign. Now I will take the credit for it. Go clean a floor, or something." Mili emulated with her usual disturbing perfection. She put her feet on the conference table in dramatic fashion.

    "Every man on that station hates his foul guts." She added. Kazaar grinned.

    "You put on a helluva show, Birdie."

    "My aim,
    to entertain,
    to ascertain,
    the why,
    and how,
    of people's poor behavior.

    I do my best,
    at the Man's behest
    to understand our target.

    With audio files
    I use mine wiles,
    I construct profiles..."
    Mili sang, and leapt from the chair to hover over Estelle. Her voice, to Estelle, did not seem loud or uncomfortable.

    "...Sheeee understands subltly,
    And plots carefuuuully,
    while Aruelias mumbles,
    and grumbles,
    that there could be a bigger gun,
    what fun
    to blow stuff to pieces."

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    Kazaar's mouth twitched inna half-smile. Birdie was dead on how much he liked his blasters an' the fun o'blowin' stuff t'hell. As comf'table as he felt dodging blaster bolts, even he knew there were times when it wasn't th'best o'ideas. Much as he'd prefer t'get his hands dirty while crushin' some plastic soldier's skull...ya can't always do that. Even if it made 'im feel pretty frackin' good doin' it.

    Th'Kid's eyes were locked onto k'Vik's as th'latter sang 'er siren song, which caused Kazaar t'smirk even more. He hadda pretty sneaky suspicion Estelle wasn't th'only one who had a 'crush' on someone in their little group, even if the former bounty hunter wasn't 'bout t'point it out. He'd seen this kinda thing before too, back durin' his time with Ash. She'd had a couple friends from her home on Bakura who were more than 'just friends'. Way Kazaar looked at it, if ya did ya job, he didn't give a flyin' frack who ya shacked up with.

    'Course if it was some underage kid...but then Kazaar wouldn't've been th'first one t'express that sorta thing. 'Sides...he knew where th'bodies were buried.

    Silently risin' from his seat, outta th'Kid's view but in full view o'k'Vik, Kazaar slipped outta th'briefin' room and headed towards th'armory level. He wasn't worried 'bout needin' t'grab any armor or blasters (since they already had that stuff and boy it felt pretty frackin' good t'use 'The Twins' 'gain) but since he didn't have th'Dutchman, Kazaar had t'make sure they had a couple heavy weapons and charges.

    He smirked 'gain as th'lift doors closed in front o'him. Maybe th'quartermaster had o'rail detonator he could let Kazaar keep. Wouldn't that be a kaffer...

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    Standing, Estelle smiled at Mili, looking her directly at last now that it was just she and her left in the room.

    "That's clever how you did that" she said, collecting up the data items off the table, "The voice and the song. I think there is a great deal more to you Birdie than we are ever close to knowing."

    It was a sincere compliment, and k'Vik understood it so.

    Russard took a deep breath. Now was the time, best to cowboy up and say it.

    " dont normally do that type of thing" she started and suddenly lost her words. She fidgeted with the data chits, "You know, the other night drinking in the lounge with you and Aurelias.." Mili waited patiently, allowing Estelle to come to the point. "I'm afraid I imposed on you with putting me to bed and the whole blarrging thing," Estelle smiled weakly trying to disguise her embarressment, which didnt really work very well. "You were very kind to help me. I want to say Im sorry, Mili - It was wretched of me and it will never happen again." Estelle cleared her throat awkwardly in a raspy half-cough, "Can you try to forget you ever saw me in such a state, do you think?"

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    She smiled a little. Her black ringed pale blue-eyes sparkled.

    “We are partners. Enthusiasm sometimes clouds judgment. I simply held your hair back. I am certain your hangover is punishment enough.” She swung her feet off the table and stood. Milivikal examined Estelle for a moment. She might be the most sincere person she'd ever met. In a way, yes, it had been an “awful” imposition. Since waking up on Taris, it wasn't the first time she'd seen such overindulgence, but it was the first time she'd cared about the victim at all. Estelle was vulnerable right now. She was uncomfortable, too. The young woman's eyes were red, the space beneath her eyes purplish. She wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed.

