"An excellent question."

Was Ezra immediate reply, his face beaming with satisfaction at her asking such a relevant question. It proved all the more that he was right to rescue her from that backwater planet and sponsor her in the Academy.

"No. They cannot procreate. They lack reproduction organs completely. Their purpose is not to breed, or sustain their own numbers. They simply exist to rip and tear; to destroy all before them. I experimented with reproduction to increase their numbers, however they become too distracted with it and their populations exploded out of control and they exhausted all resources quickly. In short, it was unsustainable. In this form they are singularly focused."

Repressing the button caused the blast doors to slide shut again with an ominous thud. Turning around he headed through one of the adjoining doorways and into a laboratory. This one had several circular, enclosed operating theaters. Each was left dark, the observation windows shrouded to hide whatever lurked inside. From several the rumblings of life could be felt in the force, along with the sensations of pain and terror. It was a dull, ruddy thread woven through the background tapestry of the force in this place; made all the more aware by the lack of distraction from the world beyond the ysalamir barrier.

Stepping up to one of the theaters the windows were opened and inside could be see a mass of flesh that seemed without meaning or purpose. There were exposed organs and blood dripped from mangled limbs; twisted and deformed like some animal had been turned inside out, twisted about, and then inverted back. It was impossible to tell what it had once been, but one could almost see the shape it was becoming. Something similar to the brood of Sithspawn seen just moments before, but bigger. There was no life in the room. Whatever it was, or had been, was gone.

"In a combat situation the ability to reinforce one's troops is a necessity. Entire wars are lost prematurely when supply lines are destroyed. I desire something more self-sustaining. To accomplish this I have become devising a brood mothers, like a Queen Ant it would birth new drones to reinforce the brood. As you can see it is not quite complete yet. I like to figure out the shape I desire before I shape a living specimen. When it is finished, as I currently envision, it will be capable of producing unceasing broodlings with only a supply of biomass to feed it. The biomass will be collected by the brood as it rips and tears it way through an enemy. Any living tissue will suffice.

There are other obstacles, of course. Will the Sithspawn I have be capable of ferrying back the biomass once it's dead, or will I need to create a new Sithspawn with the sole purpose of collection dead biomass for the Queen. Also, will the Queen be capable of directly ingesting biomass in any form or will it have to be transformed into something more palatable. I'm considering another Sithspawn form that accomplishes this, with some sort of acidic excretion that can break down the proteins in the body into something more resembling soup. Yes, that is a good idea. I will explore that later. For now, finishing the Queen is my focus. The shape is proving difficult. Birthing canals, multiple stomachs, deciding between placentas or eggs. So many variables."