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Thread: Hijack: Exotic Foods

  1. #21
    Cat X
    Quote Originally Posted by Parsideon Denix View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cat X View Post
    I LOVE Oysters kilpatrick
    Not familiar with this dish, but I occasionally eat raw oysters. I have to be somewhere rather near the coast, because I will only eat fresh. They're an experience. Best with good beer and an endless supply.

    And if you want to win my heart ladies... make me some chili octopus. Best damn thing ever
    Forgot about octopus. It was more or less calamari to me. Good mind you, but nothing special.
    Oysters Kilpatrick is Oysters marinated in worstershire sauce, diced bacon, cooked very fast at very high heat, served with sea salt. Make sure you eat them when very hot too.

    The mistake most make with octopus is to cook it for too long so it does become like squid / calamari. You grill them fast and hot to keep it soft and tender. Marinated in sweet chili sauce, with a bit of spice and peppers. With some mushrooms, it's a meal fit for a king.

    I also prefer a good sate. Now sate, done properly, isnt the quick blow your head off type curry or chili - it's supposed to sneak up and get you about 5 minutes after eating. Smooth when eating, the chili, spices and curry are masked by things liek the cocnut milk, so that you get a wicked slow burn.

  2. #22
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    Raw rock oysters

    About the only meat I won't eat are bull testicles (had some at a branding ages ago; never again), and fugu.

    Oh yeah; and no bugs

  3. #23
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    Try the root stew, you will. Taste good, it does.
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    I would try it once, at least. Jellied meat kind of scares me.
    If you do, please have someone video record your reaction as you eat it

    The Shower Head; episode sixteen, season seven.

    The whole exchange between Elaine, Peterman, and Kramer is damn priceless
    Thanks, I will check it out!

  4. #24
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Well hell's bells, boy! Come on over! We can have an exotic meat feeding frenzy and watch Seinfeld all the way from season one to season seven!

  5. #25
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    Try the root stew, you will. Taste good, it does.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loklorien s'Ilancy View Post
    Well hell's bells, boy! Come on over! We can have an exotic meat feeding frenzy and watch Seinfeld all the way from season one to season seven!
    That sounds wonderful!

    (I am not sure when I would be able to pull that off, but I will keep it in mind)

  6. #26
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    I love bison burgers, they're amazing. Same with ostrich burgers.

    Also, I cannot watch Seinfeld anymore. After the show ended I realized what utterly horrid people the characters were and it disgusted me instead of entertained me from there on out.

  7. #27
    Kat Kariena
    mmmm... bison... ostrich.... venison... Especially when my German-Jewish grandfather makes the venison... best Thanksgiving EVER but that's another story ^_^

    Honestly, I would have to try almost everything named here once before I could speak on the edibility of it, never had calmari or any other such thing.... every time I remind my mother that I've never had lobster she says she'll take me out to get some, but then again, she's been saying that since I was about 16 XD

    I grew up feathering chickens and venison (my grandfather is an avid hunter). Sooo yeah... ^_^ And yes, venison jerkey is heaven bwahahahaha!!!

  8. #28
    Laodice Laos
    I ate dog in Portugal. It had the texture of a pot roast, and was a little heavy on the grease with a super strong aftertaste. Wasn't that great, plus it made you feel guilty when you found out what it was.

    Also locusts are incredibly good. We had them fried in a sweet chili sauce and they're really meat & surprisingly chickenlike.

    Never tried venison, but moosemeat was a dissapointment. A friends dad used to hunt and make sausage out of moose, and it left a rough, coated feeling in your mouth. Never really enjoyed it. Bear meat was the same, it was far too fatty for my palate. Squirell kebabs are dandy with a good barbeque sauce.

  9. #29
    Parsideon Denix
    Yeah I have heard that bear is really oily. People say that it works well in a stew though, so that might be worth seeing.

    I've been keen on trying grasshoppers for a while, as I hear they are ideal in terms of insect cuisine. They advise to remove the hind legs though, so to avoid getting jabbed in your mouth or throat.

  10. #30
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Meat I want to try:


    There's probably a few other's I'm forgeting, though.

  11. #31
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    Well, I feel like a herbivore in comparison to the rest of you. I haven't nibbled anywhere near as many different animals. I think I'm quite comfortable with that being the case.

  12. #32
    Parsideon Denix
    I don't think that we have any major carnivorous habits, it's just that we're keen on trying different things. When it's my choice, I usually opt for vegetarian cuisine a good portion of the time.