    “Aye, I am sure you would do the same for me.” She added, and gently patted Estelle on the shoulder. She left Estelle behind. Estelle would catch up later, surely. Milivikal wanted to do a final pass through the armory and see if there was anything beyond the dagger and DH-17 blaster pistol she might desire. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small velvet bag. She stuck her fingers inside, and rolled the rare Upari crystal between her fingers, and hummed softly. It would be the perfect foundation for a powerful weapon. She was pleased with the unexpected gift bestowed upon her. The next time she had a moment, she would make it a priority to thank her unusual benefactor. Then again, this entire spy business was unusual. The Black Man's mind was brilliant, but if he was a Force user, it was deeply latent. Neither Kazaar nor Estelle had hints of the gift, either. It did not trouble Milivikal. She was not much of a teacher. Her peculiar gift made her hard to instruct, and made it difficult to instruct others. Her perspective was too fundamentally different.

    She slid the access card and keyed in her personal code that had been created shortly after arrival to the frigate. The door slid open, revealing many weapons, mostly blasters. There were some more exotic devices: a rail detonator had an empty slot next to it for a sister. A modified plasma cutter adorned a corner. Milivikal experimentally aimed the device, and decided she did not favor it's multi-barreled heft much. A pair of laser gauntlets also proved to be interesting, but ultimately unsatisfying. The BlasTech DLT-20A proved to be far too large for a space station environment, but she would have taken it for any non-urban or non-ship setting. The N'Gant-Zarvel 9118 Heavy Carbine nearly came with her. She liked the weapon's slightly heavier mass than the E-11, and the ergonomics suited her a little better. But it was not what she wanted. More blasters lined the wall, and Milivikal turned the corner. She was very much considering the 9118 until her eyes fell upon what her heart desired. A LaserHone Vibrorapier. She held the weapon, and pointed it away from her body. The balance was excellent. She turned the weapon on, surprised at the frequency. The noise was well into the 40 kHz range, far past human hearing. Expertly, she sliced the air, and then gave a devastating stab to an invisible opponent. She pulled her new dagger free in the left hand, and then tossed the weapons from one hand to the other. Milivikal grinned. This would do.

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    Gamertag: EquableJarl0 PSN ID: TXViking43
    Kazaar was waitin' for th'dames in th'shuttle bay. Neither Birdie nor th'Kid were surprised when they saw 'im shouldering th'missin' rail detonator. In fact, they each shared th'same look with each other as their boots *thumped* on th'durasteel shuttle ramp. Men.

    "Gotta see how she performs in action first." Th'former bounty hunter blew outta couple smoke rings 'n let th'rest waft up his face, makin' it look like he was steppin' through some kinda lace curtain. "But if she performs well, I get t'keep 'er." He smirked an' followed th'two ladies up th'ramp. Once inside, Kazaar leaned up 'gainst th'wall, his black armored body kinda glistenin' in the dim light. Estelle slid down onto a soft bench, while Milivikal sat on th'opposite bench, her new vibrorapier makin' her look like some kinda pirate. Well...beat lookin' like a frackin' FU.

    "Frigate's gonna drop outta hyperspace in 'bout an hour" Kazaar ashed his cigar. "Rest o'the fleet 15 minutes after that. Way I figure, gives ya 'nough time t'get a nap're somethin', get th'rings outta ya eyes. Can't have ya runnin' 'round wit' only half ya brain functionin', Kid. Othy wouldn't like that t'happen t'his prize pupil."

    "How come." Estelle was gettin' tired o'hearin' Kazaar needle her 'bout bein' hung over. Hadn't she once found him lyin' on th'streets o'Coruscant drunk off 'is ass. "You hardly ever get hangovers?"

    Kazaar smirked. "Been drinkin' a helluva lot longer than ya, Kid." Plus, he didn't bother sayin', what he was normally drownin' out wasn't uncomfortable feelings 'bout one o'his partners. Nah...there were bigger things he was tryin' t'frackin' forget. "Frackin' serious though, Kid. Get some damn sleep. We ain't goin' anywhere." He smirked. "'Sides, th'Imps might be frackin' morons but even th'blind Ewok finds th'meat sooner're later. An' I ain't 'bout t'explain to th'Old Man how I got shot up tryin' t'keep his hungover granddaughter from gettin' offed.

    "So lie down'n get ten winks." He set th'rail detonator down an' took 'nother couple puffs offa his cigar. Kazaar's hands then lightly pushed Estelle's body down onto th'soft bench which could serve as o'bunk if it had to. "Don't worry, Kid. I'll wake ya up before we shove off."
    Last edited by Aurelias Kazaar; Feb 15th, 2009 at 12:09:54 AM.

