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Thread: It's been a very long time

  1. #1

    It's been a very long time

    Hi guys!

    So, um, I was a member here in like... 2015? And I accidentally clicked on this link in a very old favourites archive and got all nostalgic, so thought I'd rejoin and say hi and stuff! I was hoping you guys had a Discord or something I could join and look into actually RPing with you all again, but, uh, I couldn't find it, so I thought I'd register here and say hi instead!

  2. #2
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Zereth Lancer's Avatar
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    Sep 2002
    Aboard the starship Star of Oblivion
    Gamer IDs

    Gamertag: Karagane Steam ID: Davendude
    Welcome back! Always a pleasure to see an old face!

  3. #3
    Thanks! I realise it'd help if I said who I was XD.

    It was so long ago I don't remember exactly what characters I had here. I know I had a Star Tours operator and a pink-obsessed padawan XD. I wrote the DC bit with you guys for a while too, writing Supergirl and Stephanie Brown, if I remember rightly.

  4. #4
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    The Scorpion Queen

    Has been a member for 5 years or longer
    Satkia Beltrak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Nar Shaddaa
    Welcome back!

  5. #5
    Thanks! So, um, is there a Discord group or anything to char and plan or is it all done via the forum?

  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Admin

    DragonCon 09
    Loklorien s'Ilancy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Oh, about.
    Gamer IDs

    Gamertag: W4BSY Steam ID: ApexLupine
    Welcome back! We have a Discord for sure. I'll get to having an invite sent to you

  7. #7
    Thank you! Just helps me get involved again and talk to people haha XD. All my old accounts are deleted now (which, y'know, fair, it's been seven years) and I don't know if I was here long enough to be remembered, but it'd be fun to get involved again.

    My Discord is Leah#9796 if it helps.


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