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Thread: Rant about stupid parents...

  1. #21
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    I never got a spoon or spatula.. a plastic hairbrush once, though.

    My Dad never spanked me that I remember, my mom was always the mean one.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loklorien s'Ilancy View Post
    I don't know about anyone else, but I had spoons and spatulas broken on my hiney.
    You don't need to do that if you can scare the crap out of your kids instead and be very, very consistent.

  3. #23
    Laodice Laos
    My parents were big on lecturing. I'd come home and they'd be sitting in the living room with glasses of water (which meant they were going to talk enough for their throats to get parched) and a bible on the coffee table.

    The only time I remember getting smacked was when I was about nine and called my mother a very nasty name that rhymes with 'stunt'. She came at me and I threw my Kool-Aid on her and ran like sixty. Didn't come home until well after the streetlights were lit.

    Man oh man did I ever get it. Mostly because I'd scared the crap out my parents by taking off, but also because I was a mouthy little brat.
    Last edited by Laodice Laos; Jul 4th, 2007 at 03:06:47 PM.

  4. #24
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Quote Originally Posted by Morgan Evanar View Post
    You don't need to do that if you can scare the crap out of your kids instead and be very, very consistent.
    Usually the threat of a spanking was enough, but there were those times when that just wouldn't do it.

    Remember that hornets' nest I was telling you about yesterday?

  5. #25
    My kids are not saints, they drive me and my wife crazy. If you look at my oldest daughter's room you'd swear a bomb went off. My son constantly gets into fights with our oldest daughter, my youngest daughter can't be corrected without pouting and bursting into tears. I could go on and on. I love my kids, they're GOOD kids, they're not suppose to be perfect.

    I can't imagine life without my 3 monsters. Who but the boy would I take to see Transformers again this weekend?

    "Dad, you killed the zombie Flanders!" "He was a zombie?"

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jedieb View Post
    Who but the boy would I take to see Transformers again this weekend?
    Yeah, that's a good way to see it as many times you like

  7. #27
    Kat Kariena
    Quote Originally Posted by Wyl Staedtler View Post
    You can't spank kids anymore, it's abuse.

    It's only abuse if you strike in anger. There is a fine line there, I know, but it's true. I can remember many many times when I ticked my parents off and my mother would slam that attitude stick on the chair or the kitchen table because she was so angry at us, but she NEVER hit us in anger. EVER. Dad was the same way. I can remember the one (and only) time I ticked him off bad... he punched hallway wall.

    I'm sorry, but I am a firm believer in a good spanking as a last resort. Some children honestly won't listen if you tell them they have to sit in the corner for fifteen minutes... that does nothing. My sister used to babysit for some kids where that was the punnishment. They were spoiled brats. My sister was the only person in that house that they obeyed because she actually followed through when diciplining.

    My parents gave me three chances, sometimes two. If I didn't correct my behavior the attitude stick came out (though, honestly, usually just the threat of it was enough ). Point is, we all knew it wasn't an idle threat, they would follow through if we didn't behaive. I guess that's the key really... following through with dicipline...

    Seriously, some kids need a good spanking... their all to spoiled

    Then again... I never want to have kids... so I guess I'm safe.

  8. #28
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    I never got any chances

  9. #29
    Kat Kariena
    Sad... I usually got to the count of three and then my parents would do something. Sometimes it was the stick, sometimes it was sitting in a chair for ten minutes and I wasn't allowed to read, color, or really do anything (this was my mother trying to get me to talk or "understand" what I had done)... other times my dad would lecture me (this brand of dicipline never worked very well with me... I generally tuned out...). I guess I got a little bit of everything.

  10. #30
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    Well, for me after the first spanking that pretty much set the bar. Sure there were a few times that I went beyond that and I'm not afraid to admit that I deserved the spankings that I got, but generally the thought of being punished was enough.

    Like your parents, mine never hit me out of anger.

    As I got older though spankings shifted to grounding, but those never worked, since I already sequestered myself in my room and drew or wrote as it was.

    me: okay

  11. #31
    Alexia Marzullo
    [QUOTE=Kat Kariena;234932] I can remember the one (and only) time I ticked him off bad... he punched hallway wall.[QUOTE]

    My dad did the same thing, we had a whole in the hallway wall because of my dad.

    My parents are horrible with following through with the punishment, that's why my brother and sister are bad kids... well they aren't that bad, but they definately have their moments

  12. #32
    Mr. Feint
    Some children honestly won't listen if you tell them they have to sit in the corner for fifteen minutes...
    My parents did this in the ealier stages of my life, and I loved it to hell. I had a big imagination as a child, and still do, and you can entertain yourself immensly in the corner for however long your stuck there. My parents probably had to threaten me with a spanking just to get me out of the corner, because I was only halfway through my sock puppet play.

    Spankings are really the only way to go. Me. I don't have children, but I have a lot of siblings below the age of ten, and since my parents don't like me spanking them, I just send them to their beds for hours, and it is punishment to them. They cry themselves to sleep, stay out of my hair, and get a nice nap while at it. I make sure they don't have any toys or any way of ammusing themselves. They're imaginations, unlike mine, do not work without something to manifest it through. All I ever needed was a finger nail and belly button lint, and I had plenty of that.

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