  12. #12
    The Nebulon-B Frigate Brightest Star: In orbit over Mon Calamari

    He pressed several buttons on his console, doing his best to keep prying eyes away from his screen. It wasn't that Alastair Roxx wasn't supposed to be monitoring fleet communications, it was what his glassy eyes were staring upon which he wasn't supposed to. A list of two frigates, a dreadnought, and a modified frigate which all of a sudden vanished from their assignments. It was all so strange...He alerted his superior officer, a Quarren named Raska Fwatto (who seemed to be racked with guilt over his people's involvement in the Imperial take over of Mon Calamari long ago), who promised to investigate it. Two hours later, Fwatto told him the disappearance wasn't his concern, and he should attend to his duties.

    What the Quarren didn't know, was Roxx was attending to his duties. His Imperial duties.

    He'd been an Imperial long before he'd been a Rebel and, frankly, he was ready to get out. Almost a year of deep cover, Roxx was still feeding information to whoever his other cell members were. He'd been originally shocked how easy it was to get him his job in Fleet Cryptology, but figured there had to be someone pretty high up in either fleet or Intelligence who was really working for the 'other team'. Plus he'd only met his handler twice, who never bothered giving a name outside of 'Sundin' (which had to be fake), and only had limited contact with the other Imperials who were infiltrating the Rebels.

    Roxx popped his back and ran a hand through his balding red hair. So...why did you disappear? Normally he wouldn't care about this sort of thing, ships did disappear on a regular basis, but one of his contacts, Biv Pavelton, had forwarded the information to him. Four random ships, all disappearing within an hour of each other, on top secret orders. It didn't make any sense. Someone had pulled some strings and figured out a way to do it without raising too many eyebrows. And that gnawed at Roxx for reasons he didn't understand.

    The Imperial infiltrator tapped another few buttons on his keyboard, bringing up the message he had been forwarded from his co-infiltrators. He quietly read it, smiled, and forwarded it through the channel he had recently been given. Laborious yes, but his orders told them to send it that way. After the Rebels discovered the Imperials' communications console, they had to be extra careful. The message would be routed from Nar Shaddaa, then Mrlsst before heading to wherever it was supposed to go.

    Roxx sighed and went back to his work



    Similar eyes were gazing at the information Roxx had recently sent him. It was indeed strange how the ships had disappeared, but the brown-haired man wasn't concerned about that. He was more concerned about making sure the plans came together.

    He'd been given a specific computer to hack and get the information needed. It wasn't easy, but the brown-haired Imperial was a skilled slicer. "There we go." He muttered to himself as he finally got access. Now...where is the password...there. A few taps of the keyboard and he was in. Another few taps and the Imperial downloaded the information and exited out. He'd forward the information on the missing ships and the latest data he'd grabbed in about 30 minutes. Enough time to keep suspicions from being raised.

    As he walked out of the room he was in, he smiled at both Rawl and Samantha Lessard as they passed by him. Always had to greet your 'colleagues'.
    Last edited by Cavalier; Feb 14th, 2009 at 11:54:16 PM.

  13. #13
    Samantha Lessard
    "Any luck with the communications console?" Rawl asked Sam after the two nodded their greeting to the passer-by. It had been almost a day and he was getting antsy about what was on it. The fact it had been discovered in offices SpecOps used irked him to no end. Rawl swore if there was someone in his outfit who was a traitor, he'd kill the bastard himself or die trying.

    "Not yet." Lessard shook her head, doing her best not to move her injured shoulder. She'd been told she didn't need to come into work after her injury, but pulled rank on her second-in-command. Being Sub-Director of Counter Intelligence had its perks. "We know where the signals were going to, but it looks like whoever was using them erased the transmissions shortly after sending them. Cristobal's working on processing the information."

    Rawl nodded as the two entered into the lift. Santiago Cristobal was a good slicer, had to be since he was Acting Sub-Director of Analysis. Rawl pressed the button for their SpecOps offices. "Has he gotten anywhere?"

    The SDRI-Counter Intelligence shook her head again and curled a strand of brown hair behind her left ear. "Not yet. Like I said, whoever used the system erased the transmissions. It's gonna take time."

    Which both of them knew they didn't have much of. The Empire was making some sort of silent, backdoor move on the Alliance. But no one really knew what that was. The subtlety of it screamed Inquisitors, but no one could get a fix on the 'what' of the move. Add into that Director of Cryptography and Analysis Misha Repin's sudden disappearance and the capture of current Director Dasquian Belargic, it's wasn't always good to be a Rebel these days. "Any luck with Repin?" Rawl knew the answer anyway.

    "No." Lessard sighed. "We broke into his quarters last night. We couldn't find anything. He either took his diary with him or hid it somewhere we can't find. We'll keep looking, I've got some of my contacts searching for him."