  13. #33
    Alexia Marzullo
    Quote Originally Posted by Young Vymes View Post
    Are you treating that smoothie as an entire meal? Every smoothie I've seen is a total calorie bomb. Don't have them on any kind of a casual basis. Most of them are incredibly full of sugar. While you do get vitamins and fiber in most, as well as benefit from calcium & protein in the yogurt, I'm not sure it's worth taking in all of the sugar that you find in those.

    I know a guy who is a former bodybuilder who has a smoothie shop, and he is very careful to break down his smoothies into lots of macronutrient needs. I've had some of his protein-infused smoothies with creatine and glutamine, but those were relatively low sugar and I was on a bulking phase of my lifts, so I could handle the huge bulk of carbohydrates in it.

    Just read the fine print, I guess. Places like Planet Smoothie are generally junk.
    Actually I do use them as meal replacements, I get them on my break at work sometimes. I sometimes only get a short break and there is a smoothie place right next store, so I just run in and grab one.

    But thanks for the advice, I will be more careful with my smoothie choices

    and I agree with Dasq, the craziest thing (for me) that I've ever tried is gator and I'm good with that - chicken, turkey and the occasional red meat I do are are perfectly fine with me

    Are the only meats that are not allowed to be eaten are meats from endangered animals? Or would dog and cat meat be allowed to be eaten in America?

  14. #34
    Laodice Laos
    Question: What about all-fruit smoothies?

    On days that I'm not able to get out on the water I usually have a huge banana-strawberry-blue+raspberry soymilk smoothie midmorning, in lieu of breakfast & lunch. Mostly because I thought it was fairly low calorie.

  15. #35
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    Not low calorie, but probably not bad for you. IMO.

  16. #36
    Parsideon Denix
    Quote Originally Posted by Alexia Marzullo View Post
    Actually I do use them as meal replacements, I get them on my break at work sometimes. I sometimes only get a short break and there is a smoothie place right next store, so I just run in and grab one.

    But thanks for the advice, I will be more careful with my smoothie choices
    Okay, as long as its not "just a drink" sort of thing. Also, are you taking a multivitamin?

    Are the only meats that are not allowed to be eaten are meats from endangered animals? Or would dog and cat meat be allowed to be eaten in America?
    I'm sure there is some way that you could butcher such animals, but I don't know how you'd get the green light.

    Quote Originally Posted by Laodice Laos View Post
    Question: What about all-fruit smoothies?

    On days that I'm not able to get out on the water I usually have a huge banana-strawberry-blue+raspberry soymilk smoothie midmorning, in lieu of breakfast & lunch. Mostly because I thought it was fairly low calorie.
    Soy milk is loaded with calories, and these smoothies usually have juice added from concentrate. It's sugars and some vitamin content. As I said before, watch the sugar and make sure that's within your limits, and if it is, replace a meal with that smoothie. You would still be better off eating whole fruit, since that also gives you the added benefit of fiber.

  17. #37
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    My friend and I went chipmunk hunting at his house with pellet guns and stewed them up. I wouldn't recomend it, those furry little suckers are too stringy.

  18. #38
    Laodice Laos
    I never buy my smoothies, because the local shop uses sherbert in everything which completely defeats the purpose. Make 'em at home and juice is never an ingredient. Eating fruit is a difficult thing for me, so smoothies sort of help disguise them.

    Should I be adding something to it, supplement wise, since it's basically a replacement for two meals?

  19. #39
    Parsideon Denix
    Quote Originally Posted by Karl Valten View Post
    My friend and I went chipmunk hunting at his house with pellet guns and stewed them up. I wouldn't recomend it, those furry little suckers are too stringy.
    Eat to survive.

  20. #40
    Parsideon Denix
    Quote Originally Posted by Laodice Laos View Post
    I never buy my smoothies, because the local shop uses sherbert in everything which completely defeats the purpose. Make 'em at home and juice is never an ingredient. Eating fruit is a difficult thing for me, so smoothies sort of help disguise them.

    Should I be adding something to it, supplement wise, since it's basically a replacement for two meals?
    If you're just having fruit and ice then you're doing fine and you might even want to add unflavored yogurt to the mix in order to bulk it up slightly. You won't spike the sugar with unflavored yogurt so that is why I recommend it.

    As for adding stuff to it, I say no. It's just simpler to take a multivitamin really. The only time I ever have stuff added is when I'm at the bodybuilder's restaurant because he's got stuff like creatine which isn't a major macronutrient anyway.

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