"Well now, there's the rub of it."

Emelie let a drink of raava take the place of an over dramatic sigh. She wanted to let the question linger, to draw out dramatic purpose but she'd gotten the feeling the Baroness was one for theatrics, up to a point.

"The upper levels. They don't dare drift to Port Town. Not that it's -" A laugh escaped her, barely a breath and yet holding all the amusement that she wanted to show. "Beneath them, simply that they know those of us of the Underworld see through their slimy disguises."

She casually shrugged a shoulder as if they were discussing a change in the weather or a fashion flub at a social event. "They have the socialites wrapped around their portly digits, come toting fine exports and exotic goods while their roots dig deep into the underbelly. I'd be shocked to find that Tenloss wasn't in their pocket."

The last bit was said hastily, a finger drawn to her lips as if the business woman was shocked she'd said such a nasty thing. Tenloss here, in Cloud City? Who would have thought?

"I'm sorry, I have a bad tendency to simply state what's on my mind. Sadly, such a criminal enterprise taking stake in our fair city is but a... rumor. Another ugly, ugly rumor. One that'd take a bit more delving into. The Hutts? They're easy to spot and survey. Others... I'm afraid you'd need more resources to confirm their presence."

All the gods of all the beliefs above and below and wide, she wasn't subtle, was she? No doubt Atton would have a thing or to to say about Emelie's performance here today. But he never understood that part of things. The man with the keys and answer and secrets was so used to hiding in his shadows and pulling strings from behind curtains that he never saw the benefit in just coming out and saying what you wanted. No, Emelie wasn't subtle, nor delicate. At least not now. She could be when the need came about but this entire operation, to serve such a decisive strike, that felt like it needed to be done with all the care of a public execution.

Maybe she was stretching too far too fast. Targeting the Hutts was one thing, and Emelie had more than enough surveillance to offer to rid the entirety of Bespin of their presence should the Empire wish it. That was the door, that was the key. Tenloss... a window in an adjacent building. One frak of a gaudy one that'd irked her since she found out it existed, though.