    That bit of information caused Rawl to grin a bit. "Good job, Sam. How's the shoulder?"

    "It's healing. I should be able to use it again in a week or so." She playfully punched her lover in the shoulder. "Don't expect me to get shot for you again." Her face turned serious again. "Have you told anyone...about what we found?"

    "The fact the console was in offices Special Ops uses?" The lift doors open and the two started their trek towards Lessard's office. "Just 'The Black Man'. He's got to know."

    "What did he say?"

    "Nothing. I haven't heard back from him yet. I think he's following up on it."

    Sam's green eyes showed slight concern as they entered her office. "Are you concerned about that?"

    "A little." Rawl acknowledged with a slight yawn. "He's always been one to keep his secrets. But he normally produces results so you can't blame him for wanting to be private."

    Lessard shook her head in understanding and sat down behind her desk. "He always did like his secrets." It seemed like Rawl was about to answer, when Sam's comm suddenly went off. "Lessard...really? Bring it up here now.

    "We got something." She took a sip of her caf before standing up. "Portion of a list, highly corrupted but it's better than nothing. Not sure what's on it but it mentions the Council..."

  14. #14
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    Zing, zing, zing. The laser bolts criss-crossed outside the open shuttle doors as Mili and Kazaar bolstered up either side of the vehicle's door jambs with their backs for cover.

    "Th'welcome wagon's lined up out 'ere kid" Kazaar yelled back to Russard, who was occupied initializing the slave-comp system within the Shuttle. Aurelias grinned at Mill, "And they are frackin' pissed"

    k'Vik picked off three troopers easily as they buzzed across her line of fire like angry hornets, making Kazaar chuckle. He just loved a woman who could shoot.

    Programming in their re-acquiring co-ordinates, Estelle then set the shuttle into 'active' and listened momentarily as the vehicle revved up - confirmation that it was shifting into pre-flight as programmed and would navigate to the underbelly of the Station where it would idle until the slave-system instructed it to return to their current landing platform and the rebels could reboard her. She synchronized her chrono with the Shuttle's timer and watched it tick down from 20.00 to 19.59 minutes and counting..

    "Clock's ticking" she shouted, running down to join Kazaar and Mili, slinging a Sentinal over one shoulder and picking up the second on her way through.

    Above and around them, the Frigate had engaged the other Imperial vessels in a full-front attack and was drawing all fire towards itself, the Shuttle having left the safety within its confines only moments before. The other three Alliance ships likewise were engaging the enemy so that what was happening down on the Station landing bay was only a by-line to the main event and registered no real consequence to the larger conflict that had taken the Empire forces by surprise.

    The space lit up like fireworks, reminding Estelle of summers past at the Russard Estate when they had held huge annual bar-b-ques for family and staff - her Grandfather striving to outdo himself every year in the excess of celebrations. Odd that the memory of it came as it did, a fond familial image stark in contrast to the danger and violence of what was taking place in the here and now.

    "To your left!" Mili warned Kazaar, who, cowboy-style, tracked an attacking trooper with his blaster muzzle and fired, sending the man cartwheeling forward from the force of impact.

    "Ya' Get that thing set yet?" he called back impatiently to his partner.

    "Ya get our advance clear yet?" she crisply responded, wiping a strand of hair out of her face with the back of her hand. Aurelias grinned crookedly, appreciating that he was adding to the pressure.

    The gun Estelle had set up - a motion activated automatic repeater rifle mounted on a tripod was set upon an extendable platform that was built into the ships floor. It was powered by a remote, which Estelle had in her utility belt and would activate upon the Shuttle's return. The craft doors would open and the platform extend, enabling the gun to protect the ship from any who might want to approach her other than those intended.

    "Okay, we're good" Estelle announced straightening up to stand, and Kazaar and Mili both immediately shot another trooper who had openly, and quite unwisely, lined up the inviting target of Estelle in his sights as outlined clearly in the doorway. They both turned a chastening look on Russard. For two very different faces the looks were identical in their reproof - she should know better than to present the enemy such an opportunity. Russard duly acknowledged them with an awkward shrug. "Shall we go?" she asked sidestepping to squeeze out between the two of them, the second Sentinal gun rattling against her armored vest as she passed.

    "We got..." she checked her chrono as the three fell into a light run, "...17.07 minutes to get back. I dont want the shuttle to sit waiting for us as it will only draw attention once it is in flight again."

    "Plenty o'time" Kazaar promised darkly..

    Mili hoisted the Rapier like she meant business and Aurelias shot out the wiring panel of the Station bay doors, which, against logic, caused them to draw open with a swoosh.

