With a slight whurffle at the reaction to Mister Merikane's drink, Ganuthar once more took a seat on his front mat. His hands took up the partially dismantled droid hand and the scrounged ball of twine.

"This One knows not what they would have done... Fred-die."

It rolled from his tongue with a halting, jerky sound, and the Trianii grimaced.

"Fred-die is uncomforting to speak. This One shall still call you Greyfur."

"Da shoota, kawo na sheekee tay tu tamaay," Old Castarn seemed less than impressed, and the tone of his reedy voice was unmistakable.

"You are always too old for new people," Aine answered, from her spot in front of her shared hovel. She turned her seemingly sightless eyes to Freddie.

Ashivar finished, following her sister's gaze to the boy, "Do not listen to that old Scarface; he is just grumpy because he lost another credit chit at the jakrab races."