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Thread: Wyl: ConCrit needed!

  1. #1
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    Help Wyl: ConCrit needed!

    Alrighty folks, I need your suggestions and opinions. Wyl feels... stale. I worry that he's too happy and hyperactive and as entertaining as that can sometimes be, it doesn't lead a whole lot of places creatively.

    How can I make him better? Really, don't hold back, I'm stuck in a rut and need to get out of it.

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    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    We need to have him and Daria do some Jedi mission stuff, I know that much. There isn't enough Master/Apprentice bonding going on!

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    How old is Wyl now? Perhaps an arc which gives him a loss of innocence. Has he had a taste of how cold and dark the galaxy can be?

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    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    He should travel with Arya and Tak

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    he should travel with Arya and Tak.

    Wait, no. Arya would eat him. Bad idea.

    Well, perhaps he should remember his mother and be sad a little more. Or show that he's holding onto some anger over what happened to her - give him more emotion than just happy/silly.

    I like him the way he is, but I understand what you mean.

  6. #6
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    I'm a doctor, not a Jedi, Jim! What you're asking for is impossible! Oh, wait, I am a Jedi.

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    You get into Wyl's mother, and I'm going to have my ears perking up. Because you know this Jedi loved that woman.

    We already have ONE thread where it shows an instance of him being sad and thinking about mum. The plan with Ilias is for him to go to the Jedi (after being chased out of the Empire and being wanted), and people are bound to be suspicious of him because he's known only as a well-known imperial doctor. The enemy. There is not a physical lick of the red-headed man of twenty-five + years before, so he'll have to prove that he is who he says he is. And deal with the spite of a boy that's probably bound to think that this man who is saying he knew and loved his mother, probably had something to do with her death.

    An angry boy is sometimes a confused boy, so he could work both bents of 'he had something to do with her death' and 'well, if you loved her, why didn't you save her? Why didn't you keep it from happening' type-thing.

    Dunno. Just my two cents. Tell me if I don't make sense.

    I rhymed, whoops.

    p.s. - Would Arya REALLY eat him? I somehow doubt it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dasquian Belargic View Post
    We need to have him and Daria do some Jedi mission stuff, I know that much. There isn't enough Master/Apprentice bonding going on!
    Yes we do! Peel her away from her lover so that she and Wyl can get into a conundrum.

    Quote Originally Posted by Droog of the Dead View Post
    How old is Wyl now? Perhaps an arc which gives him a loss of innocence. Has he had a taste of how cold and dark the galaxy can be?
    He's nearly nine? I think. His mother was murdered in front of him, which left some deep marks but thus far he's kept a pretty tight cap on the subject.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loklorien s'Ilancy View Post
    He should travel with Arya and Tak
    Muahaha. Yeah, that wouldn't be a recipe for mayhem.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lilaena De'Ville View Post
    Well, perhaps he should remember his mother and be sad a little more. Or show that he's holding onto some anger over what happened to her - give him more emotion than just happy/silly
    I suppose I've just been hesitant to do that because I don't want to cross that fine line between sad and angst-ridden. Although now I've gone too far on the other end of the scale, so.

    He's certainly angry about the entire situation and he never really believed Daria when she said that even Jedi couldn't resurrect the dead. Which is probably part of the reason why he doesn't discuss Oa or let himself think about it too much - doesn't want to grieve for someone who he's still determined to bring back somehow. Hmm.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ilias Nytrau View Post
    You get into Wyl's mother, and I'm going to have my ears perking up. Because you know this Jedi loved that woman.

    An angry boy is sometimes a confused boy, so he could work both bents of 'he had something to do with her death' and 'well, if you loved her, why didn't you save her? Why didn't you keep it from happening' type-thing.

    Ilias'd certainly be put through the ringer before Wyl even considered the possibility of him being trustworthy. I don't know that he'd necessarily shuffle any of the blame onto him (as he considers it mostly his fault), but the second bit about his not attempting to prevent it (would Ilias have caught wind of it through his Imperial ties?) could definitely prove interesting.

  8. #8
    We talked ages ago about having Amos and Wyl hook up when I manage to get him over to the Jedi; I've got a thread to start things moving on that direction, but I'm waiting on miss lazy bones to stop writing NaNo and start writing Selinica. ( :P )

    I personally would be a little sad if Wyl lost his innocence; certainly if he lost all of it. I love the way you write him - it'd be a shame not to be able to experience the way his bubbly optimism overflows into your writing. It might be interesting to take his personality and throw him into some unusual situations to see how he responds - show him how dark and cold the galaxy can be, and then see him cling on to his optimism as a way of coping with it?

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    It keeps slipping my mind that the force and Arya don't play well together

    I still think a Wyl/Tak thread should somehow happen though!

  10. #10
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    I'm a doctor, not a Jedi, Jim! What you're asking for is impossible! Oh, wait, I am a Jedi.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Untouchable View Post
    We talked ages ago about having Amos and Wyl hook up when I manage to get him over to the Jedi; I've got a thread to start things moving on that direction, but I'm waiting on miss lazy bones to stop writing NaNo and start writing Selinica. ( :P )

    -thwaps you over the head-

    Patience, young grasshopper.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Untouchable View Post
    We talked ages ago about having Amos and Wyl hook up when I manage to get him over to the Jedi; I've got a thread to start things moving on that direction, but I'm waiting on miss lazy bones to stop writing NaNo and start writing Selinica. ( :P )

    I personally would be a little sad if Wyl lost his innocence; certainly if he lost all of it. I love the way you write him - it'd be a shame not to be able to experience the way his bubbly optimism overflows into your writing. It might be interesting to take his personality and throw him into some unusual situations to see how he responds - show him how dark and cold the galaxy can be, and then see him cling on to his optimism as a way of coping with it?
    Oh man, Amos and Wyl need to at least meet if only for the cracktasm that will be their conversation. Seriously.

    I don't want Wyl to lose his optimism either and it'd be no small feat to snuff it out completely, but there's got to be some kind of fluctuation to his endless idealism. Then again, that's bound to occur once things start happening to the little group of people he's become attatched to; he's much more reactive to anything that effects them than he is to events that hit him personally.

    Quote Originally Posted by Loklorien s'Ilancy View Post
    It keeps slipping my mind that the force and Arya don't play well together

    I still think a Wyl/Tak thread should somehow happen though!
    Yes, yes, yes times infinity.

  12. #12
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    Bite that apple, bitch!
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    We could always do that Sudoku/Wyl idea. I've been thinking about dusting him off >_>;

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    I think I remember that one, but I has the mommy-brain, and so I may be mixing it up with something else.

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    I only vaguely remember it, but it was something along the lines of Sudoku taking Wyl under his wing and trying to corrupt him. I *do* remember us having an IC convo on AIM while we were talking about it though XD

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    Baby.. I may be blind but what I lack in sight I make up for in sensuality ;)

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    No fair! All the other kids are doing it!


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