The bad news meant preparing. Even in times of peace, there were always some foes willing to trouble the situation of the different clans. Anne despised such annoyances; though she would be prepared. Her sire Gabrielle was the type to almost rejoice at the perspective of a good fight, but it was not in Anne's nature. She would do what was necessary.

"Katia!" She yelled at her handmaiden who was entering the room. "Contact our hunters. I know two of them were heading towards Vezelay. I need them back. Send Isabelle to Nevers immediately. They need to be ready for a secondary attack."

The young brunette, who had been in Anne's service for a hundred years, bowed her head. "Bien sur, ma dame. What about Charlotte? She was scouting for a possible new recruit by the Mont Beuvray." Anne considered the suggestion for a moment but shook her head. "She's a good ace to have up my sleeve, so I'll leave her to her mission."

Anne then moved to the large kitchens nearby, that had partially been transformed into an armory due to the nature of most of its inhabitants. "Be ready for an assault. The renegades are coming. I want all the traps to be checked and replaced if need be."