What Khoovi had expected to be a mere minute had turned into fifteen; and the Shistavanen was fixing to tear a hole in the plating beneath his feet.

Thankfully, the doors to the landing bay resounded with echoing clacks, as the locks disengaged and the huge hydraulics hissed out their monotone song. Khoovi, and every other soul in the landing bay, turned to see.

Before the doors had finished opening, a slender form made its way onto the brightly lit pad.

Khoovi blanched. It was unmistakeably Knight Iscandar, and they had not fully resolved their issues. Iscandar, for her part, did not show anything; not on her face, and thankfully nothing in the Force.

"Cadet Wan," she said, barely slowing down. "Come. You will suffice."

"Yes," he said, and raced to match her pace to a shuttle. "I appreciate the trust and confidence."

Palara glanced down at him, but said nothing else.

"Our destination is Devaron. No stops," the Twi'lek called once they entered the shuttle. The preteen cadet huffed slightly and sat down across from the woman.

"Devaron? That's in Imperial space."

Palara's eyes drifted over to Khoovi once more. Khoovi straightened and dropped his eyes. Shutting up now...

The shuttle lifted off.