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Thread: Going Forth

  1. #21
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    The namana berries taste like namana berries!

    James Prent's Avatar
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    "Friends?" She looked at her warily, unwilling to let her guard down though she felt a little calmer. "Well..."

    The red haired woman looked so nice, and James felt herself trusting her despite herself. "You... you're..." She took a deep breath and opened herself up to the Force like Loklorien had taught her, and she looked at the other woman with new eyes.

    The woman nodded, quietly. "Yes. We should go somewhere more private to talk."

    "Um, okay," James said, suddenly shy.

    and if you go, furious angels will bring you back to me

  2. #22
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    "Okay then. Can we get food first? I'm starving."
    "I could eat.", Rhianna agreed. Too many of Wyl's sweets had made her stomach ache. She needed to get something more substantial into her system or she would regret the little indulgence.

    Ruffling Wyl on the head affectionately, she grinned down at him."What was it that smelled so good earlier? A barr-bah-kwoo beast vendor?"

    When the little boy laughed at her slightly skewed pronunciation, reminding her that it was barbe-que, not kwoo, Rhianna squirmed a bit, but took it in stride. Basic had many strange words and sounds, she was still getting used to them all.

    "Is it all right Morgan?", she smiled.

  3. #23
    SW-Fans.Net Admin

    Good but Damaged Goods

    DragonCon 09
    Morgan Evanar's Avatar
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    Where I need to be.
    Morgan could always eat.

    "We could grab something on the way back to the room. Barbeque works for me." He suggested.

    "Yay!" Wyl said, and grabbed Morgan and Rhianna's hands. He towed them toward the open-aired vendor. Orange flames licked between slats on the grill, flavoring and roasting meat and vegetables of several varieties. Morgan opted for a whole stack of mixed shish-kebabs. Wyl wanted everything! but split half a well sauced bird with Rhianna, who also got mixed vegetables to share. They probably wouldn't eat everything, but Morgan (or Adia, wherever she was) could be counted on to take care of leftovers.

    Wyl poked his finger in the bag and licked it.

    "I wonder how they make the sauce." Wyl asked.
    "It is a secret." Rhianna whispered to Wyl.
    "I wanna know!"
    "They'll never tell." Morgan grinned. "It's one of the mysteries of the universe. Cooks never give away their secrets, especially to customers."

  4. #24
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    "Never fear, Wyl. We'll figure this sauce out. It smells too good to remain a mystery.", Rhianna promised.

    On the way back to the hotel, Rhianna spotted a shop she insisted they would have to visit later when they had more time. It was a glass and crystal merchant. There was a set of colored glass votive holders in the window that she felt very strongly about acquiring. One in each of the four primary elemental colors; green for earth, yellow for air, red for fire, and blue for water. They would be a nice addition to her meditations, she thought.

    Her stomach gave a rumble. "We better hurry!", she grinned.

  5. #25
    The girl was still hesitant, but Serena knew that meeting out in the open like they were was bound to cause some tension. After all, a squad of stormtroopers was bound to walk by at any moment.

    "Why don't you meet me at..." She pressed a piece of flimsy from their hotel into the girl's hand with her room number written on it. "Its better if we go separately."

    there is no passion; there is serenity
    there is no death; there is the Force

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