  15. #15
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    k'Vik's eyes narrowed as the doors widened. They shouldn't have opened when Kazaar shot the panel, but it did. Estelle and Kazaar occupied the same side, near the blasted panel. Kazaar gave Milivikal a glance. She pointed at the door, and flashed five fingers and then three, indicating she could hear eight people in the hall. Kazaar half-grinned. This was hardly a fair fight.

    "Cover fire." Milivikal k'Vik requested. Kazaar exposed a minimum amount of body and filled the right side of the hall with blaster bolts. k'Vik slinked out, blaster extended in her right hand, rapier in the left. She shot the nearest trooper twice, and dissapeared behind the bulkhead the trooper vacated. Kazaar killed another when the white helmet appeared to return fire.

    "Damnable helmets." Milivikal muttered.

    "Move, Kid." Aurelias said. Estelle nodded in agreement.

    "Go." He said, and rolled out. He let Th' Twins sing and fill the corridor with red death. Estelle dashed across and let a few wild shots fly. One hit the mark. She flattened herself out against the wall opposite of Aurelias. She peeked out, gun ready.

    "Cover fire. Five seconds." k'Vik requested. She sounded detached, in her trance-like state.

    "Now." She said. Kid and Cowboy lit up. She could hear the troopers huddle against their bulkheads, and he could hear her partners counting down. She holstered the blaster and pulled her dagger free. From eight to five. The last bolt sailed past, and she emerged in a crouch. Mili leapt forward. Blasters fired. Her wrist rotated. The flat of the rapier was scorched, but undamaged. The rapier hummed to life. She landed between two of the remaining troopers. Her right hand stabbed, and plunged her dagger into a throat. Her left hand stabbed the trooper across from him. The blade bit through the armor, but only by an inch. She shut it off. Surprised, both dropped their blasters. One began to drown. Gurgling filled the Imperial comm.

    k'Vik fell toward the lethally stabbed trooper, which pulled the skewered man into the corridor. Estelle hit him between the eyes. Kazaar used the distraction to move up. The helmet smoked. An arcid smell of flesh and plasteel filled the air. Three against three. The sword hummed, and slid free of it's fleshy home. Likewise, the new dagger was removed. No worse for the wear, but both now were sporting a crimson finish.

    Mili stood, her body poised in a classical Shien stance. While she would not be able to reflect the blaster bolts, the rapier had proved itself sturdy enough to not be destroyed by fire from an E-11. The troopers attempted to fire on her, only to be met with supernatural speed and precision. Each blast impacted harmlessly on the sword while Kazaar and Estelle moved up. She could sense their panic. When Milivikal slid back behind the bulkhead, the troopers reacted too slowly. Kazaar shot one in the head. The other was hit in the chest by Estelle. The last tried to retreat, but was shot by both.

    16.25 left. There was no time for chatter.
    Last edited by Milivikal k'Vik; Feb 24th, 2009 at 11:00:27 PM.

  16. #16
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    So, why does everyone keep calling me Mr. Blonde?

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    They moved quickly through th'corridor, all three o'their blasters singing songs some Imps heard, others didn't, as they fell to th'ground dead. Kazaar smirked at th'battle. Somethin' he'd always loved, even more than drinkin' and almost as much as he loved his cigars. Part o'his nature, but he'd never bothered t'think about it. And he sure as hell knew it'd throw offa psychologist. Some'd probably call it a 'blood lust' while others'd just say it was just a part o'him. Either way, Kazaar didn't give a frack. He was too busy makin' sure th'Kid and Birdie weren't gonna get shot and th'Imp eggheads were.

    Kazaar, k'Vik, and Estelle pressed themselves behind o'small archway which'd lead t'where the lift and stairwell were. Either one'd taken 'em down t'where Spindler was probably fleein' to. Trying t'erase whatever data was on th'logs the Rebel SpecOps agents were here for. Question 'course was which one was gonna get 'em there faster. And not get 'em killed.

    Th'Kid threw a glance 'round th'corner, just in time t'see the lift doors slide open an' six more stormies race out, blasters ready. Estelle held up six fingers an' Kazaar smirked. He holstered 'Th'Twins', silently promising 'em they'd always be his first line o'defense, and pulled th'rail detonator off his shoulder. Time t'see what his baby could do. 'Specially after th'last one he'd gotten friendly with was taken 'way t'make sure they could get offa that damned Star Destroyer with Forlon. This new one wanted t'be let in on th'fun. And th'former bounty hunter was gonna let it.

