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Thread: Lost in the Circumstance (X-Men plz)

  1. #1
    Zachariah Irons

    Open Roleplay [X-Men] Lost in the Circumstance (X-Men plz)

    The driver wasn't very talkative. In fact, he hadn't been really very nice at all after Zach had told him that his destination was the Cullen Institute. But Zachariah had been getting used to that cold shoulder in the last couple of months.

    Illinois had never seemed so cold until after that day.


    Come on... Finish it!

    Take him out, man! Crush him!

    The crowd was ecstatic. The fight had been long enough in Zach's opinion and he was pretty sure that Jerry had broken at least two of his ribs and almost his nose. Jerry stood there in his respective corner, with that stupid grin on his face and taking another quick swig of water was all he could do from breaking any constraints and trying to catch his long term rival unaware.

    Thoughts of a brutal onesided show aside, the bell rung and Zach's hands went back up. He stepped out into the ring and blinked, suddenly snapping his head back into place after an unforseen punch from Jerry in Zach's blindspot caught him in the side of his head. And still with that bloody smile. Was this really a college rivalry or did Jerry want to die today? Zach threw a series of punches and then threw in a knee to get some distance. Jerry backed up and without losing the smile, spit at Zach.


    The crowd held their breath immediately after their exclamation as Zach unleashed his built rage. Something clicked in Zach's mind though and the resounding impact that followed...


    There had been no contest that day. Jerry had been blocking even, but there was nothing he could do against a fist that suddenly weighed and had the momentum of what Zach could only figure to be more than a couple tons. Zach had promised that he would never wish death on another person that day.

    He'd been in isolation, gone back to his parents, since then and he'd experimented some with his powers but for the most part held off out of fear. He could make himself as light as a feather, and if not for his clothing weighing him down, he might've blown away with the wind that day. And then he'd had to be careful when in his bedroom on the second story and his weight quickly became something too heavy for the building's structure.

    And throughout that entire anxious period, he had only received hate from his former friends, a distaste and unwelcoming from the community, and a distancing from his own family. Zach was the odd one out and seemingly had no outside social interests. Until a couple of days ago, Zach had received an invitation, already arranged for travel, to the Cullen Institute, somewhere where supposedly he would be more welcome. If he didn't like it, the Institute would send him back, free of charge. And Zach decided, why not? His parents didn't even care anymore, they treated him as if he had already died for the most part.

    But now, as he stared off into the country side, he wondered if any of this was actually going to be worth while. What were the Headmasters' names again? Would he really be welcomed in?

    "We're here, kid. Get out."

    The taxi had come to a stop in Zach's search for the invitation, and his destination had snuck up on him. Zach exited the vehicle, paid the driver, and looked up to see the front gates of the Cullen Institute.


  2. #2
    Ethan Daniels
    Ethan 'Ion' Daniels saw the taxi pull up in front of the gate. He already told Locksmith to let their prospective student inside and it would take the young man a few minutes to walk down the paved driveway. It was about a 3/4 of a mile hike.

    Even though he had done this numerous times, he always felt nervous meeting a newcomer to the school grounds. First impressions of him, the school, and their mission were imperative to anyone coming here, seeking a place where they can fit in.

    He fidgeted with his jacket lapel, straightening out the black fabric again to remove that one small wrinkle that somehow set in. Trying to find something else for his fingers to do, Ethan brought them down at his sides and relaxed. That lasted three seconds and now were held together in front of him. "Yeah," he nodded in confidence, "Better."

    And then it happened!


    A dodge ball to the side of his head from out of no where!

    He groaned quietly to himself as dark brows formed in on one another. "Ow ..."

    "Sorry Mr. Daniels!!!!"

    His perfect stance. Ruined.

    It was Shoah that had called out, racing out of breath in a panicked state. He was a boy of 11 that one of Maxine's duplicates had found while studying in Japan. He had the ability to fly by gliding with the use of flaps underneath his arms; Just like a flying squirrel. "I um picked the wrong Molly. She's good at her illusions." He picked the ball up and bounced it sheepishly.

