(OOC- Each character that I have ever written has a unique history. But each character is unexplainably connected with every other character I have created. Most of the time this is psychological, they have the same "existence" because I am their writer. This thread is dedicated to me, reliving the moments that I hold dear in my past 9 years of online storytelling. Call it a director's cut, where I make all the decisions, a textual re mastering of the film of my imagination, slightly inspired by Half-Life 2. A series of posts, that will shift through the eyes of my memories and through....)

Time. It was time. The Imperial Star Destroyer Mk II Solar Phoenix looked down at the Kothlis. A Falleen wearing the rank of Colonel sat his desk finishing paperwork. He had just claimed virtual control of the Sluis Sector Imperial command. He Glanced over at the Plaque on the wall. It was a medal presented by the Emperor for extreme vigilance. That vigilance had recently paid off.

It had been weeks since the activity around Kothlis had subsided. This was dangerous to the future of the Empire. The rumors were true. Grand Moff Jacob Wells had been frozen in stasis. His right hand Man had fled. Hours ago, Grand Moff Psycho Xizor had taken control of the Situation.


Several Minutes later Xizor had arrived on the Deck of the ISD, clad in his gleaming new rank. His Battle group had received word that the New Grand Admiral, Fox Thrawndo, had arrived on the other side of the Planet.

A lieutenant approached from the Faleen's Left.

"Sir, Minister Darkheart and Moff Mityob have accepted your leadership. The Minister sends her good will, and word that her battle group, along with Moff Mityob's will secure the rest of the Sector in your Name."

"Very good, lieutenant. Dismissed."

Things were proceeding too calmly for a Military Coup...


Deep within the bowls of the Imperial Palace on Kothlis, the anouncement of the Coup's completion had echoed through the garrison of Jacob Wells's most loyal Cadre of elite soldiers. This...development would require His Excelency Grand Moff Wells to be awakened to deal with this threat to his Empire.

Moments later a legion of Wells's Elite Storm commandos Surrounded the white-marble halls of the Palace. A heavily armored Jacob Wells sat in the command center. Awakened. And Angry.


The Falleen showed no emotion as the Lieutenant detailed the bloodless take over his agents near the Palace had just witnessed. Wells was powerful, powerful enough to retain the loyalty of the troops in the Palace. Perhaps loyal enough to force the Coup into submission.

"Lieutenant Jennings. Have the codes on the planetary shield generators changed by our loyal ISB agents. Do the same with the planetary batteries. Wells will not play nice with them."

Jennings nodded silently, then disappeared to secure the planet.

"Let the Ex-Moff have his fun. We will rule the Day." He said quietly to himself. "Give the orders to My battle group and Thrawndo's Battle group to prepare to bombard the Palace. Wait for my signal."

"As you wish Grand Moff Xizor."


"Sir, Xizor is no where to be found."

"Silence. Bring the commanding officer of the Kothlis Planetary forces."


"You may fire when ready Commander."

"Sir...I am loyal to the Empire, but I will not fire on my comrades." The Commander Stood defiantly.

"Such is a shame." He did not turn, and made no movement, aside from closing his eyes.

The dark side of the force filled the bridge. It would play on the fear of all on board. But a much crueler fate would be at hand for the Commander of the ISD.

All at once the commander's skin began to burn with evil. His internal organs began to burst. His blood boiled, his bones splintered inward tearing through his body. The man fell limp to the floor, physically burning with the left over kinetic energy from the Dark Side.

The bombardment began without another word.


An explosion shook the ground. Then another. Then Another.

"Sir! Psycho is bombing the planet!"

"Interesting swing of events. He is a fool." The former Emperor's hand walked to the computer and entered the codes to override and turn on the shielding immediately around the surviving parts of the Imperial Palace.

"Moff Wells, the Entire western wing of the palace has collapsed. Casualties are higher, but moral to your cause is even higher. Xizor's mistake will be his undoing. Even now the forces are falling under your control"


In orbit, all members of the two battle groups declared their loyalty to their Commanders, and directly to Xizor. Fighters were prepared, as were landing teams. Preparation to retake the planet was beginning, even as Wells's army swelled to larger numbers on the surface.


But it would not be necessary. Several Squads of ISB Storm Commandos had breached the palace and stormed into the command center. Many would die, but it was for the Empire. An everlasting gift the their Beloved ex-leader. He had inspired them to be their best. And now they would.


Several Days later, The Grand Moff would sign the execution order for the traitor Jacob Wells. The empire was now...


His time was up. The wrong man in the right place had made all the difference. But it was time to move on. The fabric of time would be folded unexplainably. Soon his time would come again.