    He pulled 'round th'archway, th'expression on his face one o'exhileration and amusement, and pulled th'trigger. Th'rail charge shot forward, not carin' who it was gonna hit. Nice thing t'have when ya needed t'kill a helluva lotta people. It slammed into one o'the stormies in th'rear o'the group, blowin' him apart and sending all th'others tumblin' like broken dolls. Th'amused grin still on his face, Kazaar fired two more charges at th'scattered Imps, making sure they weren't ever gettin' up again. Sure was o'pretty sight. So was knowing there weren't any cameras 'round either. Frackin' geniuses.

    "Let's move." His guttural voice rasped as th'Kid and k'Vik emerged from behind th'arch. Wasn't gonna be th'easiest decision t'make on what t'do next. Lift could take 'em all th'way down, but ya never knew who was gonna get on it. Even if there weren't a buncha th'Empire's 'finest' all waitin' for 'em, all one Imp with half o'brain cell had t'do was shut down th'lift. 'Course th'stairs had their own problems.

    "Stairs." Estelle wasn't messin' 'round. She knew they had t'keep themselves outta danger much as possible. "Birdie take point. Then me, then Cowboy. No arguments." She cut off Kazaar b'fore he could raise any.

    14.16 left. Not a helluva lotta time.

    They moved quickly down th'stairs, runnin' into surprisingly no resistance. Othy'd said there weren't a lotta troops on board, must've been tellin' the truth. In fact, it was pretty much smooth sailin' till they reached th'bottom o'th'stairs.

    "Ya gotta be frackin' kiddin' me." Kazaar swore as th'stairwell deadended a level above where it was supposed to. His black eyes shot blaster bolts as he held th'rail detonator up in case there were any surprises.

    Kid pulled out The Black Man's map o'th'place. "Down the hall, near the lift. Another stairwell headed down. That'll get us to the relay itself."

    Th'three moved quickly down th'corridor still keepin' an eye out f'any Imp surprises there might be. Corridor itself wasn't too large, big 'nough f'the three t'walk inna scattered formation so they could dodge any blaster bolts which might come there way. Still frackin' nothing. No resistance or anythin'. Kazaar sure as hell didn't like it and he kept gettin' a small gnawin' pit in th'bottom of his stomach. The kinda thing which said it was a bad frackin' idea bein' here, but knew it had no choice. Estelle felt it too, he could tell by th'way she was slippin' down th'corridor. Milivikal probably was, she was th'FU after all, but who knew what th'frack was goin' through her head. 'Cept maybe how she wanted t'celebrate' if th'mission ended successfully. Kazaar smirked. Nah she definitely knew somethin' was up.

    "Mechanics." Milivikal suddenly spoke, her voice not quite trance-like. She cocked her head. "No organics."


    "Possibly. I can hear their gears turning. Getting closer..." Her voice became song-like.

    Kazaar was already bringin' th'rail detonator up t'his shoulder when a frackin' dark trooper burst through a side wall.

    "Move ya asses!" He fired two charges at th'large droid an' shouldered th'two women into o'side room and ducked a bucha plasma shells. "I'll frackin' hold 'it off! No arguments. Frackin' move!"

    Last edited by Aurelias Kazaar; Feb 26th, 2009 at 07:21:50 PM.

  17. #17
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    If I have to clean up Kazaar after a drunken night of binge drinking one more time there will be HELL to pay!
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    Inside the room, typing vigorously at a data console was Spindler, his back to the entering rebels. Flanking him were two troopers, both of whom Mili and Estelle took out by firing three rounds a-peice, the troopers spin-dropping dead in dramatic fashion. Spindler, however, kept typing undeterred, increasing his speed spurred by the sure knowledge that any moment would be his last. k'Vik took hold of the back of the officer's uniform collar and pulled him roughly out of his chair to toss him to the floor. Estelle pushed him flat on his back with a firm boot to his chest, standing guard over him, her blaster aimed at his face. "You got two minutes, Birdie" she said, keeping her eyes on Spindler.

    Outside, Kazaar was making one heck of a racket and every second blast seemed to vibrate through the walls and into the communications room.

    "There is a masking code here that I have not seen before" Mili observed aloud, half to herself.

    "Something new the Imps have intergrated?" Russard asked.

    "Something aggressive" Mili confirmed, "It is eating into the data and it has a voracious appetite"

    Not good. The Alliance wanted that information inviolate, needed it uncorrupted. Russard hardened her gaze at the Imperial, "What did you do?"
    Spindler responded only with a nervous darting about of his eyes. His was not an enviable position. Russard allowed her blaster to charge up loudly in unspoken threat.

