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Thread: The Movies

  1. #1

    The Movies

    Anybody else play this yet? I got it for christmas, haven't done much with it yet, but it seems cool. Too bad there are no fantasy sets or swords so you can't do historical epics or fantasy flicks. Although, I hear there will be an expansion for this.

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Is it like the Sims? I've seen it in stores, haven't played it though.

  3. #3
    It is similar in that you create actors and such. Though it is very different in that you make you own movies. You can even write your own scripts.

  4. #4
    My sister also got it for Christmas. i wanted it for myself 3 years ago when i first read about it in a mag preview, but I'm kind of out of gaming nowadays.

    From what I've seen, it's like the Sims except instead of building a home and rasining a family you instead build a movie studio complete with sets for different movies (sci fi, western, comedy etc), hire actors, build trailers and other amusements for them to keep them happy, market films and release them to the public. If the films is successful you earn more money and can then expand your studio with more sets, actors etc.

    The cool thing is that you can actually view the films that get made (and even the scene they're filming right at that time). I won't forget the first film my sister made - it featured some guy - I think it was a sci fi, with a helmet on his head wandering around a stage for about 5 mins. What was even more hilarious was reading some critics comments (yes, the game even has its own critic system for when you release films) commenting how wonderful the 'special effects' were etc. Fortunately most critics called it trash (because it was).

    To sum up, it's like playing a Hollywood studio from the beginning back in the early 20th century. i'm not sure but I think you can run your studio right up to the modern era, which means eventually somebody will probably try to recreate Star Wars.

  5. #5
    Yeah it is a fun game in that way. Although don't expect to be able to make really long movies. I tried to make one that had 20 some scenes and the actors were filming it for several years and it still wasn't done. I have figured out the most you can do in a reasonable time frame is 5 or 6 scenes unless they come up with some mod to speed up the filming process. There might even be one out there now.

  6. #6
    Mitara Sinar
    In the sandbox mode of the game, you can set it to "instant filming" so if you want to do a REALLY big film, go in to that mode, set it to the year you want to start in, and go crazy!

  7. #7
    Ok cool, I hadn't tried that yet, that might explain it heh. I hadn't been messing with yet was waiting to get my new computer to have a faster machine to play it. Lucky I got my new comptuer today.


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