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Thread: Fate of the clones after ROTS

  1. #1

    Fate of the clones after ROTS

    After watching ROTS, I wondered about the fate of the clones. Now in the original trilogy, I was under the impression that the stormtroopers were average conscrpited humans. I thought for a moment that the stormtroopers could've been clones, but in that case the empire would've had an unbeatable army. So if the stormtroopers are humans, what happened to all the clones? Did they stop cloning and let the clones die off in war? Or did something happen to them?

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    The stormtroopers are still clones, just from different hosts by that time, since Kaminoan clones superannuate rather fast. The first batch would probably be dying of old age at 20 years or so.

  3. #3
    I just assumed that by the time of ANH, the Empire was conscripting humans, so the troopers were a mix of older clones and average joes who signed up or were drafted.

  4. #4
    My belief is that this is something that Lucas will correct in later revisions of the OT. I really think he will have Temuera Morrison come in a re-record all Stormtrooper lines and then we will have our answer. To me there's no reason why Jango's DNA can't be preserved forever and used to create as many clones as the Emperor would need.

  5. #5
    Darth McBain
    I agree with Jinn, I think that they're probably mostly clones, but as the Empire grows, they have to have regular guys joining the army, so it's probably a mix. But JMK brings up a good point too - they should be able to save Jango's DNA indefinitely. Maybe they somehow lost the ability to actually make clones - I got the impression that it isn't the most mainstream technology in the SW Universe, so maybe the Kaminoans decided against doing business with the Empire once it was declared. Ahh, total speculation, but who knows?

  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    If they could keep Jango's DNA indefinitely, there would be no need to house him long-term on Kamino, would there?

  7. #7
    Darth McBain
    Originally posted by Anbira Hicchoru
    If they could keep Jango's DNA indefinitely, there would be no need to house him long-term on Kamino, would there?
    Another good point - I wouldn't exactly call Kamino a hot vacation destination, so he probably wouldn't be hanging out there if they didn't need him for one reason or another in the cloning process...

  8. #8
    It just seemed strange though, if stormtroopers had still been clones, they would have easily creamed the alliance, so maybe they did lose the ability to clone.

  9. #9
    Listen, we can recover DNA from people long gone, we can do all kinds of things.

    The SW universe has hyperdrives, lightsabers and battle stations the size of a moon. They have the technology to preserve DNA indefinetly.

    I'm not sure why the Kaminoans keep Jango, but I'm sure it's not to get fresh samples.

  10. #10
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Originally posted by MercZ
    It just seemed strange though, if stormtroopers had still been clones, they would have easily creamed the alliance, so maybe they did lose the ability to clone.
    Or began cloning other templates that were less qualified than the original.

  11. #11
    Then again, most sci-fi cloning plots from Doctor Who to Star Trek: The Next Generation speak of something called "genetic drift", wherein like VHS, the more you copy, the worse the copies get. So I'll also go along with the idea that it later became a mix and the Clone Wars clones are in the Old Clones home by the time of the OT. Maybe a few are still senior stormtroopers or trainers, but that would be about it.

  12. #12
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Not likely, considering the artificial growth acceleration. These guys would probably croak fast.

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    Let's not forget in AHN they're all different heights and one bonks his head against a doorway, proving either they messed up in the cloning process and created a tall one, or he's just a regular Joe-Stormtrooper conscript, OR they started cloning taller humans.

    I believe there was a battle at Kamino in the EU during the Clone Wars, wasn't there? I haven't read the book/comic, but perhaps during the battle the cloning facilities are destroyed.

  14. #14
    That could be a possibility. The thing that confused me was that before the prequels came out, the books in the expanded universe stated that cloning was lost after the clone wars and palpatine had some of the few remaining tanks. Maybe the people on Kamino sabatoged them to make sure that they wouldn't be used for surpression. And the other idea is good too, maybe the more they cloned, the more bad the results were.

  15. #15
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    But what about the 'Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?' line from the Princess?

  16. #16
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    This is not the Empress you're looking for

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    Who knows. I mean, Leia may or may not have been the another Yoda spoke to with Ben in ESB's.

    Anyline from the OT you have to second guess Well, I do at least

  17. #17
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    The cloning facility is not destroyed at the battle of Kamino.

    Originally posted by MercZ
    That could be a possibility. The thing that confused me was that before the prequels came out, the books in the expanded universe stated that cloning was lost after the clone wars and palpatine had some of the few remaining tanks. Maybe the people on Kamino sabatoged them to make sure that they wouldn't be used for surpression. And the other idea is good too, maybe the more they cloned, the more bad the results were.
    Spaarti and Kaminoan cloning methods are not anything close to each other.

    EU < Canon, and especially the older EU stuff should be taken with a huge grain of salt, since that whole junk pile is a retcon waiting to happen.

  18. #18
    Did anyone here suspect, back in the 80's & 90's (and I guess the old farts here that remember SW back in the 70's) that Stormtroopers were clones, or the successors of the clones?

  19. #19
    Darth McBain
    I honestly never thought about it until the late 90s when I heard that the prequels were coming out. I was thinking when Luke mentioned the Clone Wars that maybe we'd get to see what they were all about in these new movies, which got me to thinking if there were clones, where are they now? I'd say I was probably 50-50 in thinking they might be stormtroopers, but they might be something else entirely... Who knew at that point...

  20. #20
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    Originally posted by s'Ilancy
    But what about the 'Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?' line from the Princess?
    I think the Empire had target heights. It used to be a common thing in some militaries.

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