    "I can't stop it" Mili said, her fingers working the keys impossibly fast, "But... I can fool it" Estelle heard the smile that had come into her voice. k'Vik was entering code that would mislead the previous script and cause it to fold back onto itself, corrupting its return pathway and confuse it. It would not undo the damage already suffered, but would save everything that was left.

    Aurelias burst into the room, taking in at a glance the dead troopers, the postion of each rebel and the status of their progress. He fired a shot into Spindler, wounding him only, thanks to a protective vest worn beneath his shirt. Kazaar frowned at the unanticipated mercy. "Time t'leave ladies" he announced.

    "Almost done" k'Vik declared.

    Estelle held her foot on Spindler and glared at Aurelias.

    "Th'shot was no where near ya" Kazaar said in his defence, thinking the issue was Estelle's concern about his aim.

    The deepening burrow between her brows indicated it was not.

    "Wha'.....?" Kazaar was momentarily lost.

    "Done" Mili said, lifting herself from the chair and pocketing the data-disc she'd just retrieved from the console. She levelled her rapier again and headed for the door, ignoring the strained exchange between her two partners.

    Russard hesitated, her blaster wavering imperceptibly over the helpless Spindler as he lay under her boot. Her lips compressed together, knowing what she had to do and the liking it being in obvious conflict.

    "....Please...." The Imperial officer cried hoarsely, his hand lifting in plea for a stay of execution.

    Kazaar lingered, casting a quick glance toward the door where Mili was leaning out and back to his partner - there was no time for this. "He's seen us Kid, he'll raise the alarm----"

    Estelle fired two bolts into Spindler's head (no protective vest there) cutting Kazaar's words off and beating him to the kill. "You dont need to tell me when and why to kill anymore, y'know Cowboy" she remarked, almost sadly, passing Aurelias to join Mili who had now moved out into the corridor.

    8:59 minutes to go.

  18. #18
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    There had been a great deal of detail regarding the Imperial computer system, and Milivikal had been tasked with learning it. She hardly had any experience with such devices, but had devoured the leaked manual regarding this system and how the wipe program would work. The Rebellion had seen this code before, and had added their experiences regarding it's behaviors. It was relatively standardized between listening posts. While she was not a slicer by any means, she had an advantage that a droid or Verpine did not. She could draw on the Force to guide her.

    The combination of her focused mind and the Force had saved the vast majority of the listening post's information. She had been dimly aware of Estelle's presence during the process, and pushed it aside. She only vocalized updates for Estelle's convenience.

    The data had been retrieved, as best as could be expected. Spindler was dead. Estelle had an understandable moment of conflict. One was not supposed to enjoy conflict. Milivikal intellectually understood this, but with her upbringing, never fully integrated the feelings needed to process it. She had simply gone mad instead. Deny. Hide. Shove biochemical feelings aside. Estelle's death of innocence and the morning therof. She might wax and wane over it at a later time.

    For now, they must leave. They had less than nine minutes to overcome whatever resistance was between them and the assault shuttle. Kazaar had been tangling with something machine. Milivikal wondered what became of it.

    Estelle returned to her side. Their eyes met briefly. Mili raised an eyebrow, but looked back down the empty corridor, and continued to move forward. She could feel Estelle's determination and focus, but also her discomfort. They said nothing. There was no time to talk now. The post was now on lockdown. They had to traverse several flights of stairs. Pistol first, Milivikal moved up a flight before they saw their first resistance. A pair of brown suits were popped with blaster bolts from Mili and Estelle before they could scarcely blink. It was nothing like range qualification. Targets did not shoot on the move as k'Vik had done, nor did they use cover. Their first taste of actual combat had ended poorly.

    "I hear movement." Milivikal said, detached. They continued up the stairs, but more warry. Two more flights up, they met no resistance. Milivikal could hear whirring of servos and clanking of metal feet upon a metal deck. The Dark Trooper. She charged with a battle-scream. Her blade bit into the arm of the metal monstrosity, and stuck. Her hands let go of the weapon, but it was too late. The damaged thing hit her. She felt four of her ribs pop, and her body impact the wall. Her vision swam as gravity pulled her two meters down to the deck from the wall.

  19. #19
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    "Birdie!" Th'Kid gasped'n shock as th'Dark Trooper took 'er down. Only took 'er a moment t'get her faculties back together 'n by then, she was on autopilot. Estelle pulled 'er blaster up'n fired three shots into th'battle droid's armor. It staggared backwards, givin' Kazaar 'nough time t'ram his shoulder into its cracked'n crumblin' armor. Wouldn't do much damaged but it sent th'massive droid on its back.

