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Thread: Why would Peter Jackson...

  1. #1

    Question Why would Peter Jackson...

    want New Line to disclose the LOTR trilogy Domestic and International and DVD Money take, and have it reviewed by an indepentant auditer, if the studio's are always honest about the figures they claim that their said films make? Now i realize it's not that cut and dry but that's the jist of it.
    Basically what Im asking, is it getting more and more obvious that the Box-office is rigged just like i have said for years?? Is this further proof?? or is there something i'm missing ?? I know CMJ just loves conspiracy

  2. #2
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    I might return to RPing if those scrumptious Gue twins would come back. Figrin Sandwich, am I right?
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    This is a really, really long story. If you want more info about the, has covered this from pretty much every angle. The crux of this though is, quite simply, Wingnut Films (Jackson's company) feels that there are financial discrepancies involving the DVD sales of the LOTR films, and since the compensation Wingnut Films is supposed to get from New Line is directly proportional to total DVD sales, Jackson feels his company has been short-changed. They asked New Line to disclose the total sales numbers, which is something that they aren't necessarily required to do. New Line refused, and this has basically escalated in such a manner that Wingnut has filed a lawsuit against New Line over the matter, and New Line has cut all ties with Jackson (this is why it's very unlikely that any potential film version of "The Hobbit" will not be directed by Jackson).

    This really doesn't have anything to do with direct box office take. It's more about one side saying "You didn't pay me what you promised, I want a third party to look at the books" and the other side replying with "You got what you should have, go screw yourself."

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Figrin D'an View Post
    This is a really, really long story. If you want more info about the, has covered this from pretty much every angle. The crux of this though is, quite simply, Wingnut Films (Jackson's company) feels that there are financial discrepancies involving the DVD sales of the LOTR films, and since the compensation Wingnut Films is supposed to get from New Line is directly proportional to total DVD sales, Jackson feels his company has been short-changed. They asked New Line to disclose the total sales numbers, which is something that they aren't necessarily required to do. New Line refused, and this has basically escalated in such a manner that Wingnut has filed a lawsuit against New Line over the matter, and New Line has cut all ties with Jackson (this is why it's very unlikely that any potential film version of "The Hobbit" will not be directed by Jackson).

    This really doesn't have anything to do with direct box office take. It's more about one side saying "You didn't pay me what you promised, I want a third party to look at the books" and the other side replying with "You got what you should have, go screw yourself."
    Cool, that actually makes more sense. I'll check out the Onering, on that. Thanks Figrin!!


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