    "It's ok." Ethan ran a hand through his hair and Shoah beamed up at him before noticing a figure coming down the sidewalk.

    The boy saddled up close to the Headmaster with curiosity. "Who's that?"

    "A new student perhaps. It depends on if he likes it here."
    Last edited by Miranda Tarkin; Mar 3rd, 2008 at 10:25:11 PM.

  3. #3
    Zachariah Irons
    Zach, with his duffel bag and backpack, carrying really the only few things he had been willing to take with him, slowly made his way down the drive way. No one had mentioned a walk but maybe it was good, the walk. He needed a bit to clear his mind, away from everyone, prejudiced taxi drivers, to unforgiving parents, to the buried remains of Jerry Calahan.

    The gate had seemed ornate enough and the building that started to appear behind the trees fit the gates construction perfectly. The building was like a university building but somehow better, as if some real taste had been put into the architecture. Zach had taken a couple classes as his electives but couldn't say much more beyond that.

    An older fellow stood at the steps leading to the front door of the building and beside him was a kid who kinda looked like he was wearing a cape but not. Zach really didn't know where to go from here. He wasn't sure if there was a moment of awkwardness, having walked up as two people observed his approach. But he figured he might as well say something.

    "Uh, yeah... I'm Zach Irons... I received this invitation..."

    Holding up the letter addressed to him in his right hand.

  4. #4
    Ethan Daniels
    "And I'm the one that sent it." Ethan offered a most pleasant smile and extended his hand. "I'm Ethan Daniels, Headmaster here at the Institute."

    "And I'm Shoah!" He bounced the ball while trying to figure out if he liked this new guy or not. It only took a few seconds before he reached his conclusion. "Nice to meet you. Maybe if you stay, we can play ball sometime?"

  5. #5
    Zachariah Irons
    Headmaster, like the Dean, right? The last Dean Zach had met hadn't been that nice but given the circumstances that he was a freak and had caused the death of a fellow college student in an unsanctioned fight... But this was a new guy, new Dean, defintely different perspective. Definitely.

    And this kid, play ball? This wasn't just a college then? Younger kids were to be expected? Zach wasn't sure he was up for babysitting either. Zachariah had never had younger siblings but he'd done some community service for his fraternity now and then.

    "Yeah, sounds great."

    Zach rubbed the back of his neck as he let the duffel slide to the ground, the straps still in his grasp.

    "Well, uh, thanks Mr. Daniels. I appreciate the invite. There weren't really any instructions or anything so I just brought my stuff I thought you guys would need... Uh, so where to next?"

  6. #6
    Ethan Daniels
    "Awesome!" Shoah's smile took up most of his face before he ran off to rejoin his friends.

    "We can either go to my office to talk in private or we can talk during the tour," Ethan replied pleasantly. "Oh and here."

    He turned around and signaled towards the front door. A woman of bright red hair and aged wisdom came outside to greet Zach. "Hello young man. I'll take that up to your room while you and Ethan chat."

    Ethan beamed at her. "This is Clara. She's my secretary and has been at the Institute for a long time. She's knows all the ins and outs."
    Last edited by Miranda Tarkin; Mar 6th, 2008 at 06:49:40 PM.

  7. #7
    Zachariah Irons
    "Oh, uh, thanks ma'am, I appreciate it."

    Zach awkwardly handed his things to the kind woman, a bit at unease with someone taking his bags to the room that was supposedly his, even if he didn't know where it was. He turned to Mr. Daniels with a smirk, doing a poor job at hiding at his unease.

    "I suppose your office would be better. I just gotta... figure this out I guess. And I don't want to mess up the fungshway you guys have around here."

    Honestly, the place seemed very peaceful. Very peaceful for a place that harbored mutants like Zach that could very well cause a serious amount of damage. It was daunting, the power, wasn't it? On the flight over here, what if Zach had suddenly begun to use his power, uncontrollably or something, and then the plane would have crashed out of the sky. Would Zach have come out unharmed? How could he live with himself after something like that? Zach tried to stifle the anxiety as he smiled and bit his lip in a moment of awkward silence.

    "Uh, lead the way, Mr. Daniels."


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