Vic took in how Cleo mouthed the word "brothel" and she got even more curious about her. The redhead loved getting into trouble - and dragging others along with her. She raised a brow as it seemed the word puzzled her. She smiled sweetly even though her mind was always leaping to the gutter, her favorite place.

"Have you heard of brothels before?"

She nodded when the Jedi confirmed they were headed to the temple first to deliver the diplomatic gifts. Also Cleo's accent was freaking adorable. She fell in stride with the girl, appreciating the tour guide.

"You're doing just fine! I Wouldn't really know where to start and would probably end everywhere a visitor isn't supposed to go,"
she replied with a chuckle.

"Trouble, mmh?"

Now this was getting interesting.

"What kind of trouble do you generally get yourself into?"

She grinned when Cleo asked about her life as a corsair.

"I travel a lot, both for diplomatic missions like this one; but also to seedy places. I like the traveling part and seeing lots of new places and people. I like how versatile the job is. I'm not good at staying put somewhere. And I like a good brawl, among other things."