    Kazaar was frackin' pissed. Bad 'nough th'Dark Trooper'd live, th'Force Damned thing hurt a partner. He'd left it buried under a pile o'rubble, its left hand shakin' like some kinda mynock as he'd gone t'check on th'dames. Figures th'thing pulled itself up'n got into a position where it could go after 'em again. Damn Dark Troopers...why th'hell can't ya stay dead? Th'former bounty hunter pulled his own vibroblade outta its holster'n jammed it into th'Dark Trooper's helmet. Wouldn't do much damage, but it might make it harder for th'things oculators t'work. Give 'em 'nough time...

    Th'droid's strong arm knocked Kazaar's breath out witha *twak* sendin' him into th'wall pretty frackin' hard. As it started t'get up from its prone position, Kazaar's leg struck out into one of its knee joints 'causin' it t'lose its balance an' hit th'ground again. Like hell're ya gonna get back up. He grabbed his rail detonator'n fired his last two shots into th'droid. Kazaar rolled down th'stairs, bringin' Birdie with 'em, just as th'charges went off.

    "Aww ya gotta be frackin' me..." Kazaar was expectin' t'see a smokin' husk ovva droid, but instead th'Dark Trooper started gettin' back up again. It pulled out th'vibrorapier'n tossed it down th'stairs. Kazaar's eyes narrowed as he pulled 'Th'Twins' from their holsters'n got ready t'fire.


    Th'sound was almost music t'Kazaar's ears as th'missile from th'assault cannon shot by 'is head'n struck th'Dark Trooper chest first. Th'droid split into a buncha fiery pieces'n lay silent.

    Kazaar threw a glance over 'is shoulder'n smirked at Estelle who was barely standin' up th'damn cannon was so frackin' heavy. "Nice job Kid. Nice frackin' job."
    Last edited by Aurelias Kazaar; Mar 2nd, 2009 at 07:34:16 PM.

  20. #20
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    If I have to clean up Kazaar after a drunken night of binge drinking one more time there will be HELL to pay!
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Estelle Russard's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    Cover: Free-lance art appraiser
    The assault cannon hadn't been her first choice, but the wisdom of trying to set up the Sentinel she still had slung over her shoulder was fast discarded as the Dark Trooper stomped its way forward to resume its attack on Aurelias. There simply was no time.

    Russard snatched a quick look at Mili who was attempting to push herself from a prone postion with one hand, the other was craddling her ribs. The Jedi groaned and gave it away as a bad idea, slumping forward. Kazaar was extricating himself from the tangle he'd managed between he and Mili and the rubble from his earlier conflict with the droid, cursing the machine in colorful Cowboy style.

    Across from the lot of them was the assault cannon, broken off from the Dark Trooper at some point while fighting earlier with Kazaar. It was laying against the wall and Estelle dashed toward it, seizing it.
    How does this thing--oops... *FWOOSH*

    "Oh!" Estelle was thrilled with the result and labored back to Kazaar and Mili under its unweildy weight.

    "Can you carry her?" Estelle asked Kazaar as she knelt beside k'Vik allowing the cannon to rest on the floor with a clunk. She brushed Mili's hair from her face with gentle fingers - a gesture that had been reversed between them a mere 24 hours or so before - and checked the severity of her injuries. The ribs were obvious but it was difficult to tell what the fall and the subsequent stair tumble had inflicted. "We cant delay, Birdie" Estelle said, concern making her eyes the softest brown. "Do you think you can take it if Kazaar lifts you?"

    Before Mili answered, Kazaar nosed Estelle outta the way with his knee and scooped up k'Vik with ease, careful to support her broken side despite his efficient manner. "She don' gotta choice, Kid" he said gruffly and all three of them knew it to be true. "Get yer new gun an' lead th'way outta this dump."

    Careful to 'lift from the knees', Estelle did as instructed hoisting up the assault cannon and the trio began again to ascend the stairwell. Before exiting the next level, Russard, levelling the weapon using her free hand to support the one already working the cannon, shot off another dumb-fire missile just to clear the immediate space.

    "Mili, can you take the remote from my utility belt and get ready to activate the Sentinel aboard the shuttle? It should be docking in...2:28 minutes" Russard backed up so the remote was in easy reach.

    "Its gonna be close..." she said once she felt the remote taken, and stepped forward into the corridor.
    Last edited by Estelle Russard; Mar 3rd, 2009 at 12:19:03 AM.

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